Tomorrow we are flying!

I am waking up at 3.45 am tomorrow. It's in about 8 hours. And I haven't started packing yet...Right now I am downloading and installing iTunes so that I can put some new music on my iPod...
It's gonna be 9 loooon g days! I am sooo looking forward to it and am so excited! Except..the weather is blowing storm and it is supposed to be really windy is scared!

They said yesterday that it would be something like 128 km/h or  like we say in Sweden, 36,8 meter per second!! Det är orkanvarning...scaaaary!

Anyhow, I bought myself a new digital camera today, and it is sooo nice. So that I can take a lot of pictures of all the weird Norwegians I am gonna see. ☺ Funneeeeh!

But about something else. I quit my job the 8th of March is my last day. And after that I'll see what happens...We might move soon, Tore is talking to companys everywhere right now who wants him...

I realised something the other day when I was walking to work, think it was yesterday actually..I need to cross a bridge every morning to get to work, and from that bridge I can "Cliff" as I call him. It is the cliff formation that looks like a face. The one that made the author of Gulliver's travels come up with the story to begin with...And EVERY morning when I look over to Cliff and say a quiet "good morning", I smile. I think about how happy I am to be here. To have Tore in my life, to work, to travel, to be alive. And I just appreciate life. And I also realised that I had something like that when I lived in Portmarnock. Every morning I walked to work along the beach and saw the sun rise from the water, I just felt so alive. So lucky!

And I think this is something that everybody needs in there life. Something simple that makes them think about how lucky they should be over what they have. I mean, it could always be worse. And to see the beauty in the simplest of things, that is something I do for some weird reason. Even though I might not think that the sunrise is such a small and simple thing (maybe the cliff is ☺)

The cliff is cool tho, I mean, it is a very distinct thing that I will always associate with Belfast. I also call him "Stoneface" =D since he is not very talkative...

Just a quick thank you to my sickly boyfriend as well for making me dinner tonight, (even tho he never ever ever will read my blogg!!)

Need to go now friends, but think about the things in life that make you happy. And if someone smiles at you, smile back..A smile brings a smile...

Cheers from silly me

Me is going to Norway!! =)

I am going to Norway next Thursday. To celebrate easter with my boyfriend and his family. They live up in the northern of Norway, in a city called Tromsö. I am really looking forward to it. I will see snow!! I haven't seen real snow for like two winters now, and I miss it. Ok, it was snowing Sunday morning when we went to Dublin, but that is not the same.  mean, they have METERS of snow up inte Tromsö.

I am soooo looking forward to it! I think I am gonna love it. Well, I know I will. I just hope Tore's mum will like me. I mean, she haven't like any of his previous girlfriends...bad odds...=)

And I will be blond again! I don't know if I told you that I colored my hair brown in the beginning of February. And as I told you in my last blogg thingie, I cut my hair and colored it even darker Friday or Saturday. It is beautiful, but I miss my long blonde hair. So one of Tore's female friends in Oslo, who is a hairdresser, will turn me into a blonde again and then give me extensions..Yeeeeeeeey!

Anyhow, I need to take a shower now, see you later.

My beautiful new friend...=)

I think I told you that I bought a new laptop a few weeks ago... If not, now you know.. =) it was almost £2500.. (oops)

I received it last wednesday, the same day as my sister came visiting me. So I haven't been able to look at it until now, and it is soooooo beautiful. I love it. It is soo fast and soo beautiful (AND heavy..) Its an XPS laptop with 1 TB harddrive (I have two hard drives in it) and nice blue light. The sound is incredible, the graphic card awesome and I have a remote control for it as well...

Haappy =P

Anyhow, that was my new friend. Right now I am downloading the last few updates for World of Warcraft and after that I am gonna be like "Boyfriend, who?" hihi.

My sister was here. She came Wednesday evening, and I went to Dublin by bus to meet her up. She arrived at 11pm and I was there about 10.15, waiting for her. Finally, around 11.30, she came out, and I just ran up and we bumped in together, screaming. You should have seen the people around us. They stopped and had huge smiles in their faces, laughing. I wonder what they were thinking...I was soooo happy to see her again. It was almost nine months since we saw each other. We took the bus at 12.20 and for 2½ hours we were sitting at the bus, chatting, listening to music and laughing. It was soo much fun. I love her!

We were at home around 3.30am and then we went straight to bed. To make this long story short...we went to my job on Thursday so she could meet my colleagues and friends. And then I went to the hairdresser. My hair is now almost to my shoulders! It is short! And then we went shopping!

Friday...we went to the hairdresser and my sister had a haircut. Just to get rid of all the split ends. It looks really nice. And then we went shopping.  We bought dresses to wear for the evening and then we went home to color my hair. I am now, dark dark brown haired. And I don't look like me at all. But it looks nice. =)

We ate dinner and went to a "The Potthouse", if you have read my blogg before, you know what happened there the last time =P It wasn't as bad as that time. We drank and had a lot of fun. Tore, Fred and Bjørn came after the Gem party and they were sooo drunk. It was fun..

Saturday..hangover day. We went for a walk in town and then shopping...again. In the evening we went for a dinner at Speranza since Moddes birthday was on Sunday. And we ate and drank and then we went to a nightclub in The Odyssey called "The box". It was soooo big and sooo fun. Two levels with different music. On the first floor we met a stag party gang, dressed as Magnus Uggla!!! Me and Didi was almost dying of laughter! And Tore and Bjørn were sooo drunk. The box closes at 1am, that is boring, but it was soo difficult to get a taxi home, so Bjørn grabbed a taxi and promised him £20 if he drove us home.
The taxi ride was £4,70 and the tip was £20, so the guy was happy enough.

