A pink tie..
Dinner at Luigi Malone's together with the rest of the Osborne Team and a few chefs from the kitchen =) We were 11 for dinner and we had soo much fun! Drank cocktails and wine and ate and ate and ate. I drank a Bailey's Coffee. Really good one
After dinner we went to Quay's bar for a pint, while we were waiting for Club M to open... In the Quay's I saw this guy with a nice pink tie..."I like your tie" "Thanks, I like your scarf"
The nightclub was ok. Everybody was happy and drunk (except me). I was only bored. So I went to the entrance...And started to talk to the bouncer...Alan from New York...Cool guy...In the end I got his number...=)
I also got the number from "Gino from Bangladesh" and "Lukas from Lithuania" wanted the number while Gino was standing beside. And I was talking to Chris from Australia...too bad he's living in UK and not here. Would have given him my number otherwise...
And then a guy came to me "I like your scarf..." I looked at him, and it was the guy with the pink tie. That was Jack from Clondarf...(Ireland) and he was real nice. We hade a good time, talking for a while. Then he gave me his pink tie, just because I liked it...but I never got his number =(
And today I'm just laying in my bed, relaxing. Resting my feet...but I'm taking a walk at the beach very soon...
A weekend from hell!
You can't imagine how tired I was when I got home yesterday...My feet hurt so bad that I could barely stand up. And the knowledge that I had only about 4 hours sleep before a hell-breakfast..didn't make it easier. I'm soo fed up.
The worst part of working these long hours, is that you're busy the WHOLE day. You are in STRESS and have to HURRY for 18 hours. And that makes you exhausted. Breakfast was ok. Lunch was busy, and the dinner was INSANE!
And I woke up this morning. Soo tired! Drank a RedBull, a constant drink in my diet. And I went to work. The breakfast was really hell! 4 staff for 258 guests! We should be at least 8! I went up to the lobby one time to get a few guests and Gabor and Sabrina called on me (the receptionists). "Have you spoken to the lady in pink?" "What lady in pink?" "She's been up here complaining" "About what?" "Everything. NO food in the buffet. NO coffee. NO STAFF in the restaurant" And they said it so unfriendly. Like if I could do ANYTHING about it. I got angry and said "Are you kidding me? There is NO STAFF in the restaurant!! But you know what, actually I don't care. Because I'm gone in two week!"
And that's true. I decided that the same that I cried at work. Apparantly EVERYBODY knows that in the hotel. And that's good. If ERIKA (the ALWAYS laughing, smiling and cheerful girl) is crying at work, then there is something really wrong. (Like if someone didn't know that before).
Anyway, tomorrow I begin my last two weeks in the Osborne...Actually only 9 days with my holidays included!!! Yey!
This morning I had a couple who actually asked for my e-mail because they wanted to help me get a job up in the Northern of Ireland if I wanted, after I told them about my hours..
Whatever. I'm off for two days now. I've been sleeping for five hours after work...I mean, we're going out tonight, so I need to get some sleep after this hell-weekend...
About William...Yesterday he came to me in the annex "I don't want to see you that sad.." and he kissed my forehead... What? WHAT? I wonder WHY! He told me a sentence a few times "Treat them mean, keep them keen" and that's true...Because I'm still around. As long as he's keeping me confused..I will stay around. Even though I don't want to really...(but I do, but I don't...and I do, and don't)
A long shift: 06-00 (or finish)
Background Story: I came to work at 6 with Gabor. Everything was ok, we were finished with the buffet at 6.55, when the first guests already had arrived. Meng Lee (Izabel) came around 6.55 as well, and that was good because we hade 6 Rooms Service at 7 . But we were three, we could handle that. BUT, each time I came out in the restaurant there were more people. "I want coffee" "I want some tea" "Can you get me brown toast?" "I would like som pouched eggs" "oh, then I would like two Fried eggs" "Give me some coffee" "Tea, please!" ""Can we get toast now, please, we're in a hurry" "Where can we sit? We are a party of 20"
And at 7.10 I had a FULL restaurant. And I was trying to remember everything. And we were missing 12 chairs. I called up to the reception "I NEED the concierge to bring me chairs. We have a full restaurant soon." Ten minutes later. NO concierge. NO chairs. Totally full restaurant except where the chairs were missing. I called to the reception almost in panic "I NEED chairs. NOW. PLEASE. I have a full restaurant. I'm alone. And I'm almost crying."
