Finally moving!!!

I'm moving to Belfast on sunday!!!! Yey! I'm a little bit scared though...

A long story, but right now I stay with Austin in his house out in Rathfarnham...annoying I know, but I have to, trouble whereI stayed before.
And I have rented a Toyota Avensis so me and Charlie can go together for two days up to Belfast and Northern of Ireland. That's gonna be fun, but I'm so sick of hinm as well. Right now, I'm just using these guys for my own purposes and I know I'm gonna hurt them a lot in the end, but I don't care. They knew from the beginning that I didn't want a relationship...

Anyway, I'm a nasty bitch and after this, I'll try not to be it again!

Talk to you when I'm up in Belfast!

Lovve you all!


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