Sunday...slow! We went for a walk in the area and then we met up with Tore and Bjørn in city centre. Me and Tore went away to buy Didi a gift and then we met them at the Moviehouse. We saw "Be kind, rewind". It was funny. And we went out for dinner after that. We went to "Fat Buddha", which is a very nice restaurant. It was great. And then we went home so that she could pack her stuff and sleep a few hours before the bus.

We woke up at 2am and a taxi picked us up at 2,40am. At 3 we were on our way to Dublin. It was sad, but we had so much fun. I miss her. Hopefully she will come over again soon. And then she can stay a little longer. Me and Tore are moving in a few months, but we thought that maybe she will come over a few weeks in the summer wherever we then live...

Ok, over and out...

My sister's comin' to town...

Wednesday is the big day!! I am soooo looking forward to it...late on Wednesday baby sister is landing at Dublin Airport! =D I haven't seen her for almost 8 months!! That is a looooong time!

She has turned 18 now..and that means...PARTY!

My dear boyfriend was supposed to drive us, but no...he has apparently forgot his driving license in I am a bit disappointed. He was supposed to be our driver for the weekend...but no...

But hey, we will survive without him. Just remember, never trust anyone but yourself..

We are gonna party Friday and Saturday and not let the guys with us. He just left without saying goodbye, very rude. I miss my sister so much. She is so beautiful and a real adorable girl. I don't know what I am gonna show her though... Since I'm suddenly without a driver, I have to make other plans, but that is fine with me =)

No boyfriend to think about the whole weekend, he is happy to get away I guess. I think that he actually have his driving license here, but don't want to drive us, and this is the best excuse..

Anyhow, just wanted to tell you that my sis is comin over =)

5 guys, saturday night, beers and Aqua - Dr Jones...??

I'm laying in bed, reading Cosmopolitan...listening to Leona Lewis latest cd. And I here some music...very loud music... Aqua - Dr Jones??

I leave the bedroom and walks to the living room where I can see five guys, 4 Swedes and a Norwegian, watching the music video on our 42'' plasma tv!! Laughing, singing, everybody looks like they're in heaven..?!

And they made my evening...they bought the music video "on demand" and I just CAN'T blelieve it! =P

They are all heading out in 20 min, to party somewhere...leaving me alone, so I can play WOW undisturbed...

Ok, now they are listening to Ace of Base...I should shoot them =)

That was all I wanted to say. They will hate me...for telling you...

Why couldn't I just get a cold like ordinary people??

I am never ill. My whole family had the flu, except me. My boyfriend was a fan of getting colds, I NEVER got a cold! My friends had to stay home from school because they got colds, but not me. NEVER! In three year during high school I was not home ONCE because I had a cold. (I had other reasons not to show up in school, but a cold? NO!)

And I am sitting playing WOW Saturday night, having a laugh listening to my boyfriend getting all patriotic with his Norwegian friend, drinking some beers. And I start to cough. I've had coughs before, we do not know why, but they disappear after an hour or so..This one didn't.

Woke up Sunday morning with fever..It was soooooooooooooo cold in our room (I thought so anyway) and I was freezing even though I was laying under two thick duvets and THREE fleece blankets! Coughing a bit more every hour. Decided late Sunday evening to call in sick (I didn't want to, but I couldn't get out of bed!) And I laid in bed the whole Monday AND Tuesday, like a beached whale, covered in duvets and blankets, eating millions of pain killers (panadol, ibuprofen, cough medication, lemzip)..

Tuesday evening, yesterday, I called the doctor and got an appointment this morning. Took a cab, imagine what I looked like =) four days in bed, I had a shower though =D and I met a very nice doctor. She listened to my chest and said that I had something "rrabob..." whatever. Can't pronounce it, can't even remember it. So I got penicillin.


I am deadish, have been coughing so hard the last few hours, each time I stop just before I think I'm gonna throw up. I hate it!

Anyhow, it could be worse. But I don't think I can go to work tomorrow. I want to though, it is SOOOO boring to stay home all day. But as soon as I move, I start cough. Now I am going to bed and hopefully I will feel a little bit better tomorrow... =)

Remember to eat your vitamines!!

A totally shitty weekend!

After a long f-g week at work, where I have been working my ass off, I come home Friday afternoon (ok after a few beers) and the shitty weekend start...

I think this was the worst weekend in like a year or something. Can't even remember when I had a weekend like this before. I went to Katie's after work with a few colleagues and we drank a few beers. It was fun and relaxing. Tore received the parts for his computer Thursday evening so he was busy setting that up. But when I got home around 9.30 and was a little bit tipsy, he was soo angry. Probably because I said I'd be home in "30 min" in a text and it took me over 2 hours. It was just payback time. The difference when he said that, was that I was home alone, had cleaned the house, opened a bottle of wine, put on sexy underwear and lit some candles...and he brought his friend home. That completely broke my heart, and somehow he managed to turn me into the bad guy in the scenario...manipulating boyfriend...

So I slept most of that night on the couch. Went to our bed around 4.30 am, and that was a beginning of a disgusting Saturday! Trying to get him shopping with me, as he has promised the whole week. The ONE thing I had looked forward to the whole He didn't have time. He needed to send some emails, make some calls and so on. So I went by myself. BIG mistake. Nothing fit! I had one of these days when you feel ugly, icky, worthless, disgusting, everything. And I was trying to get a pair of trousers.

