Party at Bodega's again..

So I ended out going out with Anais and Carl. We went to Cornerhouse and had a few pints (at least I had). Both Carl and Anais had decided not to drink, so Anais were drinking coffee and Red Bull and Carl had alcohol free German beer. That beer is actually quite good...

We went to Bodega's after that. It was such dreadful weather so we decided to take a taxi, even though it had stopped raining by the time we were leaving. Just in case..

And my favorite bouncer was there. He let us in, they hadn't started to charge for entrance yet. But I let Carl and Anais go inside and stopped to talk with him a little bit. He said that I hadn't been there the week before and I told him about my trip to Belfast. (I need to maintain my good relationship with him, to make sure I'll get inte for free ;) ) No, but he is really nice. And quite good looking too. Look like bouncer of course, big guy! :)

Inside I took another pint, but that was it, then we went dancing. And we had a great time. It was nice to just go dancing. I love that, and I also love to watch how Irish girls dress when they go out...very very interesting.

When Anais were going to the smoke room to have a cigarette, I went outside to talk to the bouncer. I REALLY need to ask his name again and remember it! Apparently he is single and 31. It was another girl I met out there, from Belfast, whom I was talking to who asked him these questions :) she was really really nice.
And both the girl and the second bounce asked me where I was from. When I told them I was from Sweden, they seemed really surprised and said that they couldn't hear that at all when I was talking. I sounded Irish. Yey(?)

So something must have happened over the last few weeks now, apparently it is disappearing, and I see that as a good thing in one way, but sad in another.. Anywho, I went in dancing again and just before we left, he gave me an umbrella (since my flew away two days ago). That was very kind of him...
Now I really need to go to bed.

Was supposed to play basketball today but I didn't feel well, no hangover since I only had three pints, but epilepsy wise. So I decided to stay at home instead, just in case. And have relaxed the whole day and evening. And now, off to bed..


Cornerhouse at 9pm

Long long week. I have been soo busy. But it's finally over! Yey! And now I'm going out to party. Not gonna drink too much though, basketball tomorrow. And I am almost fine again, so I need to practice so I can speak with Glanmire and arrange a practice session with them.

But anywho, I need a good night out! I hope I meet a lot of people I know. I need to socialize today. I just feel the very need of it. ;)

And it's nice. Max slept here last night. It was nice, but I forgot that he was in the  bed, so when my dear and very annoying Mimir (lovely cat) started to annoy me really badly in the middle of the night, I threw him away, but he landed on Max. Oops. :)
Whatever, that's what happens when you're used to have the whole bed for yourself. You can throw the cats in any direction ;) Mimir is lovely but can be soo annoying, he just wont shut up.

In any case, need to get myself ready now, so that I am pretty tonight :) this week I have looked like shit! Probably because of the backlog in sleeping and stuff. But it's getting better. :)

See you at Cornerhouse at 9pm?

My dear are disappearing...

I've been with ER for almost a month now. I have been working with customers for about 2,5 weeks. It is great. But now it starts to get stressful. I like it.
It is a great team. But I really do miss being in the Nordic team. They barely speak to me anymore. It is almost like "Erika is ER now, we mustn't speak with her", which is quite sad. But I try to have lunch with a few of them anyway during the week. And I mean, I am still Erika, the nice girl that I was when I was in CR, no difference there.

Apparently it makes a big difference though, not sitting among other Nordics. I mean, normally I speak a lot of Swedish during the day since I talk to my colleagues and friends in the team, but in ER, I'm the only Scandinavian. There are about 3 or 4 Scandinavians on the whole floor where I'm sitting. I know them all, but it's not like we sit together so that we can chat all day.
What I meant is that, apparently my accent has drastically "improved" towards the Irish accent. None of my UK customers could hear that I was from somewhere else, they believed me to be either from UK or Ireland, but not from a non-English speaking country.

I take that as a compliment, and it is a bit sad. More and more of me are fading away...

