Whatever William!

For fuck sake, William! Whats wrong with you?! Ignore me, or not, but please, stop confuse me! Stop give me these stupid double signs or whatever. I'm sick of it!
You know, he is a real cute guy, I really like him, but I'm not gonna go through life, being in love with someone who don't feel the same...And he confuses me, he comes and pick me up because it's raining, but he NEVER calls or texts me...What's the sense in that? Whatever, he's moving to Trim within a few weeks anyway...it's been delayed... Should I be happy or sad? Whatever William, if you can't make up your mind, I'm not gonna wait for you forever...it's your loss.

The irish footballteam is back on wednesday, maybe I should actually go out with that footballer now..We'll see what happens...

I'm actually not in the mood to write anything here today, I'm just lazy...

But I can tell you that I, Gabi and Kers went to Tamango's yesterday... And I think that me and Gabi are the best dancers in the world, EVER! Everybody watch us, when we're on the dancefloor...and I don't blame them...And it's so fun, because other girls see that we have all the attention and they try to copy us, but they can't...hihi....toooo bad!
We had sooo much fun...like always. I was talking to the bouncer and he kicked out Sandy who tried to kiss me. He was a little to close...and I asked him nicely to stop. Too bad Sandy...but he was sooo drunk. I think the bouncer fancies me =) he's nice...

Anyway, I'm to lazy today...

The useless fact about me today is: I have blisters on both my feet...


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