Me and Karoline had promised Michel to go out partying with him Saturday night, but in my state I didn't feel like leave the bed. Pulled myself together and got to Karro. We went shopping for tacos and beer and Michel came over. Everything is a bit weird now since I know he has a crush on me. You know, it is just awkward. I didn't want to go out, neither did Karro so we ended up drinking som beer watching I, Robot and then I went home. Since we got our new powercordes (Tore broke mine by using it for his bigger laptop that is why I haven't done anything on internet for 2 weeks) I just sat down with a beer and relaxed. Björn, Tores norwegian friend was here, so we played Scene it and chatted. It was fun. And went to bed... even worse day. It has just been a complete crappy shit day! But we went to IKEA, good thing though.. And what is worse, that means it is Monday tomorrow and a NEW week!!!

I am going to bed now, and I have been thinking about Karoline's winning quote at "I am rubbish, I deserve a slap!" that goes for me today. I have been a whining, bitchy, ugly girlfriend this weekend! Hope next week will be better!

The longest month EVER!

I have a lot to tell you.. I KNOW I was suppose to update my blogg a long time ago, but I got a virus who disconnected me from Internet, and when I after a week got Internet back Virgin decided to shut Internet down for all of us since we had not paid the bill. What? Mistake from their side, they had missed our move to the new apartment and hadn't moved our direct debit from our old house. But now we finally have internet again.

I think this has been the longest month ever! Oh, and this has been the longest week ever! But finally it is weekend! So what have happened this month? Last weekend I spent watching Grey's Anatomy first and second season. I did not leave the house during the whole weekend. Monday was ok, tuesday was the longest day ever. Every hour felt like a year!

I was really worried last week since I suddenly thought that I against all odds was pregnant. It is almost impossible for me to get pregnant when I have this thingie. So I spoke to Tore, and I took a test. Negative. Thank God (don't believe in him, but thank whatever)

Tuesday afternoon I got an email from Recruitment who wanted me to come down the day after to take a test for McAfee. I got nervous. Asked Tore if he had the test he got when he applied and on Wednesday morning I prepared myself. I was so nervous, I thought I was actually gonna die. Tore and I sat down and went through the correct answers and I left for the test. I met Anne, she told me that I had to do three things:

First the test, then a phone test and after that I had to write an email in Swedish. I took about 1½ hour to complete it all. The test I got was the exact same as Tore got!! So I scored 100% on it!! =)
The phone I do not know, but the email should not have been to bad. I mean, I work with emails right now. So we will see what they say. It is £1000 more a year to work for McAfee. That's a lot. I hope I get it. But it would be sad to leave the King-team cause I really enjoy my time there. And my manager told me during our 1:1 that it would be poo if I went to McAfee. I got my result back from my 1:1 for December and it was great. I know I am good at what I am doing, but this good?? =)

Anyhow, we'll see what happens. Next weekend we are all going out (the King-team) since we get our salary on Thursday. And I will get piss drunk! And the weekend after I am going out with Michel. The weekend after, we are having a party in our apartment and the weekend after, hopefully we are leaving for Sweden over the weekend to celebrate Aleksandra. And the weekend after that my sister arrives!! So it will be a lot of partying in February. Actually, every weekend!! I will sooooo love my life next month! I really miss my partying.

I still haven't spoken to Elin, but I am trying to forget her now. It is sad, I thought we were gonna be best friends forever...

My mothers husband asked me if it wouldn't be better if I turned into a "emigrated swede" (utlandssvensk) or something like that. Because I do not have any plans of moving back home to Sweden for a while. I am happy here. I am thinking about it.

Tore and me were talking the other day about the future. Not in that way, but about where do live. Our next stop. And he wants to move to Oxford or another UK city. I don't know. I guess I can do that. My plan is more to go to Spain or something, but I know that is difficult when you are two. Everything is more difficult when you are two.

Anywho, I need to leave. But I will try to update my blogg soon again. And Kasia, I WILL come and visit you very soon now. If you still want me to?

Love you guys!

Less stress, more sex (not really?)

I have been in real stress the last week. I received a letter from the Credit Control thingie, whatever (motsvarande Inkasso) with a dept on £372!! Huh?? It is because I haven't payed for my gym card the last four months...WHAT?

When I became member, I gave them my bank details so that they could make monthly withdrawals from my account, it is the easiest way. But apparently they haven't made any withdrawals for the last 4 months and since I moved I never received their letter which told me about it. So suddenly I got this letter. But I went to Fitness First today with Karoline (since Tore promised to call them for a week and haven't I thought it was better to take her with me)
Surprisingly they were really really nice. The girl who came and sat down with us said that they would call and email Credit Control and make sure that I got deleted from the system and everything since it probably was a misstake from their side with the bank details or someting. They will clear EVERYTHING from the last few months and we start over next month. So no £372 to pa. Not even, £90 to pay since it is £30 per month.

So I will keep my membership there.

And I can feel that the stress starts to disappear. It is Friday and that means a whole weekend just to relax and sleep! Oh, and read a book and watch Grey's Anatomy. Haaaaappy!

It could be soooo much worse. I had an appointment with my doctor this morning again, and since I have no money whatsoever, I took a walk there, it took me 45 min. And it was coooooold this morning. A few degrees below zero..happy! It felt like I was at home again. That made me relaxed. It was such a beautiful day and now it is really really foggy outside. That is nice =)

Must go now, have to say hello to my boyfriend. He look a little bit sad (the powercord to his laptop isn't working so he can't use the laptop right now)

I love you guys!

