A great night at Traffic

You know what I'm gonna say, don't ya? Of course, I'm so happy that I don't know what to do with all the feelings... I had a great night out last night with William =) We went to a nightclub called Traffic and it played cool technomusic! I really love techno! So cool! We had so much fun, and we met up with one of his best friends and his girlfriend, Kasia. Hihi, the same nickname as MY Kasia. By the way Kasia, if you read this. I really miss you and I'll mail you everything that happens in the hotel =)
Anyway, we had a lot of fun, but William told me that probably around 75% of all the people at the nightclub were on pills...or other kind of drugs...That was a bit scary, for me..They've grown up with it, they all tried it and it's as normal to them as smoking a normal cigarett! Thank god he's not doing any of them. Not anymore...
I slept at his place and he made breakfast for me when we woke up this morning.. =) Cute, huh? And then we slept the whole day, didn't wake up until 6pm!

And now I'm going to bed because I have "Train the trainers" tomorrow somewhere in Dublin...And it's a very good course, a very expensive one as well...so I better be fit for fight!

About William and me..I have no idea. We're taking it day by day, slowly. No hurry...But we're going in the right direction =) And that makes me sooo happy...And it was raining today, that's a reason to. I just love the rain. It's so beautiful here, OK, I'm gonna stop telling you all the time how beautiful it is! =P

Whatever, life's really good right now...


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