How would you feel when you actually need to do a Google Translate English to Swedish, because you can't remember the word in Swedish but you know it in English? That is just silly...but that happens to me often nowadays.
When I speak to Nordic customers I speak a bit of Swenglish, I loose words and have to apologize and say them either in another Nordic language or in English.

But still I am very proud of being Swedish. Which everybody at work knows :) And I mean, why shouldn't I be? Ok, I don't know anything about what has happened during the last few years now since I haven't really been home for over 3,5 years now, but still.

Anywho, just wanted to let you know that I am happy :)

Me and Pia at the Mauro Picotto Gig

Me and Mark at Mauro Picotto in Belfast

Me at the Mauro Picotto Gig

Road trip to Belfast!! :) and Mauro Picotto

Last weekend, we finally got to Belfast. It was a long long long weekend!! And I really needed to get away from Cork to think about something else...

Friday was soooo long. Pia finished around 6 and I had my early day so I went home to pack and sort out everything with the cats before, since she would pop by and pick me up after work.
Carl had got my spare set of keys and had promised to come by Saturday and Sunday to feed the cats and check the litter boxes.

Packing wasn't too difficult. Pia came and picked me up and we went to her place since she had to pick up some things before we left. We were discussing if we would need our passports or not, but decided that we would bring them just in case. Wouldn't want to get stuck up there.
Just before 8, we were ready and we left. Ready for a 5 hour drive...

I must say that she is a good driver and we had a lot of fun, but we are very bad at reading signs...we missed a few exits and ended up in a town which said "Welcome to Pakistan" (??) We had to stop and borrow the toilet at a pub. That was just outside Dublin. But I can't remember what the town was actually called...
When we entered Northern Ireland, both our phones started messing about, and we thought we saw Belfast everywhere.
In the end, after about 13 (I mean it really) roundabouts, we entered Belfast and I had to guide her in the city centre. It was after 1 by then and we were both very tired. But we made it :)
I've stayed at the hostel two or three times before and it's ok.
We got our beds and went to sleep. I must say that my bed was the most uncomfortable bed I've ever slept in. I could feel every spring in the whole bed!

We woke up on Saturday morning and went out for breakfast and some shopping to prepare for our big night out! It was a beautiful day and we walked around most of the day. Pia found a gorgeous bag, and I ended up getting a new piercing in my ear. :) I found a really beautiful dress as well. It was only ten pounds.
I have decided that I want to get at least three more after this one, but I'll take one at a time...because it hurts a lot at the moment...

We went to Speranza which is a restaurant I often went to when I lived in Belfast, and the food was as good as I remembered it to be. And our dessert were shots..
I mean, they were named "Strawberry cheesecake", Applepie" and "Strawberry ..."

Back to the hostel to get ready and to prepare for the evening. We met these to Australian girls who were visiting Belfast and who are gonna work in UK until next April or something. Really nice girls. They helped me out with my outfit.
Left for the gig.

The gig was awesome!! There were a lot of people there and Pia was drinking a lot :) I didn't drink that much, but I still danced like crazy. Until I met this guy...
Mark. From Belfast. Of course.

We were talking a bit since me and Pia had met his friend while she was out smoking and he introduced us. After we started talking, we kind of lost interest in the music. I lost Pia, but she had a lot of fun anyway :)

Me and Mark found a nice corner and we were sitting talking for the rest of the gig (only talking). He seems to be a really nice guy. I would like to see him again. And he has this lovely Northern Irish accent. I forgot how much I loved it.

Isn't it strange how much another persons opinion can poison your own? Now, when I'm finally rid of the poisonous influence that Tore had on me (that everything with Ireland, Cork, Belfast etc. is shit, awfult etc.) I am enjoying it more and more.

Anywho, we swapped numbers and hopefully I'll see him again.

I found Pia after the gig, outside smoking with two guys. I thought we were going home but apparently ended up with the two guys at their place. I was very suspicious and probably very unfriendly. Stat

Who can you trust?