Puss o kram,

Erika (Error) von Gegerfelt

Life sucks sometimes

Life is not fair. Sometimes I feel so lucky to be here, to have what I have and that I can't ask for more.  But now and then, recently more often, I feel that something is wrong.  I shouldn't be here anymore. I should move on, because I  am not happy. I know when that I get that feeling though. When my boyfriend has made me disappointed in some way and then he makes me the "bad guy" in the scenario, when I try to tell him how I feel.
Are we too different? Is it too much to ask that he clears the kitchen when I have been cooking? I always clean up when he's been cooking for me. Is it to much to ask for a "thank you" because I washed his clothes with mine? Apparently. When I write this down I can just see why he thinks I'm a bitch nagging him about stuff like that, but I need things to be organised and clean around me to feel relaxed. He don't seem to care. Our flatmate don't care either.

 Now I understand what my mother meant when she said that living with a man is raising another kid. I haven't had any kids yet (thank god for that!) but this is experience enough. She said she didn't want to live with a man again, (now she found a clean, organised one), and I understand her. I feel that if this ends, I'm NOT gonna move in with someone again unless it's perfectly clear how I wants and needs it to be around me. It's a stressful environment for me (imagine waking up and se dishes and pans and cutting boards and waste everywhere in the kitchen when you enter to eat breakfast).

I'm seriously thinking about moving out, the only problem is that my boyfriend has told me that he then will break up with me. "why should I want to be with a girl who don't want to live with me?". I get his point, but he needs to understand mine as well.

Right now he's annoyed with me (which puts me in distress) because I told him that I was disappointed with him, or actually I thanked him for leaving the kitchen in such a clean state when he went to bed last night. He promised to clean up since I cooked, but instead he just went to bed and I ended up cleaning the kitchen since I can't go to bed knowing I have to wake up to that! And HE is annoyed with me. Is that fair?

Ok, I know this is no fun to read, but since my best friend (now former best friend) don't talk to me anymore and my boyfriend is all I have here. Almost no contact with home, and no close friends here, then I just write it down here. And you can stop read whenever you want to and don't have to say a word =)

I'm just sad. Distressed and depressed. Should I stay or should I go? (interesting song btw) I can not trust him to do stuff I ask him for and since we are living together, it is kind of a big thing. Now I have to get rid of my msn trojan virus by myself (I have some kinds of instructions) since he promised me for a week to fix it now...every day. He has also promised to help me with a VERY importnant call, but now I will ask a friend of mine at work instead since he is in a hurry and will do it later all the time.

Do you want to know a new thing btw? If you ask our flatmate to take out the trash and he says ok, that means that he take the bag and tie it together and put it beside the waste bin in the kitchen.

IF you have a comment or advice, pleace post it for me. Don't know what to do. I love my boyfriend, but I'm not a house maid.

The only thing that made me really happy this week (since we had a fight on new years eve around 3 am, great start of the year) was that it actually started to snow!! In Belfast! And it is interesting to see that a whole country just went down because of 7 cm of snow. They were driving 20km/h and in the morning ALL the buses was cancelled so half of our team couldn't make it to work. =) This is a kind of primitive city, but I know for a fact that there isn't ONE ploughing car on the WHOLE island!

Sum up of 2007, what happened, what didn't happen? Regrets? Wishes? 2008, here I come!

New Years Eve. It's 00.32 and that means that there's less than 24 hours of 2007! That's weird. And when I think back..what do I see? The things that I will remember, the things I want to forget, the things I did, the things I didn't do. What I regret, what I'm proud of, how I have changed as a person and where this year have brought me.

I will tell you a few things that have happened this year. You are free to stop read whenever you want to because it might be long,  but I do not know yet. I will tell you all about the things above. =)

I'll start with things I want to forget, just to get rid of it:

- The last of January, my boyfriend since 21 months suddenly broke up with me and that broke my heart. I cried for three days and then I said "fuck you" and moved on. It took me 6 months before I REALLY got over him though.
- Within 2 weeks, 2 of my cats died. We had 5 cats (I KNOW that's a lot but they were my babies) One got hit by a car and the other one just suddenly got really sick and we had to put him down. This happened just before my boyfriend broke up with me. What a beginning of 2007!
- My free lap dances to a whole night club...(but oh, the fun we had)

What I will remember:

- When me, Kers and Gabi was dancing limbo in the garden to Sexyback and drank pink  salty champagne (since Gabi dropped it in the sea). Later that night/morning we went to the sea and took a nude bath. Drunk as hell! That's when she dropped tha Champagne.. COOOOLD!
- I was partying 3-4 times a week jan-may. Such a great time, it's really bad when you call a taxi and they say "You're going to Tamango's aren't you?"
- I got thrown out of the house I lived in, in Portmarnock, since we partyed to much =) ooops
- Me and my sister partying in Spain and stealing lemons at 7am in the morning. Great fun!
- I quit my job in Portmarnock and decided to move somewhere else...Belfast!
- Saw Tore, the norwegian guy who started at GEM at the same time as me, and went up to him and within 5 min I asked him if he wanted to move in with me. =) (typically me)
- Went out to celebrate my birthday together with Elisabeth (a Danish girl) and two other friends and got so pissdrunk that I'm surprised I could actually stand up. Kissed a girl for the first time (and the last time) and apparently gave free lap dances to the whole night club. I've NEVER had so much fun!!
- Went to London with Tore to celebrate Christmas (we ended up as a couple)