Meng Lee and Gabor took sooo long for the six Room Service. And I was (seriously) RUNNING in the kitchen, trying to keep calm. And people kept ordering, and give out to me. And I was just thinking all the time "Smile Erika, smile" And then I saw Rosemary, Gloria and Julia with chairs...
At some point, it was TOO much for me, and when I went into the kitchen I got tears in my eyes. I just wanted to sit down and cry my heart out. I was SO stressed out. And I tried to think "Just smile Erika, just SMILE" But I couldn't. Because I felt so helpless, so alone. Everybody wanted everything from me, and I just have two hands, I can't possibly do everything at the same time. But of course, we're in a 4-star hotel, we're expected to give great service...
At half 7, they were done with the Room Service and came to help me. Thank god for that. But then, they all were gone, almost. They were going for a meeting, and out on tee...And Rosemary and Gloria were there and helped me clear the tables. The rest of the morning were quite quiet, thank god for that. I would probably had died otherwise, and at 8, Moorghen and Gabi came.
But two times in the kitchen, tears fell down my chin...and that says something about my job. And for the first time ever, I feel that my body is starting to say no. I can't take this for much longer. I have to go back tonight, and I work 06-Finish tomorrow, like the rest of the team. Just ONE LONG shift. Around 18 hours or something. And then back to work at 6 on sunday. And I'm crying now, because I don't WANT to work anymore.
Say that I'm negative, but who wouldn't be? And now I'm homesick as well. Because I'm all alone in this. With this. Sure, my colleagues have the same shit, but I need someone two hold me, someone I can cry to. And only my family can provide me with that support...
Bathing in the Irish sea...at 05.30
I had a dream a few days ago. A weird dream again. Of course. But it was a special dream, because there were so many people involved in it. People I know, friends and family...It was a symbolic dream...
Yesterday I was on a "date" with William...Back to phase 1...he didn't even kiss or HUG me when I said goodbye after..And that means? Anything? Nothing? Or everything? He's making ME confused. Am I suppose to FEEL like this? Am I in love? Is it worth waiting? WHAT is love? HOW do you KNOW you're in love? And is it a sign, when I can COUNT the number of times he asked me a question (about anything!) on one hand, (three), and when I call him things like "Bitch" "Bastard" and things like that, more often that I call him by name?
After the date I went to Gibney's with Kers, and I don't know really how, or when we decided, but suddenly we were on our way to Tamango's...
And we had a long night ahead. Gabi came around half twelve (00.30) and we hade a lot of fun . We were home around 3 and decided to sit in the garden to drink some more wine...And dance in the garden...doing limbo and listen to techno and sexyback...
At 4.40 or something I came with the idea "Why not go to the beach and watch the sunrise?" And we took towels, and cameras and pink sparkling wine and went down to the beach.
"Where the f*** is the sun?" "There are clouds in the way..." "Let's go bathing" So, we took our bottle of pink wine and went into the sea...at 5.30 in the morning. Screaming and laughing. Up fast and on with the clothes again! And we went back home...
I closed my eyes at 6.22 this morning...
Gabi's at work now, and me and Kers are waiting for chinese delivery food and some Ben&Jerry Icecream that we're gonna eat, watching dvds. Tomorrow it's back to work...And I Haven't had this much fun for a long time. We took round about 250 pictures last night...They're soon on the computer...=D
Peace...Love...and...I don't know...whatever
Your precious Erika ;)
What can i say about this?
I'm going through life here, and of some reason, I every day hear a song that fits exactly into my mood and how I feel...A few days ago it was about the rainbow...Today I heard "Heaven" with Dj Sammy, and It just felt right. I don't know WHAT felt right, but everything was right in that moment.
I also heard "My Sweet Escape" with Gwen Stephanie, and I just love that song. I was sitting on the bus, looking out throught the window, thinking about a few words Jihad told me the other day "You know, when It's time for you to move on, but If you're happy here now, just stay. You'll know when the day has come" And I was sitting there, looking out, the beautiful landscape passing by and I felt a joy. And I know it's not time yet...I'll stay for a while.
About my tattoo, I'm reconsidering where to put it, and EXACTLY how it will look like, so it's on ice for a while...Better than doing something I'll regret.
I'm actually going to sleep now =( have to be at work at 5.30 tomorrow because we have a few early breakfast people...who are gonna play golf early...Yey!
Todays useless fact about me: I don't drink black tea or coffee, because it gives me yellow teeth, and my smile is the most precious I have (almost)
Brice's story...