Who can you trust? Really? Are you sure? Really really sure?

I thought I could trust one of my closest friends, AND my ex-boyfriend.

First, my dear dear friend runs of with our money and leaves us in the shit here in Ireland to sort it out. What the hell?
Second, my dear dear ex-boyfriend lies to me about a gas bill that I receive. The gas account is apparently still in MY name, not his. And the bastard just lies. The gas company has confirmed that he hasn't opened an account with them, he promises me that he has the gas bill, which he is gonna give me so I can give the gas company (he doesn't know that the gas company told me about him having no account). The only way is if the account was setup in someone else's name, but that is very unlikely since you can't have two accounts on one reader...

I'm learning my lesson, I promise!

WHAT have I done to deserve all of this???

At least I can promise you that I will never ever trust anyone in regards to money again. Not even my closest friends. If a close friend AND a boyfriend can betray you, then anyone can betray you.

Enough complaining!

I'll sort it out somehow, and break a few bones if needed...but Carl and I are probably going to see "Alice in Wonderland" tomorrow, which would be awesome! And then it's almost Friday and on Friday we're going to Belfast!
Carl is taking care of the cats during the weekend, he will visit them and make sure that they have food and water. He is nice.

And I have to remember, I'm in Executive Relations now...THAT is awesome!

Last day of my antibiotics as well, hopefully I'll be able to start eating normally by the end of the week. Would be nice. Even though I wont complain about the kilos I've lost.. ;)

Plus, we've had awesome weather here the last week, sunny but cold. But still, sunny! That's when I love Ireland!
So it's not all bad..

And I hope that someone wants to come and visit me soon. I feel a bit lonely (even though the guy I'm seeing slept here last night, Observe! Slept.)

I am mentally exhausted and I miss sleeping next to someone so it is nice that he comes over, but I wouldn't be able to have a relationship at this stage. So this is a good compromise :) I definitely recommend it :)

Next stop: Belfast and Tiesto

New week, new problems.

I'm feeling a bit better now though. The antibiotics are helping I think. But I'm coughing. And it hurts :(

But soon I'm done with the antibiotics.

Today I had quite a few cases today actually, so had to work :) yey!

And I'm back in my good mood. Why? Because it is a new week and there is no point in looking back.

Also, I have had my last big fight with Tore, who says that he wont pay the gas bill that I received since he already paid his. We agreed that he would send a copy of it to me and I will try and sort this out with the gas company since I haven't lived there and then they can see that Tore have paid for gas while living in the flat.
I'm not gonna pay for it anyway.
After that, he got really aggressive, called me a bitch (as always) and hung up. When I called him up again I told him that this was nothing personal, this was nothing between me and him, since that ship had sailed long ago, and that this was just pure business since I don't want to pay for anything. Anyway, he always gets very defensive when he feel guilty or lies to me and he hung up again.

And after that somehow I suddenly felt a heavy stone lift from my chest. I have tried to get rid of it for soo long. For months and months. I have known that we are not a couple for months, and I haven't acted like we are in a relationship for months, but still, something have kept me tied to him mentally. Now I finally feel free of him. Like I can actually forget him and move on (and I will do everything I can do forget as much as possible).

The problems with Elysian wont go away but I will try to sort it out with Bjorn and with the company if needed, somehow we can sort it out. And Tore is just a lying idiot, who promises things all the time, which he never keeps. Surprise surprise.

Anyway, I'm open for anything now. It will be another few rough months, but I can handle it. I will make sure that I can handle it. I've managed to so far.

But now to some fun stuff:

Next weekend, me and Pia are going to Belfast to see Tiesto!!!!

Awesome isn't it? We're going by car and will stay in a hostel and then we will go out shopping, eating, I will show her Belfast and then we will go partying!!
On Sunday we will go to IKEA!!!! And eat food and shop food and then we will go home.

