A long shift: 06-00 (or finish)
I was crying at work today. For the first time in my life, I was crying at work. That means that something is very wrong.
Background Story: I came to work at 6 with Gabor. Everything was ok, we were finished with the buffet at 6.55, when the first guests already had arrived. Meng Lee (Izabel) came around 6.55 as well, and that was good because we hade 6 Rooms Service at 7 . But we were three, we could handle that. BUT, each time I came out in the restaurant there were more people. "I want coffee" "I want some tea" "Can you get me brown toast?" "I would like som pouched eggs" "oh, then I would like two Fried eggs" "Give me some coffee" "Tea, please!" ""Can we get toast now, please, we're in a hurry" "Where can we sit? We are a party of 20"
And at 7.10 I had a FULL restaurant. And I was trying to remember everything. And we were missing 12 chairs. I called up to the reception "I NEED the concierge to bring me chairs. We have a full restaurant soon." Ten minutes later. NO concierge. NO chairs. Totally full restaurant except where the chairs were missing. I called to the reception almost in panic "I NEED chairs. NOW. PLEASE. I have a full restaurant. I'm alone. And I'm almost crying."
Meng Lee and Gabor took sooo long for the six Room Service. And I was (seriously) RUNNING in the kitchen, trying to keep calm. And people kept ordering, and give out to me. And I was just thinking all the time "Smile Erika, smile" And then I saw Rosemary, Gloria and Julia with chairs...
At some point, it was TOO much for me, and when I went into the kitchen I got tears in my eyes. I just wanted to sit down and cry my heart out. I was SO stressed out. And I tried to think "Just smile Erika, just SMILE" But I couldn't. Because I felt so helpless, so alone. Everybody wanted everything from me, and I just have two hands, I can't possibly do everything at the same time. But of course, we're in a 4-star hotel, we're expected to give great service...
At half 7, they were done with the Room Service and came to help me. Thank god for that. But then, they all were gone, almost. They were going for a meeting, and out on tee...And Rosemary and Gloria were there and helped me clear the tables. The rest of the morning were quite quiet, thank god for that. I would probably had died otherwise, and at 8, Moorghen and Gabi came.
But two times in the kitchen, tears fell down my chin...and that says something about my job. And for the first time ever, I feel that my body is starting to say no. I can't take this for much longer. I have to go back tonight, and I work 06-Finish tomorrow, like the rest of the team. Just ONE LONG shift. Around 18 hours or something. And then back to work at 6 on sunday. And I'm crying now, because I don't WANT to work anymore.
Say that I'm negative, but who wouldn't be? And now I'm homesick as well. Because I'm all alone in this. With this. Sure, my colleagues have the same shit, but I need someone two hold me, someone I can cry to. And only my family can provide me with that support...
Background Story: I came to work at 6 with Gabor. Everything was ok, we were finished with the buffet at 6.55, when the first guests already had arrived. Meng Lee (Izabel) came around 6.55 as well, and that was good because we hade 6 Rooms Service at 7 . But we were three, we could handle that. BUT, each time I came out in the restaurant there were more people. "I want coffee" "I want some tea" "Can you get me brown toast?" "I would like som pouched eggs" "oh, then I would like two Fried eggs" "Give me some coffee" "Tea, please!" ""Can we get toast now, please, we're in a hurry" "Where can we sit? We are a party of 20"
And at 7.10 I had a FULL restaurant. And I was trying to remember everything. And we were missing 12 chairs. I called up to the reception "I NEED the concierge to bring me chairs. We have a full restaurant soon." Ten minutes later. NO concierge. NO chairs. Totally full restaurant except where the chairs were missing. I called to the reception almost in panic "I NEED chairs. NOW. PLEASE. I have a full restaurant. I'm alone. And I'm almost crying."
Meng Lee and Gabor took sooo long for the six Room Service. And I was (seriously) RUNNING in the kitchen, trying to keep calm. And people kept ordering, and give out to me. And I was just thinking all the time "Smile Erika, smile" And then I saw Rosemary, Gloria and Julia with chairs...
At some point, it was TOO much for me, and when I went into the kitchen I got tears in my eyes. I just wanted to sit down and cry my heart out. I was SO stressed out. And I tried to think "Just smile Erika, just SMILE" But I couldn't. Because I felt so helpless, so alone. Everybody wanted everything from me, and I just have two hands, I can't possibly do everything at the same time. But of course, we're in a 4-star hotel, we're expected to give great service...
At half 7, they were done with the Room Service and came to help me. Thank god for that. But then, they all were gone, almost. They were going for a meeting, and out on tee...And Rosemary and Gloria were there and helped me clear the tables. The rest of the morning were quite quiet, thank god for that. I would probably had died otherwise, and at 8, Moorghen and Gabi came.
But two times in the kitchen, tears fell down my chin...and that says something about my job. And for the first time ever, I feel that my body is starting to say no. I can't take this for much longer. I have to go back tonight, and I work 06-Finish tomorrow, like the rest of the team. Just ONE LONG shift. Around 18 hours or something. And then back to work at 6 on sunday. And I'm crying now, because I don't WANT to work anymore.
Say that I'm negative, but who wouldn't be? And now I'm homesick as well. Because I'm all alone in this. With this. Sure, my colleagues have the same shit, but I need someone two hold me, someone I can cry to. And only my family can provide me with that support...