Housewarming party...
We're having this housewarming party tonight. Well, it's very few people coming over and then they will probably go out after. I'm not really in the mood of partying since I had a fit last saturday, but anyway.
I have a few quite big things to tell you,,,and that is, maybe not totally unexpected, that me and Tore (the norwegian guy) are officially a couple since a week now. And that we actually are living "together" now since we moved to this new apartment. Me and Tore live in the master bedroom with en-suite shower and bathroom... It's soo beautiful here. So I have grown up to a "big" girl now an am living with my boyfriend. He took such good care of me when I've had the fit!
And I really, truly, like him. He's sooo sweet! I mean, he IS norwegian and even though we are speaking english almost all the time...we have started to speak some swedish/norwegian together. And I could do ANYTHING for him when he's talking to me in norwegian! I love it! It's soo sexy and cute!
And I'm changing my contract at work so I will start working with some more challenging things. Tore is my trainer (convenient huh?) Right now I'm playing computer games 4 hours per day...quite boring.
Oh, and I apparently signed the contract for this apartment for a year. I missed that part when I signed it, but that means I'll stay here for a while now...Nice huh?
I'm a little bit sad because I haven't spoken to my best friend since I moved up here, but I have tried to reach her so many times. Well, I'm not alone anymore (I have Tore) but I mean, she's one of the first persons I wanted to know about us...
Life is what it is I guess. I'm happy anyway. I REALLY hope that we can celebrate christmas in Tromsö as planned...I would really like to do something christmassy for christmas, and they have A LOT of snow!!
Anyway, have to leave, Lissie is here now and she wants som attention. Right now it's me, Lissie and 6 guys...SWEEEEEEEEET!
I want a new tattoo by the way...
Love ya!!