I could almost touch the rainbow!

Finally! The course is over! "Train the trainer" has been a great course, but it's been big and a lot of information in a short time. But it will be really helpful I think. I passed the assessment! So I'm getting a certificate for that now. And it's international so I can bring it home to Sweden if I want to..yey!

But it's been hard to just sit down for 7h a day and listen. To be back studying. But it was fun. And I really feel valued at the hotel (ok, they just don't want me to leave , I KNOW) but, it's a very expensive course and I should be happy that I had the possibility to be there.

Anyway, as usual I'm happy! Ok, I'm sooo happy! And do you wanna know why? No? Well, I'll tell you anyway! =P I almost touched the rainbow yesterday! When I was walking from our hotel yesterday (had to steal some napkins for my assessment, they only had crap papernapkins at Comfort Inn) it was raining real heavy, but suddenly it just stopped. And the sun started to shine...And by then I was right beside the beach, so I'm looking at the beautiful sea...And in the sea, very close to the beach, was this bright bright rainbow! I could see the WHOLE rainbow at the same time! And I was thinking (seriously) "Should I go and look for some gold over there? No, then I have to go into the sea, and that's FREEZING!" So I was just standing there with a big big smile (like I have very often here) looking at the rainbow which slowly moved out further into the sea, still as bright. And I was just happy over the beauty in life! 
I saw another rainbow a few minutes later, and today I saw this enormous rainbow over Dublin City Center...I love rainbows...

When it comes to William...Things changes...He's moving very shortly =( abd we'll see what happens then, but the footballers are in the hotel next weekend ;) so if he don't want me, I'll go back to catch one of them instead!
And I mean, I'm a gorgeous girl :) William should be happy that he mess my mind up like this...If not, too bad. Life's brutal...BUT, he wants to come to Sweden with me =)

Ok, I have to go now, need some sleep =( but todays useless fact about me: I bite my nails when I'm nervous...(have I said that already? I mean, almost everything is useful to know about me..it's hard to find things like this)

Postat av: annelie

Sötis!jobbigt med william, men kul att du fick ditt ceritifkat :D :D :D kramar från en annan som e superglad!

2007-05-12 @ 10:20:05
URL: http://lillapii.blogg.se

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