My liver says "noooooooooo"...(party queen of Cork)

I've been out three times this week. Drinking I mean. It's crazy.
It's been a busy week in general, but then I've been crazy busy meeting friends and going out with them as well. Busy trying to not think about my "date" who actually told me he wanted to see me again, but who kept ignoring me this week...driving me crazy!

I met Veera at Franciscan on Wednesday for "a pint". Was home at 02.30. Up at 07.15 to get to work...woho...
Went to Iron Man2 on Thursday with Christophe on Thursday. Another late evening, since the movie didn't start until 21.00 and it's more than two hours long...

And then it suddenly was Friday!! Went to Franciscan with Micke and met a few friends, Kamila came over with Lars. And Julian. And who do you think was there? Of course. And I confronted him again and complained about him giving me whiplash injuries...calling him a faun...
And we laughed, we talked, we left the pub when it closed and kissed and said goodnight. Crazy.

No hangover Saturday though, but laaaaaaaaaaaazy. Ended up in Franciscan again, met Veera and a few of her friends. It was nice. And I managed to get them towards Bodega's. The bouncer at Franciscan works at Bodegas when Franciscan has closed and he called me old!! Since I had been too tired to go Bodega's last night!

Got Veera and Mike to go to Bodega's. Met my bouncer friend there :) Damien :) he let us pass the queue and go in, Veera and Mike disappeared. Apparently she didn't want to pay, went out to answer the phone, Mike went after her, and they stayed outside. We ended up agreeing that we would meet at An Brogue. I never left.

When I left, I started to talk to Damien again and he discretly gave me his phone number :) yey!!

Got home and logged in to Facebook. Had received a message from another guy I have seen a few times, who told me that we only met "sporadically" and on "impulse". Apparently he now have feelings for me...

It's always like this isn't it? It's all or nothing... When you are interested in someone and don't really care, then they are all there, but when you actually look, there's none!

So...the question is how to proceed...

1. I really like my date. We click. We have a great time. We are on the same wavelength I think. BUT... He's having an interview for the position in Singapore on Monday, last interview. I believe he will get it...then he'll be gone in 6 months.
2. I like the guy I've seen a few times "sporadically" and on "impulse". However, I had a little bit of crush on him in the beginning, but that's when he told me that he wasn't interested in me in that way, or in having a relationship. So I kind of shut those feelings down...Seems like we have swapped seats...
3. The bouncer. I haven't actually been out with him. Only seen him while he's at "work", and I'm "partying"...maybe it would be worth actually trying once..?

And I really need to stop going out like this...I can hear my liver almost scream in agony... ;) Ireland...I love this country

Postat av: Mia

Saknar dig Erika

Tänk i morgon så är det precis 1år sedan vi sågs sist =( måste ses snart

2010-05-16 @ 15:21:10

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