What I didn't do:

- I never went to Australia, hopefully I'll go next year. But I have a boyfriend now who don't want to live I'll just keep it on ice for right now...
- I didn't stay single. I decided when Andreas broke up with me in January, that I would stay single for a long long time. Didn't work. But I'm happy. very happy =)
- I never went to Poland to visit Kasia. I'm soo sorry Kasia. I really am. I had it planned and then they said at my new job that we weren't aloud to take holidays during probation and stuff. But I'll try to visit you in the beginning of next year.
- I never moved back home to Sweden as planned. Was supposed to be back home in june to move in with Andreas. No Andreas = no need to get home. HAPPY!
- I didn't make another tatoo. I'm proud of myself for that. Because I really want to have another one. A dragon. I know I already have one, but one more! =)

What I did:

- I really did move from Portmarnock.
- I learned many of the star constellations (stjärnbilder), like Pegasus, Andromeda, Big Dipper (knew before), The Fish', Orion (knew before) and a few more.
- I got over my ex-boyfriend (I thought my life was over when he broke up with me)

What I regret:

-There are a few things I do regret and I wont write them down over internet.

How have I changed this year?

- I have been more confident in myself. I know what I want and how to get it.
- I'm less outgoing (what happened Erika??)
- I listen to metal now. Strange huh?
- I am more honest now that before. Sure, I do not lie, but now I skip the white lies most of the time as well. If I don't like you, you'll know that.

There is probably a lot more things that are different with me but it's hard for ME to see.

When I read through all of this I can see that I have had quite a good year. I will miss a lot, especially all the friends I made in Portmarnock. Kasia, Gabi, Kers, you are all in my heart and thoughts! Happy new year Babes!

It could have been a lot worse. I'm glad now that Andreas broke up with me. He's the reason why I am where I am today and I like my life. I have a great boyfriend, a job that is quite interesting (if I can get to McAfee), and I live in a nice apartment.

I have about 22½ hour to think about my New Years resolutions for next year. One is to get myself a life again. Ok, I don't think Tore will approve if I went out 3 times a week, but at least every second week. And I need new friends. But I'll try to update my blogg tomorrow or very soon so that I can tell you what I came up with.

And til then, remember that I love you guys! Oh, and if I don't know you, I'll probably like you anyway =)

Happy new year and I hope that you take a minute or two to think back to 2007 about the good things. Remember the happy stuff, and accept the bad stuff. I have done that! And I love my life!

Jag älskar er! Pussar o kramar!


Oh, and by the way, 2008 here I come! Stronger and more beautiful than ever!

Stars, new year, Sweden, stuffed animals and days off! Life's great

Why can't cameras take picture of the sky as beautiful as it is sometimes? I was taking a walk and I looked up and saw all the stars. It was soo beautiful and it gave me peace. When I see something like that, I can just feel in my whole being that "everything will be ok". It's soothing. I love the stars.

My christmas was interesting. Christmas eve was spent with four guys (2 norwegians, 1 swede and a dutch), loads of beer and a xbox with "scene it?" on, A very funny game a little bit like trivial pursuit but about movies. Funny. But i missed some girl company. To just chat with a girl. In that way I feel a little bit lonely.

Me and Tore was in London 21-23 December. That was great. We had a few fun but stressful days together which included a trip to London Eye, christmas shopping, photos for The Times (or whatever the paper is called), great italian food, lousy steak, Bee movie and a big hotel bed to sleep in at the 14th floor. Oh, and he bought me my christmas gift there as well:

You know the cat from "Alice in wonderland"? Yeah, he bought me a stuffed animal (do you call them that? the animals you have in the bed when you're a kid?) the size of ME! Imagine trying to get that to the airport a little later that day...

There had been fog all day in London when we were going home, but we didn't think about that until we came to the airport.... 50 % of all flights had been cancelled because of the fog, the other 50 % had been delayed. Our flight wasn't announced as delayed when we came into our gate, but then...suddenly it was an hour late. And then another hour. We left FOUR hours later than planned! And we also had to go to Belfast International Airport outside of Belfast instead to George Best Airport because it was closed...great!

I didn't mind though, I was off the 24th..Tore wasn't =)

Now it's weekend and I have 4 days off since I got New Years Eve off =) and that feels great. Apparently I'm a bad girlfriend though, because I want attention all the time but I try not to. I have never lived with a partner before and it's weird for me to be with my partner but not have his attention. But I have been totally hooked on wikipedia,org! It's great! Tore is playing WOW and I am reading wikipedia...

Today and yesterday I read about Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, apartheid, the Troubles, bloody Sunday, Nelson Mandela and Dag Hammarskiöld. It's real cool stuff.

We're having a party here at New Year. It's gonna be great. I'm gonna get pissed together with all my friends, apparently it's gonna be an almost scandinavian thing. A lot of danish and norwegians, and swedes...And a dutch =) maybe two. It's gonna be funneh!

I miss home a little bit right now, It's weird, I think it's the first time in almost a year or something. Strange. Oh, and can you understand that I've actually lived outside of Sweden for 15 months now? Time flies! And it was 6 months since I was home in Sweden so I haven't seen anyone in my family for a looong time. And I'm not gonna go home to Sweden within the next 4 months or so. Minimum.

