Sum up of 2007, what happened, what didn't happen? Regrets? Wishes? 2008, here I come!
New Years Eve. It's 00.32 and that means that there's less than 24 hours of 2007! That's weird. And when I think back..what do I see? The things that I will remember, the things I want to forget, the things I did, the things I didn't do. What I regret, what I'm proud of, how I have changed as a person and where this year have brought me.
I will tell you a few things that have happened this year. You are free to stop read whenever you want to because it might be long, but I do not know yet. I will tell you all about the things above. =)
I'll start with things I want to forget, just to get rid of it:
- The last of January, my boyfriend since 21 months suddenly broke up with me and that broke my heart. I cried for three days and then I said "fuck you" and moved on. It took me 6 months before I REALLY got over him though.
- Within 2 weeks, 2 of my cats died. We had 5 cats (I KNOW that's a lot but they were my babies) One got hit by a car and the other one just suddenly got really sick and we had to put him down. This happened just before my boyfriend broke up with me. What a beginning of 2007!
- My free lap dances to a whole night club...(but oh, the fun we had)
What I will remember:
- When me, Kers and Gabi was dancing limbo in the garden to Sexyback and drank pink salty champagne (since Gabi dropped it in the sea). Later that night/morning we went to the sea and took a nude bath. Drunk as hell! That's when she dropped tha Champagne.. COOOOLD!
- I was partying 3-4 times a week jan-may. Such a great time, it's really bad when you call a taxi and they say "You're going to Tamango's aren't you?"
- I got thrown out of the house I lived in, in Portmarnock, since we partyed to much =) ooops
- Me and my sister partying in Spain and stealing lemons at 7am in the morning. Great fun!
- I quit my job in Portmarnock and decided to move somewhere else...Belfast!
- Saw Tore, the norwegian guy who started at GEM at the same time as me, and went up to him and within 5 min I asked him if he wanted to move in with me. =) (typically me)
- Went out to celebrate my birthday together with Elisabeth (a Danish girl) and two other friends and got so pissdrunk that I'm surprised I could actually stand up. Kissed a girl for the first time (and the last time) and apparently gave free lap dances to the whole night club. I've NEVER had so much fun!!
- Went to London with Tore to celebrate Christmas (we ended up as a couple)
What I didn't do:
- I never went to Australia, hopefully I'll go next year. But I have a boyfriend now who don't want to live I'll just keep it on ice for right now...
- I didn't stay single. I decided when Andreas broke up with me in January, that I would stay single for a long long time. Didn't work. But I'm happy. very happy =)
- I never went to Poland to visit Kasia. I'm soo sorry Kasia. I really am. I had it planned and then they said at my new job that we weren't aloud to take holidays during probation and stuff. But I'll try to visit you in the beginning of next year.
- I never moved back home to Sweden as planned. Was supposed to be back home in june to move in with Andreas. No Andreas = no need to get home. HAPPY!
- I didn't make another tatoo. I'm proud of myself for that. Because I really want to have another one. A dragon. I know I already have one, but one more! =)
What I did:
- I really did move from Portmarnock.
- I learned many of the star constellations (stjärnbilder), like Pegasus, Andromeda, Big Dipper (knew before), The Fish', Orion (knew before) and a few more.
- I got over my ex-boyfriend (I thought my life was over when he broke up with me)
What I regret:
-There are a few things I do regret and I wont write them down over internet.
How have I changed this year?
- I have been more confident in myself. I know what I want and how to get it.
- I'm less outgoing (what happened Erika??)
- I listen to metal now. Strange huh?
- I am more honest now that before. Sure, I do not lie, but now I skip the white lies most of the time as well. If I don't like you, you'll know that.
There is probably a lot more things that are different with me but it's hard for ME to see.
When I read through all of this I can see that I have had quite a good year. I will miss a lot, especially all the friends I made in Portmarnock. Kasia, Gabi, Kers, you are all in my heart and thoughts! Happy new year Babes!
It could have been a lot worse. I'm glad now that Andreas broke up with me. He's the reason why I am where I am today and I like my life. I have a great boyfriend, a job that is quite interesting (if I can get to McAfee), and I live in a nice apartment.
I have about 22½ hour to think about my New Years resolutions for next year. One is to get myself a life again. Ok, I don't think Tore will approve if I went out 3 times a week, but at least every second week. And I need new friends. But I'll try to update my blogg tomorrow or very soon so that I can tell you what I came up with.
And til then, remember that I love you guys! Oh, and if I don't know you, I'll probably like you anyway =)
Happy new year and I hope that you take a minute or two to think back to 2007 about the good things. Remember the happy stuff, and accept the bad stuff. I have done that! And I love my life!
Jag älskar er! Pussar o kramar!
Oh, and by the way, 2008 here I come! Stronger and more beautiful than ever!