Ok, so everybody are confused...because of Brice...Kasia, it's the french concierge, you remember him? Really nice guy.
So this is the story "how Brice got a job in the Portmarnock Hotel & Golf Links...
Brice is sitting in France, bored. He wants to go abroad, so he turns on the computer and use Google Earth...He see Ireland...Zoom in, and sees Dublin "must be a nice city" (Remember that he's french, they are insane) He books a one-way ticket and packs his bag. Then he kiss his girlfriend goodbye and leave her for the big adventure IRELAND!
At Dublin airport he picks a random bus, says to the driver "Can you drop me close to a hotel, please" He could have taken ten different buses, but he took this one..The driver dropped him close to our dear hotel and said "Here's a nice hotel" So our Brice, takes all his big bags and walks to the entrance of the hotel...
There is a queue to the reception..He's waiting, with all his bags...and the receptionist says "How can I help you?" "I'm looking for a job" "eeeeeh"
One of our managers: "Yeah, can you follow me, please..."
Brice has been working here for a month now...Do you think this could happen anywhere else, except in Ireland? No, probably not...So if you're to scared to move here because you don't have a job...think about Brice =)
When it comes to me...we hade the Irish footballteam for lunch today...yuck..bigheaded boys with the intelligens of a walking stick...the managers are very nice though =)
About William, I'm not gonna speak about him...He just makes me nervous, confused, sad, happy and everything you can imagine...And HE don't know anything himself....
About beautiful me =) Of all the people Brice introduced his girlfriend to, she only said one thing...and that was about me of course "She has a beautiful face" I like that girl =D Oh, and of course am I happy now because we had all the managers and football staff who adores me...(you know, I'm probably as bigheaded as the footballers ;) only with less money and higher IQ)
Todays useless fact about me: I've had two surgeries for my cruciate ligament...
What's your story?
William has 6 days left now..before I tell him to fuck off! He actually called me yesterday evening...just to make my life complicated again...WHEN I decided to forget him, then he calls me...and we had a long talk...I told him exactly how I felt, that he makes me sad right now, and is hurting me. And that I don't know if I want to see him again.. "It's not up to you, to decide" and he promised that within 7 days (from yesterday) he will have done something that surprises me...Enough of this stupid guy (he made me cry...)
Today I've been in Dublin with Jihad..we ate lunch and saw "Next" with Nicolas Cage and Jessica Biel. It was really good. And now I'm going to bed...
What's your story? I will tell you Brice's story soon...he's a nice guy with a very interesting story...
Todays useless fact about me...I have a green pyjamas with pink cats on...
Fish and rabbit are...
Do you know who text me yesterday evening? Oh, yes of course, William... He surprised me actually (like always). Anyway, I saw him today...and we talked a little bit "I'm just so confused, I don't know anything right now" So, does he mean us, or in general? And a minute after he left, Dominique came and said to me "Smile, Erika..." And I realised I'd stopped smiling...And that made me realise something else. William makes me sad. He doesn't make me smile anymore =( He's actually hurting me now (f*** that!)
Fish are on drugs. Are you?
To something else then...I also decided to have a no boyfriend-policy over here for now on. (We'll see how that'll go) And I just need to find a very good looking guy to, whatever, I'm sick of writing about this stupid guy!
The colors of the rainbow, they shine so bright...everytime I look I look into your eyes...dam di dam...(bullshit, but it's a good techno song)
Rabbit are on E! Are you?
Todays useless fact about Erika: I've developed a love to techno and trance music
Whatever William!
You know, he is a real cute guy, I really like him, but I'm not gonna go through life, being in love with someone who don't feel the same...And he confuses me, he comes and pick me up because it's raining, but he NEVER calls or texts me...What's the sense in that? Whatever, he's moving to Trim within a few weeks anyway...it's been delayed... Should I be happy or sad? Whatever William, if you can't make up your mind, I'm not gonna wait for you forever...it's your loss.
The irish footballteam is back on wednesday, maybe I should actually go out with that footballer now..We'll see what happens...
I'm actually not in the mood to write anything here today, I'm just lazy...
But I can tell you that I, Gabi and Kers went to Tamango's yesterday... And I think that me and Gabi are the best dancers in the world, EVER! Everybody watch us, when we're on the dancefloor...and I don't blame them...And it's so fun, because other girls see that we have all the attention and they try to copy us, but they can't...hihi....toooo bad!