Anyway, I have to go to bed now. I'm really tired and tomorrow is gonna be a loooong day. Cleaning the house, shopping food, preparing for party on monday. Trying not to be an attention freak and take a long walk =)

Love you guys, hope you know that. And Kasia, I really hope I can come and visit you soon! If you still want me to come, that is.

Puss puss,

Belfast girl, Erika

ps, if you got a file from me on msn, please don't open it since it's a trojan virus...sorry! ds

Living with boys...

I have realised something during these past 6 weeks that I've been living with my boyfriend and our friend: Guys are hopeless to live with!

I just wanted to move out the other day. I mean, ok, he's my boyfriend so I can handle a few things that he's doing that I don't like. But our friend is 30 years old and don't know how to put dishes in the dishwasher! The worst thing is that I feel like the bitch all the time because I have to ask them to "take out the trash, it's been there for 3 days now", "please clean the bathroom, you haven't done that since we moved in", can you put the dishes in the dishwasher and put in on?" "can you please clean up the mess in the kitchen after dinner?"

And both of them look at me like I'm this annoying bitch who wont let them be. I just want a clean apartment. They promised to clean the living room after our house-warming party the day after. It took them 3 weeks!! And the only reason they did it was because I was really angry and told them that I would do it when I got home after my work-out at the gym.

I'm sorry, but I'm used to live where everything is clean, especially the kitchen (even when we had 5 cats and a dog), but they are guys and they simply just don't care. I spoke to my boyfriend and he told me that he would break up with me if I moved out and I don't want that, but I don't know for how long I can stand this. I'm doing the food shopping, cleaning, washing clothes, everything, like a fucking housewife! And I'm not! I work and I'm tired after work, just as much as they are. But I'm epileptic and shouldn't stress. I went to the doctor last Friday and he told me that the headache that I've had constantly for the last 10 days now probably is because of stress.

Stress at work and then stress at home. NOW, I understand how my mother felt! The only difference is that she raised two KIDS, I'm living with two ADULT MEN!

But if we ignore this part, I must say that I'm happy. My boyfriend is really sweet (just hopeless when it comes to housy stuff) and he takes care of me. I really like him. He's taking me to London for a few days to celebrate Christmas together. =)

At work I don't know. We had this Swedish guy who worked with us for three weeks but he left his resignation and his last day was last Tuesday. He was SOOO annoying! I was working in the Swedish queues while he was playing games! Stupid guy! Well, whatever!

Now I have to go, my boyfriend is back I think. He's been out taking a few drinks with a friend and I had a friend of mine over here watching "The ring" (I really hate that movie" and then we played "Burn Out" on our xBox 360 for quite a few hours!! It's soooo funny!!!

Anyhow, love you guys!

2 weeks in our new flat...

Ok, so I will probably tell you everything again, but I don't have the energy to look up what I have told you already. So if I'm telling you everything twice, then just have patience and remember that I'm Swedish, I'm blonde AND I have memory like a goldfish, so actually I have THREE good excuses. See, it's very good to be me sometimes.

Ok, so we had this housewarming party last weekend. It was fun. Oh fuck, what people drank! I think we must have been around 10 people (it wasn't that big, thank god) and we hade 4 bottles of vodka, 1 baileys, 2 whiskey, 2 bottles of wine, 16 Smirnoff Ice and like 24 bottles of beer. + A few bottles of other kinds of alcohol! Ok, I don't know, but it seemed to be a lot of alcohol. And people were drunk. But it was sooo fun!

This was a Saturday evening though and the bad thing was that I had to get up at 8 on Sunday morning 'cause I was supposed to go to Dublin with Elisabeth to pick up a friend from the airport and she wanted som sightseeing first.

Woke up a 8, (quite tired, went to bed at 4) and I could barely stand up. Still drunk. Whatever! I put some comfy clothes on and then I went down to the taxi. I looked like shit =) Came like 1 min before the bus was leaving and then we slept on the way down to Dublin. It was good. We needed that! It was such a beautiful day! Anyway, the day was great, we ate a lot of disgusting fat food and just felt ugly, but I didn't care, because my love was at home...

We went to my old job at Brown Thomas, walked along the river Lagan, saw the Spire and then we took the bus out to Portmarnock! She loved the beach! Well I do as well! And we took a look at the hotel and met Kers! I miss them so much!

Kers was on her way home from work so we joined her and I met Gabi as them! Just remembered all the fun we had together!

Ok, taxi to the airport and then finally back to Belfast.

This week has gone sooo fast. Our new Swedish agent Sebastian is on training so I'm doing the queues alone, plus I'm supposed to start doing my training for McAfee after I've cleared the tickets at So I have been working like I've been on Speed or something. I mean, I just want to clear the queue so I can start the REAL training =) And I really like it!

They are gonna love me over att McAfee, I know that! So Tore's giving me training and I'm shadowing him as much as I can.

We are a nice couple. I'm happy now. I mean, ok, I was really scared when I decided to go for it, but now I'm happy. I mean, he's a real nice guy and I think he'll take good care of me.

Oh, I have this thing for useless facts by the way...

Did you know that there are more homosexual people in the world, than there are left-handed ones?

That's a REAL useless fact =) Love you guys anyway. I feel good right now!

I mean, I live in this nice flat together with the guys, ok, we have this huge tv now 42 inch or something and the latest xbox and everything. It's really great, I love it! But I'm a girl...I made them watch "Love Actually" with me yesterday! Just to show my power...

