I'm moving in with a norwegian!
I have som fresh news for you. As you might know now, I have moved to Belfast. Right now I'm staying at a B&B but I've found a house and we'll move in tomorrow...
It's me and this guy. A norwegian guy that I've known for about 24 hours. He's working a GEM as well. Goodlooking guy, born in may -85 so, we're the same age. He's fun. He's staying at the same B&B. I overheard him talking to a girl, that he hadn't found a place to stay yet and that he had to move out on thursday (today). So I just went up to him and said, "Hey, you're Tore aren't you? I'm looking for a room as well. But I've found a few quite cheap houses to rent if you are interested..." And that's how it all started. So we spoke a little. And yesterday we were looking at four different houses and then we found the dreamhouse. A two bedroom house in a nice area ten minutes walk from GEM. So now I'm gonna share a house with a guy that I know almost nothing about. But we went out for dinner at a nice restaurant and then to a pub, so we had a great evening. =)
Have to go now!
Never trust a french! ;)
Stupid guys...Anyway, everything is ok, and we're leaving tomorrow at 8 to the airport. After that are we going back to Elins, to pack and everything and my plan is that we are on our way around 11. Not later than that! But you never know. Maybe we wont even survive the trip between the airport and North Strand! I mean WE ARE driving on the wrong side...
I'm really looking forward to it, and I feel happy again... Even though I'm a little bit sad about leaving because of Gabi, Kerstin and Moorghen. I miss them so much! I realised that when I met them yesterday. Gabi will talk to the new restaurant manager (who's gay, hihi) and maybe they will offer me the position as Breakfast Supervisor. I might do that...I don't know. I've really missed Portmarnock and Malahide...
Ok, I have to go now, have to meet up with Austin somewhere, but I'll talk to you soon again!
Finally moving!!!
A long story, but right now I stay with Austin in his house out in Rathfarnham...annoying I know, but I have to, trouble whereI stayed before.
And I have rented a Toyota Avensis so me and Charlie can go together for two days up to Belfast and Northern of Ireland. That's gonna be fun, but I'm so sick of hinm as well. Right now, I'm just using these guys for my own purposes and I know I'm gonna hurt them a lot in the end, but I don't care. They knew from the beginning that I didn't want a relationship...
Anyway, I'm a nasty bitch and after this, I'll try not to be it again!
Talk to you when I'm up in Belfast!
Lovve you all!
Bad girl, Erika!
I'm renting a car with Charlie on sunday, and we're going to Galway and to Belfast together. He will help me move. That's nice of him. Thank god I have guys who likes me. Ok, I know, I'm a REALLLY bad girl who's using both of them, but I mean, you wouldn't say much if I was a guy, would you? And anyway I'm a beautiful girl, I can use that sometimes.
I'm looking forward to get up to Belfast now and to start working, but we'll see if I like it or not. I decided anyway that I'll probably take a Bartending Course next spring, I mean, why not?
Ok, I have sooooo many things I want to tell you, but I don't have the time. Talk to you later!!!
Lots of love from me!
Party, Belfast, bartending...
I'm moving in 8 days. Yey! That will be fun! I'm really looking forward to it. But I need to solve the problems with the guys I'm dating. I don't want to date them, that's the sad truth. I want to go up there with no strings attached. I'm sick of being someones "property". I'll try to find a way not to hurt them though. Justin invited me to Chicago, and I think I will actually go there later this year. I mean, why not? I have somewhere to stay for free, and he's a fun guy. We'll see what happens.
Oh, I have a new plan for next year by the way... I think I will go a bartender course, to get a certificate, and then I can get a job in a nightclub! That would be sooo much fun! Ok, don't think that's just a "new" thing I got in my mind. Maybe it is, but right now I want to do it. I mean, I want to get out most of my life right now, try different things. I will work in the computer company a while now, maybe just a month, like at Brown Thomas. You never know. But I will have a little experience from working with that, and maybe I realise that's what I wanna do in my life?
