Two dates in one day...
I'm a girl who's working at Brown Thomas now. Very posh. And I'm good at it. So I look like one of those girls now. Perfect make-up, perfect hair...and perfect smile. I was born with that though...
Ok, my ego haven't been this big ever I think... "Why now, Erika?"
Well, I'm kind of dating two guys...and I'm going for my date with the third guy next week...
Ok, I know I'm in big trouble! I know, I know!
I've been out with Austin twice now, and I like him. He's nice, we have fun together. He's SOO not my type. Maybe that's a good thing? He's turning 27 in october. God, he's OLD! He wants +3 kids, he has six sisters and brothers! He's non-catholic and smokes occasionally when he's drinking. Oh, he lives in Rathfarnham in a beautiful house, close to horses and he is a glassblower... I slept at his place on our first date, he didn't even kiss me. He kissed me on our second date, last night. We were at "The Village" a cool pub/nightclub. (He's 6 feet 4, how tall is that in cm?)
I haven't been on an official date with Charlie. That's the french guy that's renting a room in John's and Elins house. But we've been out eating lunch together, and two days ago we sat up, talking 'til 3 in the morning. Suddenly he kissed me. He's turning 23 in october... He's french, and a chef. Non-catholic, but a smoker. We talk and talk and laugh. He's cool. He said something that scared me though. "You're different from other girls, so easy to talk to. And you laugh and smile all the time. I haven't felt like this before" HUH? Did I get that right? Ok, I refused to analyse that. The morning after, before he went to work, he kissed me again And yesterday we were talking about smoking. I said that none of my former boyfriends have been smokers. "So I am the first one then" WHAT?? Did I misunderstand that?
I'm scared, but HE DO KNOW that I'm dating Austin...So he can't be serious, can he?
Anyway, I'm meeting Paul next week. I'm looking forward to that, but I know that I'm in trouble. Austin is a great guy, and I think he might like me. We're going out tomorrow again. During the day, because tomorrow evening I'm going to the cinema with Charlie. Austin wants a serious relationship, I think Charlie might want that as well. And I don't know if I'm in love with any of them...I have to find that out soon, otherwise I will only hurt them...
God, what have I gotten myself in to? Anyway, that's why my ego is so big right now. You would have that as well if you had to nice guys after you, and a third on the way. All showing you their affection... And I have missed all the compliments...I hear it from customers now "You have such intense eyes. They're amazing" Came from a woman who bought shoes for 1780 euro from me...
I don't know if I like working there. But the guests have been nice. And I have a pair of red Marc Jacobs that're waiting for me in the stockroom now. They're 365 euro.... But I do love them! And I WILL get 25 % off. Thank god for that! I will stay for a few months maybe, and then I'll decide what to do. I love my new colleagues, feels like I've known a few of them for years...
I'm sorry, but I have to go now. Need to get home so I can get ready for tonight. I'm going out partying with Charlie... Bloody french! But he's very cute!
Anyway, the cold swedish beauty with the big ego is taking a walk home now...I'll probably end up with someone else. I don't want a relationship...(if he's not rich ;) Paul is though...)
Love you guys!!