What's your story?

was on Moorghens 29th birthdayparty yesterday...and it was fun. He was soooo drunk. And Erika and Meng Lee as well. But it was fun...

William has 6 days left now..before I tell him to fuck off! He actually called me yesterday evening...just to make my life complicated again...WHEN I decided to forget him, then he calls me...and we had a long talk...I told him exactly how I felt, that he makes me sad right now, and is hurting me. And that I don't know if I want to see him again.. "It's not up to you, to decide" and he promised that within 7 days (from yesterday) he will have done something that surprises me...Enough of this stupid guy (he made me cry...)

Today I've been in Dublin with Jihad..we ate lunch and saw "Next" with Nicolas Cage and Jessica Biel. It was really good. And now I'm going to bed...

What's your story? I will tell you Brice's story soon...he's a nice guy with a very interesting story...

Todays useless fact about me...I have a green pyjamas with pink cats on...


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