A totally shitty weekend!

After a long f-g week at work, where I have been working my ass off, I come home Friday afternoon (ok after a few beers) and the shitty weekend start...

I think this was the worst weekend in like a year or something. Can't even remember when I had a weekend like this before. I went to Katie's after work with a few colleagues and we drank a few beers. It was fun and relaxing. Tore received the parts for his computer Thursday evening so he was busy setting that up. But when I got home around 9.30 and was a little bit tipsy, he was soo angry. Probably because I said I'd be home in "30 min" in a text and it took me over 2 hours. It was just payback time. The difference when he said that, was that I was home alone, had cleaned the house, opened a bottle of wine, put on sexy underwear and lit some candles...and he brought his friend home. That completely broke my heart, and somehow he managed to turn me into the bad guy in the scenario...manipulating boyfriend...

So I slept most of that night on the couch. Went to our bed around 4.30 am, and that was a beginning of a disgusting Saturday! Trying to get him shopping with me, as he has promised the whole week. The ONE thing I had looked forward to the whole week...no. He didn't have time. He needed to send some emails, make some calls and so on. So I went by myself. BIG mistake. Nothing fit! I had one of these days when you feel ugly, icky, worthless, disgusting, everything. And I was trying to get a pair of trousers.

Me and Karoline had promised Michel to go out partying with him Saturday night, but in my state I didn't feel like leave the bed. Pulled myself together and got to Karro. We went shopping for tacos and beer and Michel came over. Everything is a bit weird now since I know he has a crush on me. You know, it is just awkward. I didn't want to go out, neither did Karro so we ended up drinking som beer watching I, Robot and then I went home. Since we got our new powercordes (Tore broke mine by using it for his bigger laptop that is why I haven't done anything on internet for 2 weeks) I just sat down with a beer and relaxed. Björn, Tores norwegian friend was here, so we played Scene it and chatted. It was fun. And went to bed...

Sunday...an even worse day. It has just been a complete crappy shit day! But we went to IKEA, good thing though.. And what is worse, that means it is Monday tomorrow and a NEW week!!!

I am going to bed now, and I have been thinking about Karoline's winning quote at King.com. "I am rubbish, I deserve a slap!" that goes for me today. I have been a whining, bitchy, ugly girlfriend this weekend! Hope next week will be better!


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