Tomorrow we are flying!

I am waking up at 3.45 am tomorrow. It's in about 8 hours. And I haven't started packing yet...Right now I am downloading and installing iTunes so that I can put some new music on my iPod...
It's gonna be 9 loooon g days! I am sooo looking forward to it and am so excited! Except..the weather is blowing storm and it is supposed to be really windy is scared!

They said yesterday that it would be something like 128 km/h or  like we say in Sweden, 36,8 meter per second!! Det är orkanvarning...scaaaary!

Anyhow, I bought myself a new digital camera today, and it is sooo nice. So that I can take a lot of pictures of all the weird Norwegians I am gonna see. ☺ Funneeeeh!

But about something else. I quit my job the 8th of March is my last day. And after that I'll see what happens...We might move soon, Tore is talking to companys everywhere right now who wants him...

I realised something the other day when I was walking to work, think it was yesterday actually..I need to cross a bridge every morning to get to work, and from that bridge I can "Cliff" as I call him. It is the cliff formation that looks like a face. The one that made the author of Gulliver's travels come up with the story to begin with...And EVERY morning when I look over to Cliff and say a quiet "good morning", I smile. I think about how happy I am to be here. To have Tore in my life, to work, to travel, to be alive. And I just appreciate life. And I also realised that I had something like that when I lived in Portmarnock. Every morning I walked to work along the beach and saw the sun rise from the water, I just felt so alive. So lucky!

And I think this is something that everybody needs in there life. Something simple that makes them think about how lucky they should be over what they have. I mean, it could always be worse. And to see the beauty in the simplest of things, that is something I do for some weird reason. Even though I might not think that the sunrise is such a small and simple thing (maybe the cliff is ☺)

The cliff is cool tho, I mean, it is a very distinct thing that I will always associate with Belfast. I also call him "Stoneface" =D since he is not very talkative...

Just a quick thank you to my sickly boyfriend as well for making me dinner tonight, (even tho he never ever ever will read my blogg!!)

Need to go now friends, but think about the things in life that make you happy. And if someone smiles at you, smile back..A smile brings a smile...

Cheers from silly me


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