We had sooo much fun...like always. I was talking to the bouncer and he kicked out Sandy who tried to kiss me. He was a little to close...and I asked him nicely to stop. Too bad Sandy...but he was sooo drunk. I think the bouncer fancies me =) he's nice...
Anyway, I'm to lazy today...
The useless fact about me today is: I have blisters on both my feet...
14 h working day..
Do you know what he did yesterday? He give me double signs all the time. Whatever. I called him on my way back to work yesterday. It was raining a lot..."Are you outside?" "Yeah, I'm on my way back to work" "But I'm on my way to your house, I'll be there in a minute to pick you up" "What? Why?" "I know that you like the rain, but I can't let you walk to work in this weather" Cute, huh? He really surprised me...But I don't know, whatever...We'll see what happens..
I have four swedish guests who are staying in the hotel right now..and tho be honest...I haven't told them I'm swedish...I don't want to speak more swedish now. And I'm happy with that.
I general, I'm veeeeery happy =) I can't stop telling you that... And whatever, I don't have the time anymore, it's half past nine here, veeeery late for little Erika..=( So, I'm going to bed now.. Byeeee byeeeee =D
Oh, todays useless fact about me...hmmm, I'm addicted to Apotekets Läppbalsam
I could almost touch the rainbow!
Finally! The course is over! "Train the trainer" has been a great course, but it's been big and a lot of information in a short time. But it will be really helpful I think. I passed the assessment! So I'm getting a certificate for that now. And it's international so I can bring it home to Sweden if I want to..yey!
But it's been hard to just sit down for 7h a day and listen. To be back studying. But it was fun. And I really feel valued at the hotel (ok, they just don't want me to leave , I KNOW) but, it's a very expensive course and I should be happy that I had the possibility to be there.
Anyway, as usual I'm happy! Ok, I'm sooo happy! And do you wanna know why? No? Well, I'll tell you anyway! =P I almost touched the rainbow yesterday! When I was walking from our hotel yesterday (had to steal some napkins for my assessment, they only had crap papernapkins at Comfort Inn) it was raining real heavy, but suddenly it just stopped. And the sun started to shine...And by then I was right beside the beach, so I'm looking at the beautiful sea...And in the sea, very close to the beach, was this bright bright rainbow! I could see the WHOLE rainbow at the same time! And I was thinking (seriously) "Should I go and look for some gold over there? No, then I have to go into the sea, and that's FREEZING!" So I was just standing there with a big big smile (like I have very often here) looking at the rainbow which slowly moved out further into the sea, still as bright. And I was just happy over the beauty in life!
I saw another rainbow a few minutes later, and today I saw this enormous rainbow over Dublin City Center...I love rainbows...
When it comes to William...Things changes...He's moving very shortly =( abd we'll see what happens then, but the footballers are in the hotel next weekend ;) so if he don't want me, I'll go back to catch one of them instead!
And I mean, I'm a gorgeous girl :) William should be happy that he mess my mind up like this...If not, too bad. Life's brutal...BUT, he wants to come to Sweden with me =)
Ok, I have to go now, need some sleep =( but todays useless fact about me: I bite my nails when I'm nervous...(have I said that already? I mean, almost everything is useful to know about me..it's hard to find things like this)
A great night at Traffic
Anyway, we had a lot of fun, but William told me that probably around 75% of all the people at the nightclub were on pills...or other kind of drugs...That was a bit scary, for me..They've grown up with it, they all tried it and it's as normal to them as smoking a normal cigarett! Thank god he's not doing any of them. Not anymore...
I slept at his place and he made breakfast for me when we woke up this morning.. =) Cute, huh? And then we slept the whole day, didn't wake up until 6pm!
And now I'm going to bed because I have "Train the trainers" tomorrow somewhere in Dublin...And it's a very good course, a very expensive one as well...so I better be fit for fight!
About William and me..I have no idea. We're taking it day by day, slowly. No hurry...But we're going in the right direction =) And that makes me sooo happy...And it was raining today, that's a reason to. I just love the rain. It's so beautiful here, OK, I'm gonna stop telling you all the time how beautiful it is! =P
Whatever, life's really good right now...
A jealous chef and a busy weekend..
I was on my third date with William yesterday =) and tomorrow we're going on a concert together... I think that's gonna be fun. We have monday off together, just so we can go out together.
I realised something today.. The banquetingladies, the just adores him, for being such a gentleman, and the other girls and women who knows about us, as well...
