A weekend from hell!
18 hours...Yesterday I worked for 18 hours. There is one wrong in that sentence.. Can you find it? Well, the number one shouldn't be there...
You can't imagine how tired I was when I got home yesterday...My feet hurt so bad that I could barely stand up. And the knowledge that I had only about 4 hours sleep before a hell-breakfast..didn't make it easier. I'm soo fed up.
The worst part of working these long hours, is that you're busy the WHOLE day. You are in STRESS and have to HURRY for 18 hours. And that makes you exhausted. Breakfast was ok. Lunch was busy, and the dinner was INSANE!
And I woke up this morning. Soo tired! Drank a RedBull, a constant drink in my diet. And I went to work. The breakfast was really hell! 4 staff for 258 guests! We should be at least 8! I went up to the lobby one time to get a few guests and Gabor and Sabrina called on me (the receptionists). "Have you spoken to the lady in pink?" "What lady in pink?" "She's been up here complaining" "About what?" "Everything. NO food in the buffet. NO coffee. NO STAFF in the restaurant" And they said it so unfriendly. Like if I could do ANYTHING about it. I got angry and said "Are you kidding me? There is NO STAFF in the restaurant!! But you know what, actually I don't care. Because I'm gone in two week!"
And that's true. I decided that the same that I cried at work. Apparantly EVERYBODY knows that in the hotel. And that's good. If ERIKA (the ALWAYS laughing, smiling and cheerful girl) is crying at work, then there is something really wrong. (Like if someone didn't know that before).
Anyway, tomorrow I begin my last two weeks in the Osborne...Actually only 9 days with my holidays included!!! Yey!
This morning I had a couple who actually asked for my e-mail because they wanted to help me get a job up in the Northern of Ireland if I wanted, after I told them about my hours..
Whatever. I'm off for two days now. I've been sleeping for five hours after work...I mean, we're going out tonight, so I need to get some sleep after this hell-weekend...
About William...Yesterday he came to me in the annex "I don't want to see you that sad.." and he kissed my forehead... What? WHAT? I wonder WHY! He told me a sentence a few times "Treat them mean, keep them keen" and that's true...Because I'm still around. As long as he's keeping me confused..I will stay around. Even though I don't want to really...(but I do, but I don't...and I do, and don't)
You can't imagine how tired I was when I got home yesterday...My feet hurt so bad that I could barely stand up. And the knowledge that I had only about 4 hours sleep before a hell-breakfast..didn't make it easier. I'm soo fed up.
The worst part of working these long hours, is that you're busy the WHOLE day. You are in STRESS and have to HURRY for 18 hours. And that makes you exhausted. Breakfast was ok. Lunch was busy, and the dinner was INSANE!
And I woke up this morning. Soo tired! Drank a RedBull, a constant drink in my diet. And I went to work. The breakfast was really hell! 4 staff for 258 guests! We should be at least 8! I went up to the lobby one time to get a few guests and Gabor and Sabrina called on me (the receptionists). "Have you spoken to the lady in pink?" "What lady in pink?" "She's been up here complaining" "About what?" "Everything. NO food in the buffet. NO coffee. NO STAFF in the restaurant" And they said it so unfriendly. Like if I could do ANYTHING about it. I got angry and said "Are you kidding me? There is NO STAFF in the restaurant!! But you know what, actually I don't care. Because I'm gone in two week!"
And that's true. I decided that the same that I cried at work. Apparantly EVERYBODY knows that in the hotel. And that's good. If ERIKA (the ALWAYS laughing, smiling and cheerful girl) is crying at work, then there is something really wrong. (Like if someone didn't know that before).
Anyway, tomorrow I begin my last two weeks in the Osborne...Actually only 9 days with my holidays included!!! Yey!
This morning I had a couple who actually asked for my e-mail because they wanted to help me get a job up in the Northern of Ireland if I wanted, after I told them about my hours..
Whatever. I'm off for two days now. I've been sleeping for five hours after work...I mean, we're going out tonight, so I need to get some sleep after this hell-weekend...
About William...Yesterday he came to me in the annex "I don't want to see you that sad.." and he kissed my forehead... What? WHAT? I wonder WHY! He told me a sentence a few times "Treat them mean, keep them keen" and that's true...Because I'm still around. As long as he's keeping me confused..I will stay around. Even though I don't want to really...(but I do, but I don't...and I do, and don't)