My liver says "noooooooooo"...(party queen of Cork)

I've been out three times this week. Drinking I mean. It's crazy.
It's been a busy week in general, but then I've been crazy busy meeting friends and going out with them as well. Busy trying to not think about my "date" who actually told me he wanted to see me again, but who kept ignoring me this week...driving me crazy!

I met Veera at Franciscan on Wednesday for "a pint". Was home at 02.30. Up at 07.15 to get to work...woho...
Went to Iron Man2 on Thursday with Christophe on Thursday. Another late evening, since the movie didn't start until 21.00 and it's more than two hours long...

And then it suddenly was Friday!! Went to Franciscan with Micke and met a few friends, Kamila came over with Lars. And Julian. And who do you think was there? Of course. And I confronted him again and complained about him giving me whiplash injuries...calling him a faun...
And we laughed, we talked, we left the pub when it closed and kissed and said goodnight. Crazy.

No hangover Saturday though, but laaaaaaaaaaaazy. Ended up in Franciscan again, met Veera and a few of her friends. It was nice. And I managed to get them towards Bodega's. The bouncer at Franciscan works at Bodegas when Franciscan has closed and he called me old!! Since I had been too tired to go Bodega's last night!

Got Veera and Mike to go to Bodega's. Met my bouncer friend there :) Damien :) he let us pass the queue and go in, Veera and Mike disappeared. Apparently she didn't want to pay, went out to answer the phone, Mike went after her, and they stayed outside. We ended up agreeing that we would meet at An Brogue. I never left.

When I left, I started to talk to Damien again and he discretly gave me his phone number :) yey!!

Got home and logged in to Facebook. Had received a message from another guy I have seen a few times, who told me that we only met "sporadically" and on "impulse". Apparently he now have feelings for me...

It's always like this isn't it? It's all or nothing... When you are interested in someone and don't really care, then they are all there, but when you actually look, there's none!

So...the question is how to proceed...

1. I really like my date. We click. We have a great time. We are on the same wavelength I think. BUT... He's having an interview for the position in Singapore on Monday, last interview. I believe he will get it...then he'll be gone in 6 months.
2. I like the guy I've seen a few times "sporadically" and on "impulse". However, I had a little bit of crush on him in the beginning, but that's when he told me that he wasn't interested in me in that way, or in having a relationship. So I kind of shut those feelings down...Seems like we have swapped seats...
3. The bouncer. I haven't actually been out with him. Only seen him while he's at "work", and I'm "partying"...maybe it would be worth actually trying once..?

And I really need to stop going out like this...I can hear my liver almost scream in agony... ;) Ireland...I love this country

When do you consider yourself as "dating" someone?

So I ended up with my date last night. But we weren't really out on a date...

I was at that stage kind of fed up with the whole situation. He's been giving me mixed signals the whole week and it's giving me kind of a whiplash!!
Decided that I had shown him enough interest and that the next move would be up to him, or I would just forget him. Went out to a pub with Micke, my new flatmate.
Ended up at another pub later with Tariq and a few other girls from work. We had great fun. Only thing that caused me some stomache ache was the fact that my date was in the same pub, ignoring me...

When the last call for alcohol sounded, I saw that he went to the bar, and I thought that I'll give this one more shot, and that I would explain to him that he's giving me a whiplash. I came, he smiled and I was back at square one. Asked him about his evening bla bla bla. And then told him that he just have been ignoring me this whole evening. He said that he sent me a text the minute I arrived and he saw me, asking me to "look right", he said that I looked at my phone, looked at him and then ignored him. I apologized and said that I hadn't looked at the phone since I arrived and that I would have come up to say hi if I'd seen it.
We agreed that we would meet up after the pub closed and see if we could go somewhere else together.

I left earlier with my friends, standing in a group, chatting a few hundred meters from the pub, when one of the girls says "turn around". I turn around, and he stands there. I say hello and smile, and turn back to say something to my friends. They're all gone!! They all disappeared within less than 10 seconds, completely abandoning me! ;)

We ended up buying pizza, going back to his place, and sat up talking all night..again.

I asked him this time if he wants to see me again, and he does. Yey. And he have apologized for giving me a whiplash, wasn't his intention. Right...
We will see each other next week, probably. :) and I'm a huge huge smile!!

So, let's take it one day at a time and we'll see if this works out or not. I'm not in a hurry. :)

Languages...Nari nari/Tujh Mein Rab Dikhta Hai/Ikävänkantaja

So, I am studying Finnish since a few months back. It's difficult as hell. I mean, it is headwrecking as I've told you before. I'm dreaming about Finnish words flying around in my room.
There is no logic in the grammar, in the endings, in the words. I'm going crazy! And I love it!

And I have started to learn Hindi...One of the most beautiful languages in the world, in my opinion. I love it. But it is crazy difficult as well! Headwrecking! Hmm, I see a similarity here...

And then I'm doing this dating/hoping I am dating this guy = headwrecking.

My head is about to explode. And I want to go up/down/left/right/inside/outside, until I don't know what else to do! And I am in love! In love with my life. With all these crazy things.

Listening to "Nary nary", which is an Arabic song, about a beautiful girl of course, with a girl singing in Hindi. I am also listening to Tujh mein rab dikhta hai, which means "In you I see God", which is a very very beautiful song. And happy, like most Bollywood songs! ;)
And I'm in love!

Dating, why is it so difficult?

So, I hate dating.

I met a guy at the pub about ten days ago. I went with a few colleagues to Franciscan Wells, one of our "Apple"-pubs. Everybody from work is there on Fridays. It's great :)
Well, I went with a few friends, had a few pints, and then these other guys came. A girl I've met before and her friend. We started talking, and that was it. We had a great time, at least I thought so. The other in our party wanted to go to another pub, but we were in the middle of our pints, so we agreed that we would come after, and they left.

Of course we stayed. We had fun. The pub closed and we left. We stayed outside talking. And he suddenly asked me if I wanted to come over for dinner the day after?? Surprised, but happy, I said yes.

Said goodbye, and went home very happy. Our first date went great. You know when you are sitting up, talking all night drinking wine and just enjoying the evening. I stayed over and we continued our discussions and talking over breakfast.

And then I left. And the game starts.

You are supposed to wait for this and this long. You can't do this and you shouldn't do that. Because if you do that then you show this and that is bad because of this and if you do that, then that means this and that means that you can just forget about it all. Right...

But now, the problem here is that he is also Finnish...he's a bit strange. Cold.

And everybody I spoke to told me different things. It was wrecking my head. I hate playing games, especially since I'm crap at it. Why just don't get a yes or no right away, to get over with it? I mean, it's not like we're gonna get married or something.

So finally, Thursday, I sent him a text, not listening to all warnings etc. from everybody, asking him out for a drink. And of course I met him about 20 min later when I went for lunch. I asked him if he got my text and he said yes, he said that he wanted to meet me during the weekend and that he would text me.
Start waiting again...

He came to Franciscan on Friday again. Completely ignored me. What? I mean, do we actually speak the same language, men and women? But he texted me and apologized, saying he wasn't feeling well, since he left very early.

Anywho, in the end he finally asked me out for a second date yesterday. And it was great. I like him. A lot. And I hate that. He's still cold. I hate that even more. He seem to like me. And he invited me home for dinner this week. But who knows? Met him today on my way from work. Cold.

He's messing with my head. Stop it!

But the rest of the weekend was awesome. What I can remember of it at least ;) No, it wasn't that bad. But I had a great time! A lot of awesome pictures and stuff. You'll see at some point :) You should come over to Ireland, and enjoy the pub life.

And guys, I miss you!!

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