Languages...Nari nari/Tujh Mein Rab Dikhta Hai/Ikävänkantaja

So, I am studying Finnish since a few months back. It's difficult as hell. I mean, it is headwrecking as I've told you before. I'm dreaming about Finnish words flying around in my room.
There is no logic in the grammar, in the endings, in the words. I'm going crazy! And I love it!

And I have started to learn Hindi...One of the most beautiful languages in the world, in my opinion. I love it. But it is crazy difficult as well! Headwrecking! Hmm, I see a similarity here...

And then I'm doing this dating/hoping I am dating this guy = headwrecking.

My head is about to explode. And I want to go up/down/left/right/inside/outside, until I don't know what else to do! And I am in love! In love with my life. With all these crazy things.

Listening to "Nary nary", which is an Arabic song, about a beautiful girl of course, with a girl singing in Hindi. I am also listening to Tujh mein rab dikhta hai, which means "In you I see God", which is a very very beautiful song. And happy, like most Bollywood songs! ;)
And I'm in love!


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