Ok, I have to go now, because I need to go to Brown Thomas and take a look at the roster. Don't know when I'm working tomorrow...
Soo long my friends!
A fit in the stockroom...
I got a fit yesterday...I was working at Brown Thomas, actually I had just finished and I was talking to one of the guys working there. Good looking guy as the matter of fact... And suddenly I started to wake up, laying on the floor, with my head among shoeboxes...I didn't remember anything, or what I was doing there. I think it was the worst time in a long time, when it comes to confusion after. And he sat there, held me down and spoke to me. They were all so nice. I saw one of the women holding my Brown Thomas ID and I got angry and wondered why. "Because you're in the stockroom, and you're working here...
It was scary. The ambulance came and helped me down to the ambulance. It was raining! In the ambulance I got oxygen and we discussed and decided that I didn't have to go to the hospital. So I went back in to the store, and sat there, with Neil or Niall or how you now spell his name, and all the others who were there to help me.
Neil offered to follow me in the taxi. I don't know why, but it was nice of him. I like him. The taxi driver was mad, and drove like an insane. I told him I was nauseous and asked him to take it slow, but he didn't care. And as soon as the car stopped outside Elins house, I went out and threw up. A lot. I don't think Neil thinks that I'm hot anymore...(one of the supervisors told me, he said I was)
And I went in, Elin took care of me and I went to sleep. For fourteen hours. I woke up this morning with bruises everywhere, but I feel ok. I've finally decided to move up to Belfast, so we'll see what happens. I'm looking for accomodation right now... Have to go home now though, for a rest...
Talk to you soon...
Belfast or not? Got the job!
Interesting. And if I'm looking at myself in the mirror...I look very scandinavian. I'm cute. =)
Had the phone interview with GEM today as well. I was nervous! But it went well and they said they would call me later this afternoon to tell me if the interview was successful or not. (Do i spell it like that) Anyway, they called me less than 15 min later and told me that they have a job offer for me if I want to accept. And I was happy to accept. So the 3d of September I start my new job, up in Belfast. So that I can leave my resignation and move up there. It will be fun. So I'm finally moving!! I'm a little nervous!
And what am I gonna do with Austin and Charlie? I'm in trouble...But I will tell you about yesterdays trip to Kilkenny. We had so much fun. I was tired though, because I was sitting up with Charlie 'til 3 in the morning. At 9.30 we left Dublin and around half 11 we were there.
We ate lunch looking out over the castle and then we went for the art exhibition. It was the first time for me, and it was cool! Apparently it was a festival, so there were like 20 different exhibitions around Kilkenny centre. We saw five or six of them. It was a great day.
We went in to the Kilkenny Castle and walked along the river. So beautiful...And then he brought me to St. Janice's Church. That church has a tower, a BIG tower! And it's one of two in Ireland that you can actually climp up into. So we went into the tower, and I saw the ladders...And the only thing I said for the 100 steps were "I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die" It was scary! But when we finally reached the top and went outside, it almost took my breath away. It was soo beautiful. You could se everywhere! And we were standing there taking photos and hugging each other. Very cute. Kilkenny is beautiful! They have the Smithwicks Factory down there!
Anyway, the weather was weird, rain, sun, rain, sun, thunder, sun, rain...but it was fun.
The bus home was really funny! I think that everybody on that bus just wanted us to die...we were laughing and talking... He's cute. He's in Germany now. For ten days. That's good I think. I need some time to think.
He text me yesterday and sad that he "is mad about me" and later that day, Charlie told me that "I have feelings for you.."
OH, MY GOD! What am I gonna do? I'll take one step at a time.
Now, sitting here, they actually called from Merrion hotel and had a short interview with me. And they have a vacancy for me in the bar... A five star hotel in Dublin city centre. WHY??? WHEN I FINALLY DECIDE, then this great opportunity comes up! Hate it! So think about, AGAIN!
Whatever, I'm going shopping now!
Surprise surprise!
The company in Belfast gave me a test to complete within 15 minutes. I was nervous, but I got a call a few minutes ago that I passed.