The guys though...the don't like him at all... Headchef came to me today, "are you actually serious? Going out with the accomodation guy?" "Yes I am, what's wrong with that?" "Erika, you can do SO much better!" "You're just jealous!" I said and smiled... "YES, I actually am! And the other guys as well..." And he left... And I was standing there, thinking...
I'm starting to realise my value =) take me as shallow or whatever, but I know I'm worth something, and I need someone who knows that. Like William.. He's something special too.
But whatever, as we all know, everybody loves and adores me =D it's not something new...hihi..(ok, don't take me too serious)
Anyway, I'm happy to be alive. I was a little depressed yesterday, like I always am once a month or something, but it's gone now.. And YOU should be happy as well. A smile brings a smile...
Todays useless fact about me: I have ten pairs of shoes her in Ireland. (The rest are home in Sweden)
My third date and stupid staff
My date with William was great, though he still hasn't kissed me..!! We're going on our third date today, and yesterdsay he told me that he liked me.. Good =) But that doesn't really help me. I'm totally weird when I'm around him. Confused and nervous and can't speak properly. Can you imagine me be quiet? And I have this weird feeling in my stomach all the time, I can't eat and I can't sleep. I told the banquetingladies who loves to listen to this. (They love him because he haven't kissed me yet. He's a oldfashioned guy who respects me) And they said "You're lovesick" Maybe I am... What else can it be?
Anyway, I was working dinner yesterday, didn't get home until 1.30, so I got 3½ h sleep and then up to work again. And I had to work with Erika C, Meng Lei and Gabor, three new staff. It was a totally disaster! Erika is cheeky and won't listen to me at all. Men Lei is lazy and I'm not sure what she's doing during breakfast actually. Gabor did his best and was better than both of the girls even though it only was his second day! But whatever, life's brutal! Hopefully I will be a Supervisor next week, and then they HAVE to listen to me. Now I'm still on the same "level".
To something else. This morning I left home a little bit earlier, just to see the sunrise. It's sooo beautiful. When I was walking down the road towards the beach, the chilly air, that makes all the smells extra intense and the light that put everything in a little bit of a glimmer... Then I felt I was in Paradise. It was so beautiful. To see all the big flowertrees, have no idea what they're called. The sky was pink and orange and when I came down to the beach I saw the sun rise up from the sea. Big and orange and soo bright! I took pictures... I love this place!
Oh, and I've decided to make my second tattoo now =) It's totally beautiful!!
Today's useless fact about me: I'm very impatient.
My second date...and cleaning the house...
So this is what happened today. Gabi moved in!! Yey! It's gonna be sooo much fun! We decided together with Kerstin (Gabis german friend and our new colleague) that we would clean the kitchen and bathroom...We went to Dunnes to buy cleaning agents...and we bought soooo many things! Sponges, antibacterial sprays and bleech-thingies and whatever. It was 107 euro!
I took us over 3 hours for me and Kerstin to clean the kitchen, and the same for Gabi to clean the bathroom...
And then...William called...and within 15 min I had a shower, did my make-up, got dressed and went out the frontdoor. (veeeery impressing!) We hade a lovely evening. Will keep it short...he drove me home, but we ended up sitting in his car for two hours, just talking...And now I know that he likes me as well..That I don't have to be nervous about us...And then he kissed me..On the mouth! Nothing else! No real kiss! What's wrong with this guy? On our second date he kisses me on the mouth...of course..big step forward, from getting att kiss on the cheek! Hihi. And this makes me fall for him even more. (Didn't think that was possible) And my mind is totally messed up!
And he's leaving in about one week now...What are we gonna do then? Whatever. I don't have the engergy or whatever to think about that..
We'll see how long I can keep up with this writing in english, even though it's easier to stick to one language =)
Today's useless fact about Erika: I prefer white wine...
Den stora nyheten...!
Var på barbeque hemma hos Kasia och Sebastian igår...Det var trevligt..Vi åt massa mat och pratade massa strunt. Jag höll mig dock till cola =) Och tog mig hemåt runt kl 10...
Kom i säng runt 2 dock, vet inte riktigt vad som hände. Ok, jag pratade med William i typ 2 timmar...=D
Och upp idag vid 11...pigg som en mört. Skulle in till stan och köpa lite presenter till alla kära vänner som ger sig av nu imorgon =( Har varit lite ledsen över det faktiskt. Kasia har blivit en riktig vän under våra månader tillsammans, och Sebastian också. Vi har gjort mycket kul tillsammans utanför jobbet.