Lovely Carl has promised to pop by and check on my cats on Saturday and Sunday to make sure that they have food and water. He's great. Will buy him some kexchoklad and meatballs.

Anywho, need to sleep and feed the cats.


Crappy crappy week! Finally over!

Sometimes I really do wonder about charma, and also then, WHAT I did to deserve the crap I get.

These last few weeks have been really horrible, but at the same time they have been awesome. I mean, I got promoted, one of the most wanted jobs in Apple, I got it, because I'm awesome ;) there is no other explanation really. I have done a great job during my 1,5 years there and I did a great interview showing them that I will be a great asset in their team. Someone they can rely on. (and the fact that I will deal with the whole Nordic market, I think was a plus). And also, Jenny came over to visit me, the first friend in my more than 3,5 years in Ireland to come and visit me. Isn't that insane? I thought I actually had friends who cared about me at home, but apparently not enough to pay me a visit. I mean, Jenny got a return ticket for about 1500 SEK, approx. 150 euros, and she stayed at my place. We didn't spend that much money. It doesn't have to be expensive. But anywho, I barely have any contact with them anymore. I have more contact with friends from elementary school and from tech support in Stockholm, than my "close friends" from High School. And my best friend for ten years who live in Ireland, in Dublin, we haven't spoken for 2,5 years, since I had a fight with her boyfriend...

Anywho, so not all have been bad.

BUT, then it has been the two epileptic fits on the bus to and from works withinin two weeks of each other, and then two days before Jenny arrives I had fever and couldn't breathe so I went to hospital, they poked me with needles and they found the two chest infections and put me on two antibiotics and paracetamol because of the pain in the back (which was the reason to why I couldn't breathe).

I got all side effects you could think of and couldn't eat anything, and was on these antibiotics for a week, the whole time while Jenny was here. And couldn't really eat anything. Awesome. But we had a superb time!
She left. And my lovely week started.
It was great finally sitting in ER, doing ER stuff, but it was mostly training, reading procedures and learning some new tools etc. The day I stopped taking the paracetamol, Wednesday, I realized that I had a fever. Spoke to mom, who think that I might have been allergic to the mix of antibiotics or something, probably have had fever the whole week, but have taken paracetamols together with the antibiotics three times a day. And that mixed with my medication, it's a cocktail...

So I lived on water, a little bit of soup, and 2-3 fruits every day. That was all I could manage. Thursday came. Got an email from Liam. Was told that Bjorn haven't paid for the dept from Elysian and that we are now being taken to court, again. Started stressing about that. Again. Sent an angry email to Bjorn. Bjorn replied and said that he had informed Liam that he was gonna pay back but that he would need time since he had to fly back to Norway and sort out with his bank etc. and Liam had accepted that but suddenly changed his mind. And now he didn't want to deal with Bjorn anymore and is threatening me and Tore instead. Tore started to talk about getting a lawyer. I told him that I'm not gonna spend money on that. Bjorn has to sort this out. That he should contact the CEO since Liam seems strange. That's what they are doing now, so I'm trying to relax.
Awful week. Anyway. Antibiotics over.

But still didn't feel well. Had some other side effects still and went to the doctor on Friday, who gave me another antibiotic. For another 5 days. With this one, I can't eat OR drink anything at all. So for the last 48 hours, I haven't eaten anything, actually, I've eaten a few chocolate covered raisins, but I've had about 1 or maximum 2 glasses of water. Hopefully I will feel better soon so that I can at least start drinking, otherwise I'll get dehydrated.
And I have to take these pills every four hours. Don't ask me what they're for, but he said that they would help. And I have to go and take blood samples in 6 weeks. So at the same time as I'm going back to the hospital for scans for my chest again, I can give them the blood. Lovely.

What have I done to deserve this?

