What can i say about this?

I'm going through life here, and of some reason, I every day hear a song that fits exactly into my mood and how I feel...A few days ago it was about the rainbow...Today I heard "Heaven" with Dj Sammy, and It just felt right. I don't know WHAT felt right, but everything was right in that moment.

I also heard "My Sweet Escape" with Gwen Stephanie, and I just love that song. I was sitting on the bus, looking out throught the window, thinking about a few words Jihad told me the other day "You know, when It's time for you to move on, but If you're happy here now, just stay. You'll know when the day has come" And I was sitting there, looking out, the beautiful landscape passing by and I felt a joy. And I know it's not time yet...I'll stay for a while.

About my tattoo, I'm reconsidering where to put it, and EXACTLY how it will look like, so it's on ice for a while...Better than doing something I'll regret.

I'm actually going to sleep now =( have to be at work at 5.30 tomorrow because we have a few early breakfast people...who are gonna play golf early...Yey!

Todays useless fact about me: I don't drink black tea or coffee, because it gives me yellow teeth, and my smile is the most precious I have (almost)


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