The probem is...that I actually signed for the job at Belfast earlier today. So there's trouble everywhere now. No, but they want an interview with me on monday and then we;ll see. I'll sort it out somehow. I will talk to them or something. Now I have the weekend in front of me and I look forward to it. Except that it's raining again. You know, I CAN'T actually understand that there is that amount of water in the atmosphere! It would be gone by now!
I'm happy anyhow. My life is sorted even if I don't get the job up in Belfast and that feels good. But I can't plan to move out until I know what I'm gonna do. So I'll wait another few days.
And hopefully I'll go out with this gorgeous guy tonight. Seems like he have to study though, and will be late, so I said, maybe it's better to take it next week. I don't actually care if I go out with him or not, so whatever. But I'm busy the rest of the weekend so I can't see him.
I was walking through Dublin today, and I realised how many people who actually stared at me. In a good way, of course... =) No, and then I just felt that "WHY, should I be in a relationship?" I felt so free, that the world just layed open in front of me...and nothing could stop me from doing what I want. The secret is to expect nothing less than you want...
I can get whoever I want. Why should I just take the first I meet? No way! I like my life as single! (I never ever ever thought I would say that)
Now I'm going to buy myself a gorgeous top, that I can wear either tonight for my date with James, or whenever I'll see him!
I also realised how much I like to be shallow! Not a bimbo, would never play dumb, but shallow. That's fun. I'm the Diva! Shoudn't I be?
Of course I haven't changed, but people who don't know me, who see me walking down the street....
Love ya!
Sunshine over Dublin!
And I went with him to work this morning. He works extra at an plant nursery...Cool. Soo beautiful. We actully got woken up by a phonecall this morning, at 7 am! His father called, just to tell him that they missed their flight to Berlin. The funny thing is...that they'd actually been at the airport since 11pm last night, and they STILL managed to miss the plane. I have no idea how you can do that...Irish people... =)
I'm calling to a company today that've told me that they probably have a job for me in Belfast as a Technical Agent for Messenger...Would be quite cool and it's well paid. Hope I'll get it. I want to move from Dublin, even though Austin have shown me a lot of beautiful places the last few days..
Oh, wanna know something fun? No? Whatever, I'll tell you anyway...I was out for a few drinks with Charlie the other day and we ended up at this nightclub. It was cool, but he was sooo drunk. Suddenly he was gone. AGAIN! But I didn't actually mind because I shared table with a group of italian guys and they were sooo funny!
And when I went out looking for Charlie I met these two girls, Debbie and Claire. And we had fun together! Debbie was talking to this guy, James. The best looking irish guy I've ever seen! I told him that, of course... And he is single!
He study law, has played against Federer in tennis, is 25 years old and has this ybersexy body...He got my number. I don't really care if he calls me or not, but the fact that HE asked for my number...cool.
Otherwise I'm as happy as usual. I'm having fun and I love my life. I'm just happy that I actually have the opportunity to live my life as I want to. And I might end up with Austin for a while. I like that guy. That's the story for now.
Love you all!
Oh, the sun has been shining over Dublin for TWO WHOLE DAYS now. People are like mad!
Who should I go for? And should I go to Belfast?
In bigger trouble. Now both of them have shown their affection of me.
The french guy, Charlie, told me he likes me, he is kissing me, hugging me, holding me. I don't stop him. Am I a bad person?
The irish guy, Austin, told me yesterday, that he felt bad about leaving the country because I was here. He said it in a very serious way, and then to minimize the damage he thought he'd made he said "but we've only just met.."
So I'm in trouble, big trouble. And I still don't know what I want. I have a new job offer up in Belfast and I think I might take that. I don't want to live here, I really don't. But still I start to feel a little bad about leaving the guys, but if I don't want them it doesn't matter anyway.
I have to think about it. I'm gonna call the job in Belfast and there's another one that will call me. As technical support in swedish...very well paid and working 40 hours mon-fri. You will work 8 hours between 8am and 8pm, they have a pool table and videogames and things like that in the staff lunch areas...Cool, huh?