But yesterday was nice though. Ehab and Florence moved in together in December, into a really nice flat at Pope's Quay and they had a nice "house warming party" yesterday. It was just a few people, and they had a chocolate fountain! :) Awesome! But since I have all these lovely side effects, I could only watch the lovely side effects and the others eat... which was less fun. It was nice though, doing something.

Me and the guy I'm sort of seeing. Don't know. He doesn't want a relationship. I don't want a relationship. But he came over late Friday night and just slept over. Nothing else, just to hold me (romantic huh?) and I like him.

Tore, he's definitely a finished chapter. I'm soo sick of him. And he seems to be getting a job in US for Blizzard and once he's gone, then finally I might get some rest. He is just negative energy, messing with my head. But I hope we have sorted Elysian before that. I don't want to be stuck in this shit alone.

So, do you believe in charma?
What did I do to deserve all of this? Or is all of this just to make sure that I stay on the ground, to make sure that I appreciate what I got?

I knew it! Happiness never last!

So what did I tell you a few days ago??

I was truly happy. Everything went my way, promotion and then the fact that Glanmire Basketball team wants me to train with them and might want me in their elite team. And that my cats are awesome, that I at least WAS dating a gorgeous guy (who has issues with relationships) and that my life in general was awesome!

Clever as I am, I enjoyed every second, even though I spent a few times in the hospital and currently eat two antibiotics. But that's fine.

The ER training is going fine as well, this is gonna be a piece of cake, most of the things are just a bit different from the letter handling that I have done, so it's not really new to me. Which is awesome! And next week, I'm gonna start work for real!! :D

And I also started my new "get in shape in 2 weeks marathon" this morning. How the hell am I gonna get in shape in 2 weeks? I mean, there is noooooooo way I can go like this to the basketball in Glanmire and train with the elite team.
So I decided that I would go to the gym three days a week, take a walk the days I'm not at the gym and play basketball as much as I can. Problem there is that it is only tomorrow, Saturday and next Wednesday. Next Saturday I will be in Belfast with Pia on a techno gig!!! :D

Anywho, Saturday will be spent hours and hours on boll control..

Now to the bad part of the day. After fighting with Tore (as usual) I get a chat from him saying we have received an email from Liam (the guy who is after us complaining about the rent) and that he has informed us that our dear Norwegian friend Bjørn decided to pay 300 euro of the 9000 euro that he owes them. And that Liam now wants the rest of the money from us. So yet again, we have to start this shitty thing where I just want to go and drag a blanket over my head and forget who I am.

He has promised us twice now that he will pay it back, in writing. So, what am I gonna do now? I don't know. I am looking into possibilities. I wish I could leave the country, just like our dear idiot did, but unfortunately, with my promotion and with my cats and the fact that I love my life here, I don't really want to and wont.
So I have to find another solution.
I just really hope we find one.

Anywho, enough about that. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. I am gonna be one of the strongest people in Ireland after all of the shit I have gone through these couple of years. And if I ever meet him again, I will make sure to break every bone in his body.

But, I am happy anyway, it could be worse. I'm now gonna try to find someone to live with so that we can move to a nicer place and hopefully pay a bit less rent, or find someone who wants to live here with me.

And I am apparently very populare ;) have been invited to two parties this weekend so far, and I forgot that I had promised to go to the first one, so I accepted the invitation to the second one, so I'm gonna be busy on Saturday. But NO drinking! I am doing basketball all day, and need to get in shape!!!

It's all mental, I'm gonna do this! I'm gonna get in shape, I'm gonna be awesome! I'm gonna get a spot in the elite team (or start in div1 and work my way up, just like I did in Apple)

Can I, can you most definitely! :)

Now, I'm off to bed. Need my beauty sleep. ;)

About me, have I told you already? Can't remember...

I was just thinking about it. I don't know if I ever told you about my plans about my life. Need to go through the first time I wrote here, should say something about my plan there.

Anyway, it has changed a bit since. It is crazy isn't it. How much life and plans can change in a relatively short amount of time, isn't it?

So what about me?