Ok, I really have to go to bed now. It's not that late, but I'm soooo tired and have been up late all other nights this week so far. And tomorrow it's weekend. Tore asked me if I wanted to go for dinner with on a date =)

Anyway, my friends, I want to know whats happening in your lives as well, so can you please send an email to me or something? Or add me on Facebook or whatever? But I hope that you know that I love you and that if there is something, I'll always here for you! And if you need to leave the country for a while, then we have a nice guestroom here in our flat, and of course you'll stay here if you visit me!!

Oh, I'm converting to Norwegian btw. I'm learning Norwegian right now. A very importnant word is Bläcksprut - Octopus =) I know, you swedish people reading this can see that it's real silly!

Many kisses from me!

Housewarming party...

We're having this housewarming party tonight. Well, it's very few people coming over and then they will probably go out after. I'm not really in the mood of partying since I had a fit last saturday, but anyway.

I have a few quite big things to tell you,,,and that is, maybe not totally unexpected, that me and Tore (the norwegian guy) are officially a couple since a week now. And that we actually are living "together" now since we moved to this new apartment. Me and Tore live in the master bedroom with en-suite shower and bathroom... It's soo beautiful here. So I have grown up to a "big" girl now an am living with my boyfriend. He took such good care of me when I've had the fit!

And I really, truly, like him. He's sooo sweet! I mean, he IS norwegian and even though we are speaking english almost all the time...we have started to speak some swedish/norwegian together. And I could do ANYTHING for him when he's talking to me in norwegian! I love it! It's soo sexy and cute!

And I'm changing my contract at work so I will start working with some more challenging things. Tore is my trainer (convenient huh?) Right now I'm playing computer games 4 hours per day...quite boring.

Oh, and I apparently signed the contract for this apartment for a year. I missed that part when I signed it, but that means I'll stay here for a while now...Nice huh?

I'm a little bit sad because I haven't spoken to my best friend since I moved up here, but I have tried to reach her so many times. Well, I'm not alone anymore (I have Tore) but I mean, she's one of the first persons I wanted to know about us...

Life is what it is I guess. I'm happy anyway. I REALLY hope that we can celebrate christmas in Tromsö as planned...I would really like to do something christmassy for christmas, and they have A LOT of snow!!

Anyway, have to leave, Lissie is here now and she wants som attention. Right now it's me, Lissie and 6 guys...SWEEEEEEEEET!

I want a new tattoo by the way...

Love ya!!

Party at Potthouse, Belfast (21.09.2007) free lapdances...

I celebrated my birthday yesterday...I turned 22 on Wednesday but I wasn't really up to going out because I was working at 8 on thursday... Anyhow, Tore couldn't go with us because he was ill. He even stayed home from work yesterday because he had it called that?

Stop reading if you can't handle everything. A LOT happened and I will tell you almost everything. Even the things I'm not really proud of...

Anyway, I had my beautiful dress that you've seen before, the chinese inspired one and I met up with Aleksandra, Fredrik and Elisabeth... (swedish, swedish, danish) Poor norwegian stayed at home...

We went to Potthouse, it's suppose to be a good nightclub here in Belfast. And I told Elisabeth "I haven't been out for over a month! Let's get drunk!" And she had never tried "Baby Guiness" so we started with some shots...Great. We had a great time actually. She asked me if I wanted to be her "girlfriend" this evening. She was stunning! So of course, would I say no to that?

We had fun, and a guy came to me and started to talk...Elisabeth looked at me and I smiled, she came towards us, slapped the guy and almost screamed "Why the FUCK are you talking to my girlfriend???!!" And she took my arm and we left...Such a scene...=)

She said "Kiss me"
I said "I've never kissed a girl, and I've ALWAYS said I will NEVER kiss a girl"
"Really? Come on! Just one kiss..."
"I'm not drunk enough yet...we'll do it later"
"Well, now you promised.."

We continued drinking...and an hour later..."Come on, kiss me now" "I'm scared!" (I really was) "Ok..."
And we kissed...
She said "You're such a GREAT kisser!!" I liked kissing her...

A guy came to us "I just have to ask you something..." "Ok.." "The two guys over there wonder where you're from" "Where do you think" "Hmm..." (We're both blondes and had short dresses and looked beautiful) "They think you're from Sweden" Elisabeth said "You're SOO intelligent! We are..."  (We had decided to go totally for the SWEDISH thing for the evening)

Ok, it was late and we decided to go toward Sugar Room upstairs with dancefloor and good music..

We talked to the guards who let us in VIP...and got VIP-tickets for another time...
Went a few drinks, started to dance. And suddenly, everything is a little blurry..We we're making out (me and Lizzie) every third minute or so, and apparantly we gave free lapdances to X amount of guys...

Fredrik said that he had never before seen an entire dancefloor actually just stop to watch two girls before...and there was one guy that we apparantly danced with both of us at the same time. Fredrik went to him after, because the guy looked like he was in shock...he was shaking...and Fredrik said "You should be happy, two beautiful blondes just gave ju a free lapdance!" And the guy couldn't even answer...

I started to talk to a guy in the bar, he bought me a few drinks, a pilot...quite goodlooking...I was really really pissdrunk at this point. But I had sooo much fun.

At 5 to 2 Fredrik came and said "We have to go now, they are closing" We complained, but followed...I think we fell down the stairs, both me and Lizzie in high high heels and wet stairs cause of a spilled drink..

Got into a taxi somehow, and ended up outside our house. Tore came and opened the door (I didn't have any keys) and we tried to convince him to have a threesome with us...He said no...probably the only guy (and Fredrik) who would have said no to us that night...