Kunde dock inte koncentrera mig så mycket, eftersom jag bara gick och tänkte på en viss person (alltså, jag AVSKYR det här!) F-n vad jobbigt det ska vara!
Hem till Kasia och Sebastian, de packade och stod i, det var lite sorgligt att se. Jag hade köpt ett silverhalsband med en shamrock till Kasia, och ett fint pint-glas till Sebastian, så han kan fortsätta dricka sina gigantiska lattes.
Och äntligen ringde William, nu när jag satt och åt såklart! Och jag är glad, och lycklig. Men hur vet jag att jag är kär? Det kanske bara är inbillelse alltihop...Whatever..Han kommer hem tidigare imorgon, så att vi kan ses, jiiiiiiiiiiih. Så nu är jag ännu mer nervös.. Imorgon flyttar ju dock Gabi in i mitt hus, det är ju ett smärre problem...men det löser sig...
Och NU ska jag fälla den stora nyheten, kan inte riktigt hålla mig längre...Det är väl iofs väntat..men ändå vågade jag inte riktigt tro på det...Jag ska bli Breakfast Supervisor!!! Nästa vecka ska dom befordra mig...självklart vet jag inget om det här...=) men jag ska bli Supervisor, Supervisor, Supervisor, da dam da dam...
Vad betyder då detta? Joooo, att jag inte kommer hem!! =) Yey! För jag ska bli Supervisor!!
Och nu måste jag sticka..ska iväg till Sand's bar på karaoke, Pauls sista kväll. Han åker ju också imorgon... Och jag ska bli Supervisor...! Det var något mer jag hade tänkt berätta...men jag får väl ta det någon annan dag..
Dagens onödiga fakta om mig: hmmm, jag har 35½ st Portmarnock Hotel & Golf Links bläckpennor hemma i mitt rum...
Nu kom jag på vad det var...Från och med imorgon kommer min blogg att vara på halvknagglig engelska (ursäkta mig för det) eftersom Kasia, Paul och Sebastian vill veta vad som händer i mitt liv, och på hotellet...Ok, och glöm inte bort att jag älskar er och att jag är glad och lycklig och mår jättebra!
You are beautiful, Erika
Men jag var grymt snygg igår också...Ok, jag vet att jag är odräglig. Men, just deal with it! =P Life's brutal, you know..Berättade för Gabi om alla hotellgäster...Sa att de betraktade varje steg jag tog..."då ska vi ge dom något att titta på" sa hon...Sen gick vi till baren och shottade vodka...Och gick upp på dansgolvet...Hotellgästerna stod vid sidan av dansgolvet och bara stirrade...jag förstår dom...de två vackraste tjejerna på stället...
I vilket fall, det var en kille som jag pratade med varje gång jag var uppe...En av de snyggaste killarna jag sett på länge...(men hotellgäst) Och vi gick ner och dansade, väldigt utmanande...
Vi pratade lite efteråt, det visade sig att han var golfproffs och bodde i England,..jag VISSTE att jag hade sett honom förut...
Jag tog mig hemåt...och sov...gick till jobbet och tog hand om alla EXTREMT bakfulla hotellgäster...som var ute på en nattklubb igår...(undrar vilken) och tittade på en väldigt vacker tjej (hmmm, vem kan det vara)
Jag trackade dom hela morgonen, och var så extremt oförskämd, som bara jag lyckas med här i restaurangen... "Erika, you are soo beautiful" "Yes, I know" han tittade förvånat på mig "What?" jag log mot honom "It wasn't I who said it..." och gick iväg.. De gav mig komplimanger för att jag dansade så bra, och för att jag hade en väldigt vacker klänning...mitt ego växte ännu mer...hihi Dessutom..golfproffset ville ha mitt nummer..är man inte grym eller? Fotbollsproffs hit och golfproffs dit...
Men..jag är kär i William. Och William vill träffa mig igen. Många gånger. =D Vi har pratat i telefon typ fyra gånger idag...på sammanlagt 3 timmar eller något... Han är gullig...Vill bara att han ska komma tillbaka från landet nu så att vi kan ses igen...jag menar...Officiellt har vi ju bara varit ute på en dejt...
Nu ska jag dock gå och lägga mig...
Dagens onödiga fakta om mig: För att orka med alla mina workinghours så lever jag på minst två redbull om dagen...