14 h working day..

14 h working day...nothing unusual in the Osborne... I'm soooo tired now...Must go to sleep directly, 'cause I'm in at 6 tomorrow again, and we have the lunch again...Hade lunch with 65 covers today! And breakfast was sooo busy. But it was ok. But I only slept 4h last night (Wiliams fault)...I called William on my way home from work yesterday, around 12, and then we were talking on the phone for almost an hour...

Do you know what he did yesterday? He give me double signs all the time. Whatever. I called him on my way back to work yesterday. It was raining a lot..."Are you outside?" "Yeah, I'm on my way back to work" "But I'm on my way to your house, I'll be there in a minute to pick you up" "What? Why?" "I know that you like the rain, but I can't let you walk to work in this weather" Cute, huh? He really surprised me...But I don't know, whatever...We'll see what happens..

I have four swedish guests who are staying in the hotel right now..and tho be honest...I haven't told them I'm swedish...I don't want to speak more swedish now. And I'm happy with that.

I general, I'm veeeeery happy =) I can't stop telling you that... And whatever, I don't have the time anymore, it's half past nine here, veeeery late for little Erika..=( So, I'm going to bed now.. Byeeee byeeeee =D

Oh, todays useless fact about me...hmmm, I'm addicted to Apotekets Läppbalsam


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