I love languages. Native Swede, so of course I speak Swedish, but I am also fluent in English.
I am learning Finnish at the moment. My goal is to be able to speak it very well by the end of the year. Going to a two week intensive course in July in Helsinki.
After that I'm gonna continue my studies in Hindi I believe, and also German and Spanish.
On the side I will study a bit of Danish and Norwegian since I want to actually speak it, not only understand it and mix it with Swedish.

I am an optimist. I love life. I have had a few rough years, especially -09, but hopefully -10 will be a great year.

If I set my mind to it, I usually get what I want. What I want this year is my Finnish and to make sure that I get a place in the Glanmire womens team in basketball, preferably in the WSL, which is elite.
I got to ER in less than 1,5 years which is awesome, so I can definitely do this. Just need to get in shape!

So what's the difference between me then and now?

I left Sweden 3,5 years ago, believing I would be in Dublin for 3 months and get back home to my boyfriend and eventually move in with him, probably get engaged with him (a few years later) and at some point after that get married and have kids. As far as it came to my career, I wanted to be either a chemistry/math teacher at high school or a chemist. That is what I think at least.

What happened? He broke up with me and I stayed. And the rest is history. I stayed in Ireland...

Me today?

I have decided to stay in Ireland for at least another 5 years. That since I just have been promoted to ER and I have a real good chance to get further within the company. I never thought I was gonna start work in customer service, but I did and I loved it. Now I have stepped up and will work with high-profile cases etc. I will have more influence and responsibility. And all of this I have achieved in less than 1,5 years with the company.

I will work hard and make sure that they notice that I am something that they can rely on and that I can do what they need me to, and a lot more.
I am stubborn. Have always been. That is why I got this far in such a short time. That, and my awesome personality ;)

My favorite quotations are:

"Pressure makes diamonds" - General George S. Patton
"In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity" - Albert Einstein

They are both true. I'm doing my best under pressure and it is when everything is really dark, that you can find that really bright star that can help you find your way.

I don't know on what path I will be in 5 years time, but that is not now, so why bother? I have a great job, an awesome life, two great cats, a few really close friends, a lot of people who always want to hang out, and I live a life I never thought would be possible.
I left Sweden, something most people only dream of, but they never take the chance. Take the leap. You can always go back home if it doesn't work out.

I have spent these 3,5 years crying a lot, probably hell of a lot more than if I would have stayed home in Sweden, but I have also laughed a lot, and felt things that isn't possible to feel when you are home in a safe place. Even if you go and spend 6 months abroad travelling, it's not the same thing as packing your things, and actually moving. I have soo many times wanted to go home, but I have always known that I would regret it as soon as I landed on Swedish ground.

This is not for everybody, I know that. But if you think about it, (this is for Ireland though, since laws and stuff are different for all countries) you can always drop me an email if you have any questions. I might be able to help you with some advise. And remember, you don't need to stay for as long as I have, some people only move for 6 months or a year or 2. To get the experience (and language skills) which will be a great thing to put on your CV.

[email protected]

And what has this given me?

I have come out from this experience as a stronger person, more independent, more secure in myself. You have to be able to rely on yourself when you are far away from your family and friends. I believe in myself and I know that I can do whatever I want to do and that is a great feeling!

I know I repeat myself, but life IS awesome!

Ok, so looking back at the last few weeks, you can see both the good and the bad things.

I have got two epileptic fits within two weeks, both on buses, to or from work, and one of the times I ended up in hospital. And 4 days after I had my last fit (Thursday a week ago) I ended up in hospital because of trouble breathing and had to stay over night. So overall you could say that my health haven't been the best.

But the rest.

It's awesome!!!! I have no other word for it.

Ok, so this lovely Italian guy, I don't know about him, you know how it is when you go get to know people a little bit more and then you realize things...we might not be very compatible..but no bothers. Me is happy anyways! :) there is plenty more fish in the sea...

This week has been great even though I spent the first part in the hospital.

