5 guys, saturday night, beers and Aqua - Dr Jones...??

I'm laying in bed, reading Cosmopolitan...listening to Leona Lewis latest cd. And I here some music...very loud music... Aqua - Dr Jones??

I leave the bedroom and walks to the living room where I can see five guys, 4 Swedes and a Norwegian, watching the music video on our 42'' plasma tv!! Laughing, singing, everybody looks like they're in heaven..?!

And they made my evening...they bought the music video "on demand" and I just CAN'T blelieve it! =P

They are all heading out in 20 min, to party somewhere...leaving me alone, so I can play WOW undisturbed...

Ok, now they are listening to Ace of Base...I should shoot them =)

That was all I wanted to say. They will hate me...for telling you...


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