Bathing in the Irish 05.30
Sometimes I wonder...
I had a dream a few days ago. A weird dream again. Of course. But it was a special dream, because there were so many people involved in it. People I know, friends and family...It was a symbolic dream...
Yesterday I was on a "date" with William...Back to phase 1...he didn't even kiss or HUG me when I said goodbye after..And that means? Anything? Nothing? Or everything? He's making ME confused. Am I suppose to FEEL like this? Am I in love? Is it worth waiting? WHAT is love? HOW do you KNOW you're in love? And is it a sign, when I can COUNT the number of times he asked me a question (about anything!) on one hand, (three), and when I call him things like "Bitch" "Bastard" and things like that, more often that I call him by name?
After the date I went to Gibney's with Kers, and I don't know really how, or when we decided, but suddenly we were on our way to Tamango's...
And we had a long night ahead. Gabi came around half twelve (00.30) and we hade a lot of fun . We were home around 3 and decided to sit in the garden to drink some more wine...And dance in the garden...doing limbo and listen to techno and sexyback...
At 4.40 or something I came with the idea "Why not go to the beach and watch the sunrise?" And we took towels, and cameras and pink sparkling wine and went down to the beach.
"Where the f*** is the sun?" "There are clouds in the way..." "Let's go bathing" So, we took our bottle of pink wine and went into the 5.30 in the morning. Screaming and laughing. Up fast and on with the clothes again! And we went back home...
I closed my eyes at 6.22 this morning...
Gabi's at work now, and me and Kers are waiting for chinese delivery food and some Ben&Jerry Icecream that we're gonna eat, watching dvds. Tomorrow it's back to work...And I Haven't had this much fun for a long time. We took round about 250 pictures last night...They're soon on the computer...=D
Peace...Love...and...I don't know...whatever
Your precious Erika ;)
I had a dream a few days ago. A weird dream again. Of course. But it was a special dream, because there were so many people involved in it. People I know, friends and family...It was a symbolic dream...
Yesterday I was on a "date" with William...Back to phase 1...he didn't even kiss or HUG me when I said goodbye after..And that means? Anything? Nothing? Or everything? He's making ME confused. Am I suppose to FEEL like this? Am I in love? Is it worth waiting? WHAT is love? HOW do you KNOW you're in love? And is it a sign, when I can COUNT the number of times he asked me a question (about anything!) on one hand, (three), and when I call him things like "Bitch" "Bastard" and things like that, more often that I call him by name?
After the date I went to Gibney's with Kers, and I don't know really how, or when we decided, but suddenly we were on our way to Tamango's...
And we had a long night ahead. Gabi came around half twelve (00.30) and we hade a lot of fun . We were home around 3 and decided to sit in the garden to drink some more wine...And dance in the garden...doing limbo and listen to techno and sexyback...
At 4.40 or something I came with the idea "Why not go to the beach and watch the sunrise?" And we took towels, and cameras and pink sparkling wine and went down to the beach.
"Where the f*** is the sun?" "There are clouds in the way..." "Let's go bathing" So, we took our bottle of pink wine and went into the 5.30 in the morning. Screaming and laughing. Up fast and on with the clothes again! And we went back home...
I closed my eyes at 6.22 this morning...
Gabi's at work now, and me and Kers are waiting for chinese delivery food and some Ben&Jerry Icecream that we're gonna eat, watching dvds. Tomorrow it's back to work...And I Haven't had this much fun for a long time. We took round about 250 pictures last night...They're soon on the computer...=D
Peace...Love...and...I don't know...whatever
Your precious Erika ;)