Fish and rabbit are...
I believe in me as a very cool girl...yey! =D
Do you know who text me yesterday evening? Oh, yes of course, William... He surprised me actually (like always). Anyway, I saw him today...and we talked a little bit "I'm just so confused, I don't know anything right now" So, does he mean us, or in general? And a minute after he left, Dominique came and said to me "Smile, Erika..." And I realised I'd stopped smiling...And that made me realise something else. William makes me sad. He doesn't make me smile anymore =( He's actually hurting me now (f*** that!)
Fish are on drugs. Are you?
To something else then...I also decided to have a no boyfriend-policy over here for now on. (We'll see how that'll go) And I just need to find a very good looking guy to, whatever, I'm sick of writing about this stupid guy!
The colors of the rainbow, they shine so bright...everytime I look I look into your eyes...dam di dam...(bullshit, but it's a good techno song)
Rabbit are on E! Are you?
Todays useless fact about Erika: I've developed a love to techno and trance music
Do you know who text me yesterday evening? Oh, yes of course, William... He surprised me actually (like always). Anyway, I saw him today...and we talked a little bit "I'm just so confused, I don't know anything right now" So, does he mean us, or in general? And a minute after he left, Dominique came and said to me "Smile, Erika..." And I realised I'd stopped smiling...And that made me realise something else. William makes me sad. He doesn't make me smile anymore =( He's actually hurting me now (f*** that!)
Fish are on drugs. Are you?
To something else then...I also decided to have a no boyfriend-policy over here for now on. (We'll see how that'll go) And I just need to find a very good looking guy to, whatever, I'm sick of writing about this stupid guy!
The colors of the rainbow, they shine so bright...everytime I look I look into your eyes...dam di dam...(bullshit, but it's a good techno song)
Rabbit are on E! Are you?
Todays useless fact about Erika: I've developed a love to techno and trance music