Me is going to Norway!! =)

I am going to Norway next Thursday. To celebrate easter with my boyfriend and his family. They live up in the northern of Norway, in a city called Tromsö. I am really looking forward to it. I will see snow!! I haven't seen real snow for like two winters now, and I miss it. Ok, it was snowing Sunday morning when we went to Dublin, but that is not the same.  mean, they have METERS of snow up inte Tromsö.

I am soooo looking forward to it! I think I am gonna love it. Well, I know I will. I just hope Tore's mum will like me. I mean, she haven't like any of his previous girlfriends...bad odds...=)

And I will be blond again! I don't know if I told you that I colored my hair brown in the beginning of February. And as I told you in my last blogg thingie, I cut my hair and colored it even darker Friday or Saturday. It is beautiful, but I miss my long blonde hair. So one of Tore's female friends in Oslo, who is a hairdresser, will turn me into a blonde again and then give me extensions..Yeeeeeeeey!

Anyhow, I need to take a shower now, see you later.


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