I'm moving in with a norwegian!

Ok, so many things have happened the last few days, you can't possible imagine. I don't remember if I told you about the french bastard, but I don't have the time anyway. I'll tell you about that later...

I have som fresh news for you. As you might know now, I have moved to Belfast. Right now I'm staying at a B&B but I've found a house and we'll move in tomorrow...
It's me and this guy. A norwegian guy that I've known for about 24 hours. He's working a GEM as well. Goodlooking guy, born in may -85 so, we're the same age. He's fun. He's staying at the same B&B. I overheard him talking to a girl, that he hadn't found a place to stay yet and that he had to move out on thursday (today). So I just went up to him and said, "Hey, you're Tore aren't you? I'm looking for a room as well. But I've found a few quite cheap houses to rent if you are interested..." And that's how it all started. So we spoke a little. And yesterday we were looking at four different houses and then we found the dreamhouse. A two bedroom house in a nice area ten minutes walk from GEM. So now I'm gonna share a house with a guy that I know almost nothing about. But we went out for dinner at a nice restaurant and then to a pub, so we had a great evening. =)

Have to go now!

Postat av: Ulrika

Nu får du ta och uppdatera här snart! :) Kramar

2007-09-13 @ 08:22:35
URL: http://ulrikachu.blogg.se

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