We fell asleep in Tores bed...he slept in my bed. Woke up in the morning...naked, Lizzie as well...and the first thing she said was "Dude, what the F*** did we do last night??!!"

It was a great evening, shouldn't have been drinking that much though...but once in a lifetime. I have NEVER had so much fun!

I'm not proud of the fact that I gave free lapdances, but what the hell, no one remember..hopefully.

Anyhow, I'm happy

He speaks norsk...

It was two weeks since I wrote in my blogg...that means I have a lot of things to tell you!!!

Ok, so tomorrow, me and Tore have known each other for 17 days, and we've lived together for 2 weeks. Nice, huh? During these two weeks, we've had a lot of fun. We've had take away food like 5 or 6 times, not this week though, but that's because Tore got food poisoned from sea food he ordered from a take away around the corner here.
That was a great saturday night. He went out with a few of his colleagues and came back at around 2 AM. And started to throw up...again and again. I thought he was just drunk first, but I took care of him. Changed sheets and cleaned the toiled. Went to bed. 2 hours later I wake up, he's almost throwing up on me. (I'm sleeping next to him in his big double bed) And up to take care of him again. Sleep...and two hours later again! I went to bed and we fell asleep for real att 6.30.

Did I tell you he invited me to Monaco to see the F1 races? Well, yesterday I watched my first race, on dvd, but it was actually quite interesting. I couldn't talk to him for 2½ hours because he was so focused on the race!

He has given me new music to listen to...and I LOVE it! It's death metal, hard metal, all metal you can imagine! Why didn't anyone tell me about metal before? I JUST LOVE In flames and Crematory! And of course, I'm really thinking about coloring my hair black.. Would be cool, huh?

The 29th he's bringing his BMW here. After that he's promised me to drive me wherever I want to, because he loves to drive, and I love to be driven! He's cute.

I melt when he speak norwegian to me! I think I could marry a norwegian just because my babies would talk norwegian.

My colleagues seems to be quite boring, don't know if I'm gonna like them. Except for Gunnar, he's fun!

My last thing is that I might look for a job in a nightclub. As a waitress or something. Would be fun! If I get a job as a waitress again, I think I might take it. Don't know if I want to stay at GEM. I mean, GEM is nice, but quite boring. Half of the time I can sit and play the games on

So I'm asking you now, can you pleas open an account at, to play som games. IT IS very fun and it's for free! And then, you go there and you mail us a lot of questions, because I'm bored! And it's me and Gunnar who has to take care of the swedish queue...

Anyway, have to go, but I'll try to be better at updating now!

Miss you all!


Btw, do you know that Norway is Europes biggest exports of camels? And that Iceland export most bananas in Europe? Ooh, and tutte in norwegian is pupp =D

I'm moving in with a norwegian!

Ok, so many things have happened the last few days, you can't possible imagine. I don't remember if I told you about the french bastard, but I don't have the time anyway. I'll tell you about that later...

I have som fresh news for you. As you might know now, I have moved to Belfast. Right now I'm staying at a B&B but I've found a house and we'll move in tomorrow...
It's me and this guy. A norwegian guy that I've known for about 24 hours. He's working a GEM as well. Goodlooking guy, born in may -85 so, we're the same age. He's fun. He's staying at the same B&B. I overheard him talking to a girl, that he hadn't found a place to stay yet and that he had to move out on thursday (today). So I just went up to him and said, "Hey, you're Tore aren't you? I'm looking for a room as well. But I've found a few quite cheap houses to rent if you are interested..." And that's how it all started. So we spoke a little. And yesterday we were looking at four different houses and then we found the dreamhouse. A two bedroom house in a nice area ten minutes walk from GEM. So now I'm gonna share a house with a guy that I know almost nothing about. But we went out for dinner at a nice restaurant and then to a pub, so we had a great evening. =)

Have to go now!

Never trust a french! ;)

I finally reached the french bastard! NEVER trust a french! =)

Stupid guys...Anyway, everything is ok, and we're leaving tomorrow at 8 to the airport. After that are we going back to Elins, to pack and everything and my plan is that we are on our way around 11. Not later than that! But you never know. Maybe we wont even survive the trip between the airport and North Strand! I mean WE ARE driving on the wrong side...
I'm really looking forward to it, and I feel happy again... Even though I'm a little bit sad about leaving because of Gabi, Kerstin and Moorghen. I miss them so much! I realised that when I met them yesterday. Gabi will talk to the new restaurant manager (who's gay, hihi) and maybe they will offer me the position as Breakfast Supervisor. I might do that...I don't know. I've really missed Portmarnock and Malahide...

Ok, I have to go now, have to meet up with Austin somewhere, but I'll talk to you soon again!

Finally moving!!!

I'm moving to Belfast on sunday!!!! Yey! I'm a little bit scared though...

A long story, but right now I stay with Austin in his house out in Rathfarnham...annoying I know, but I have to, trouble whereI stayed before.
And I have rented a Toyota Avensis so me and Charlie can go together for two days up to Belfast and Northern of Ireland. That's gonna be fun, but I'm so sick of hinm as well. Right now, I'm just using these guys for my own purposes and I know I'm gonna hurt them a lot in the end, but I don't care. They knew from the beginning that I didn't want a relationship...

Anyway, I'm a nasty bitch and after this, I'll try not to be it again!

Talk to you when I'm up in Belfast!

Lovve you all!

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