Surprise surprise!

The company in Belfast gave me a test to complete within 15 minutes. I was nervous, but I got a call a few minutes ago that I passed.

The probem is...that I actually signed for the job at Belfast earlier today. So there's trouble everywhere now. No, but they want an interview with me on monday and then we;ll see. I'll sort it out somehow. I will talk to them or something. Now I have the weekend in front of me and I look forward to it. Except that it's raining again. You know, I CAN'T actually understand that there is that amount of water in the atmosphere! It would be gone by now!

I'm happy anyhow. My life is sorted even if I don't get the job up in Belfast and that feels good. But I can't plan to move out until I know what I'm gonna do. So I'll wait another few days.

And hopefully I'll go out with this gorgeous guy tonight. Seems like he have to study though, and will be late, so I said, maybe it's better to take it next week. I don't actually care if I go out with him or not, so whatever. But I'm busy the rest of the weekend so I can't see him.

I was walking through Dublin today, and I realised how many people who actually stared at me. In a good way, of course... =) No, and then I just felt that "WHY, should I be in a relationship?" I felt so free, that the world just layed open in front of me...and nothing could stop me from doing what I want. The secret is to expect nothing less than you want...

I can get whoever I want. Why should I just take the first I meet? No way! I like my life as single! (I never ever ever thought I would say that)

Now I'm going to buy myself a gorgeous top, that I can wear either tonight for my date with James, or whenever I'll see him!

I also realised how much I like to be shallow! Not a bimbo, would never play dumb, but shallow. That's fun. I'm the Diva! Shoudn't I be?
Of course I haven't changed, but people who don't know me, who see me walking down the street....

Love ya!


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