And they will help you relocate up to Belfast because their head office is here in Dublin. That's great! And they'll find you accomodation and everything. We'll see.
Now I have to go. I may go for a date with Matiss, the latvian ex-colleague of mine. And tomorrow I'm supposed to go out with Paul, finally. We'll see about that. I think I don't want a relationship right now, i just want to enjoy my freedom, but I'm not sure. They're great guys, both of them...
I had a busy weekend...I was out with Austin on friday, and with Charlie on saturday evening. We went to a great nightclub. Sunday it was raining so I never saw Austin, me and Charlie went to cinema and saw "Transformers" again. I love it!! And yesterday I was out at a pub with Austin again. Tonight I'm going out with Charlie, and I don't know the schedule for the rest of the week but I'm going to Kilkenny with Austin on sunday to see an glass exhibition that opens on saturday. That'll be cool!
What can I say? I'm a busy girl...
Two dates in one day...
I'm a girl who's working at Brown Thomas now. Very posh. And I'm good at it. So I look like one of those girls now. Perfect make-up, perfect hair...and perfect smile. I was born with that though...
Ok, my ego haven't been this big ever I think... "Why now, Erika?"
Well, I'm kind of dating two guys...and I'm going for my date with the third guy next week...
Ok, I know I'm in big trouble! I know, I know!
I've been out with Austin twice now, and I like him. He's nice, we have fun together. He's SOO not my type. Maybe that's a good thing? He's turning 27 in october. God, he's OLD! He wants +3 kids, he has six sisters and brothers! He's non-catholic and smokes occasionally when he's drinking. Oh, he lives in Rathfarnham in a beautiful house, close to horses and he is a glassblower... I slept at his place on our first date, he didn't even kiss me. He kissed me on our second date, last night. We were at "The Village" a cool pub/nightclub. (He's 6 feet 4, how tall is that in cm?)
I haven't been on an official date with Charlie. That's the french guy that's renting a room in John's and Elins house. But we've been out eating lunch together, and two days ago we sat up, talking 'til 3 in the morning. Suddenly he kissed me. He's turning 23 in october... He's french, and a chef. Non-catholic, but a smoker. We talk and talk and laugh. He's cool. He said something that scared me though. "You're different from other girls, so easy to talk to. And you laugh and smile all the time. I haven't felt like this before" HUH? Did I get that right? Ok, I refused to analyse that. The morning after, before he went to work, he kissed me again And yesterday we were talking about smoking. I said that none of my former boyfriends have been smokers. "So I am the first one then" WHAT?? Did I misunderstand that?
I'm scared, but HE DO KNOW that I'm dating Austin...So he can't be serious, can he?
Anyway, I'm meeting Paul next week. I'm looking forward to that, but I know that I'm in trouble. Austin is a great guy, and I think he might like me. We're going out tomorrow again. During the day, because tomorrow evening I'm going to the cinema with Charlie. Austin wants a serious relationship, I think Charlie might want that as well. And I don't know if I'm in love with any of them...I have to find that out soon, otherwise I will only hurt them...
God, what have I gotten myself in to? Anyway, that's why my ego is so big right now. You would have that as well if you had to nice guys after you, and a third on the way. All showing you their affection... And I have missed all the compliments...I hear it from customers now "You have such intense eyes. They're amazing" Came from a woman who bought shoes for 1780 euro from me...
I don't know if I like working there. But the guests have been nice. And I have a pair of red Marc Jacobs that're waiting for me in the stockroom now. They're 365 euro.... But I do love them! And I WILL get 25 % off. Thank god for that! I will stay for a few months maybe, and then I'll decide what to do. I love my new colleagues, feels like I've known a few of them for years...
I'm sorry, but I have to go now. Need to get home so I can get ready for tonight. I'm going out partying with Charlie... Bloody french! But he's very cute!
Anyway, the cold swedish beauty with the big ego is taking a walk home now...I'll probably end up with someone else. I don't want a relationship...(if he's not rich ;) Paul is though...)
Love you guys!!