A fit in the stockroom...

I got a fit yesterday...I was working at Brown Thomas, actually I had just finished and I was talking to one of the guys working there. Good looking guy as the matter of fact... And suddenly I started to wake up, laying on the floor, with my head among shoeboxes...I didn't remember anything, or what I was doing there. I think it was the worst time in a long time, when it comes to confusion after. And he sat there, held me down and spoke to me. They were all so nice. I saw one of the women holding my Brown Thomas ID and I got angry and wondered why. "Because you're in the stockroom, and you're working here...
It was scary. The ambulance came and helped me down to the ambulance. It was raining! In the ambulance I got oxygen and we discussed and decided that I didn't have to go to the hospital. So I went back in to the store, and sat there, with Neil or Niall or how you now spell his name, and all the others who were there to help me.

Neil offered to follow me in the taxi. I don't know why, but it was nice of him. I like him. The taxi driver was mad, and drove like an insane. I told him I was nauseous and asked him to take it slow, but he didn't care. And as soon as the car stopped outside Elins house, I went out and threw up. A lot. I don't think Neil thinks that I'm hot anymore...(one of the supervisors told me, he said I was)

And I went in, Elin took care of me and I went to sleep. For fourteen hours. I woke up this morning with bruises everywhere, but I feel ok. I've finally decided to move up to Belfast, so we'll see what happens. I'm looking for accomodation right now... Have to go home now though, for a rest...

Talk to you soon...


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