A jealous chef and a busy weekend..

It's been a busy week.. I mean, with the new staff, it's totally crazy! It's like you're alone in the breakfast, and Eddie expects me to take care of everything... I don't have any problems with that, except that Erika C and Izabel are'nt listening to me. I need Eddie to tell them what to do, because otherwise they just do what they like. (and that's usually staying in the kitchen talking and eating)

I was on my third date with William yesterday =) and tomorrow we're going on a concert together... I think that's gonna be fun. We have monday off together, just so we can go out together.
I realised something today.. The banquetingladies, the just adores him, for being such a gentleman, and the other girls and women who knows about us, as well...
The guys though...the don't like him at all... Headchef came to me today, "are you actually serious? Going out with the accomodation guy?" "Yes I am, what's wrong with that?" "Erika, you can do SO much better!" "You're just jealous!" I said and smiled... "YES, I actually am! And the other guys as well..." And he left... And I was standing there, thinking...
I'm starting to realise my value =) take me as shallow or whatever, but I know I'm worth something, and I need someone who knows that. Like William.. He's something special too.
But whatever, as we all know, everybody loves and adores me =D it's not something new...hihi..(ok, don't take me too serious)

Anyway, I'm happy to be alive. I was a little depressed yesterday, like I always am once a month or something, but it's gone now.. And YOU should be happy as well. A smile brings a smile...

Todays  useless fact about me: I have ten pairs of shoes her in Ireland. (The rest are home in Sweden)


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