Less stress, more sex (not really?)
I have been in real stress the last week. I received a letter from the Credit Control thingie, whatever (motsvarande Inkasso) with a dept on £372!! Huh?? It is because I haven't payed for my gym card the last four months...WHAT?
When I became member, I gave them my bank details so that they could make monthly withdrawals from my account, it is the easiest way. But apparently they haven't made any withdrawals for the last 4 months and since I moved I never received their letter which told me about it. So suddenly I got this letter. But I went to Fitness First today with Karoline (since Tore promised to call them for a week and haven't I thought it was better to take her with me)
Surprisingly they were really really nice. The girl who came and sat down with us said that they would call and email Credit Control and make sure that I got deleted from the system and everything since it probably was a misstake from their side with the bank details or someting. They will clear EVERYTHING from the last few months and we start over next month. So no £372 to pa. Not even, £90 to pay since it is £30 per month.
So I will keep my membership there.
And I can feel that the stress starts to disappear. It is Friday and that means a whole weekend just to relax and sleep! Oh, and read a book and watch Grey's Anatomy. Haaaaappy!
It could be soooo much worse. I had an appointment with my doctor this morning again, and since I have no money whatsoever, I took a walk there, it took me 45 min. And it was coooooold this morning. A few degrees below zero..happy! It felt like I was at home again. That made me relaxed. It was such a beautiful day and now it is really really foggy outside. That is nice =)
Must go now, have to say hello to my boyfriend. He look a little bit sad (the powercord to his laptop isn't working so he can't use the laptop right now)
I love you guys!
Puss o kram,
Erika (Error) von Gegerfelt
When I became member, I gave them my bank details so that they could make monthly withdrawals from my account, it is the easiest way. But apparently they haven't made any withdrawals for the last 4 months and since I moved I never received their letter which told me about it. So suddenly I got this letter. But I went to Fitness First today with Karoline (since Tore promised to call them for a week and haven't I thought it was better to take her with me)
Surprisingly they were really really nice. The girl who came and sat down with us said that they would call and email Credit Control and make sure that I got deleted from the system and everything since it probably was a misstake from their side with the bank details or someting. They will clear EVERYTHING from the last few months and we start over next month. So no £372 to pa. Not even, £90 to pay since it is £30 per month.
So I will keep my membership there.
And I can feel that the stress starts to disappear. It is Friday and that means a whole weekend just to relax and sleep! Oh, and read a book and watch Grey's Anatomy. Haaaaappy!
It could be soooo much worse. I had an appointment with my doctor this morning again, and since I have no money whatsoever, I took a walk there, it took me 45 min. And it was coooooold this morning. A few degrees below zero..happy! It felt like I was at home again. That made me relaxed. It was such a beautiful day and now it is really really foggy outside. That is nice =)
Must go now, have to say hello to my boyfriend. He look a little bit sad (the powercord to his laptop isn't working so he can't use the laptop right now)
I love you guys!
Puss o kram,
Erika (Error) von Gegerfelt