Jenny came and visited me on Thursday. FINALLY! I have been waiting for soooo long! Can you understand that she is the first one of my friends who actually have come over to visit me, since I moved to Ireland in Sep -06?
Well, how many friends do I have contact with at home now? Not many. What do we have in common? Not much. People changes and walk in different directions, that's a part of life as well.

Anywho, I met her at the airport and we spent a few hours in Dublin before we took the bus down to Cork. We spent the first evening quiet since I still was kinda sick and she had been travelling the whole day. (So had I, Cork - Dublin - Cork)
Friday was beautiful and she had to come with me to CUH since I had to draw some blood, they had to check that the contrast solution had gone out of my system so it couldn't hurt my kidneys anymore. The lady didn't understand at first that I had to lay down, and was a bit unfriendly, but when she saw how stressed I was, she got a bit nicer and found me a bed.

After that, we took a stroll in the Wilton Shopping center which is just outside the hospital before we went back into town. We walked around in the sunshine and then went back home and ordered a huge 20" pizza and arranged with Carl to meet us at The Cornerhouse at 9.

We took a few pints and went to Bodega's after 11. Since I now know the security guy at the door, he made sure that we were let in for free, instead of having to pay 13-14 euro entrance fee. Awesome :) And that's all because of my pretty smile and that I'm not there drunk all the time ;)

And we were dancing and drinking (alcohol free beer for me because of the antibiotics) and met a lot of Apple people (as always) and we had a great time!
We went home at 1.30ish since we wanted to avoid all the rush and walked home and went to bed and slept looong and nice. We had agreed before we went to bed that we were gonna take the train up to Dublin at 14.30.

Woke up 11.30 by my alarm. Snoozed. Phone called 11.35. Answered.
It was one of the coaches from Glanmire Women Basketball Club!! Awesome!!

I sent them an email about a month ago after talking to some guys at Bodega's who played basketball who informed me about the club and that Glanmire women were the best in Ireland.
I sent in the email that I was very good when I played but that I hadn't played for some years now but that I wanted to know if they would be interested in new players, explaining that we won most cups and got a very good position in Swedish Masterships etc.
The guy, Tommie I think his name was, asked me a little bit about all of this and I explained that I haven't played at all since I left Sweden but that I started about 2 months ago playing with the guys at work and that I was impressed on how well it went, but that still, my boll control really sucks :) can't use my right hand at all. Can barely do a cross-over.
He told me that they had four teams, from the SuperLeague, to Division 1 and two lower ones and that I could come and play with them and they could evaluate to see which team I would suit to be in and that he would ask the coach for the SuperLeague/Division 1 to contact me to arrange a test session.

I got an email half an hour later from the head coach and from Tommie. Tommie advised the coach that he believed that I would probably suit in the SuperLeague team or maybe Division1!!!
Tommy emailed me and asked me if I could come and play with them at some point soon.

I emailed back advising that I'm on antibiotics at the moment but that I could do it in a couple of weeks but also told him that I didn't want him to expect too much since I WAS good, but that I haven't played for a very long time and that I would probably need some training before I could show my skills. He hasn't replied to that yet though.

So now I'm nervous!! They believe that I might be suitable for one of the biggest and the best teams in Ireland!! Isn't that awesome! And I KNOW that with my stubborness, if I want to, I WILL get there. Just like I got to ER in the shortest time, without any experience from any other departments etc. And that's just because I am awesome and stubborn and when I put my mind to something, I will follow it through. So, at the moment, my mind is set on: Getting in shape in 2 weeks! How the FUCK am I gonna do that? I need to get in better shape at least, and train some basketball. Saturday, I'm gonna spend many hours doing ball control stuff.
I WILL do this!
And then I will be an awesome ER Advisor who is successful as a basketball player! That is my new goal with the year!
As single as well. Tore and I are finally finally finally finally finally completely and utterly ended. I mean, I ended it mentally many months ago, but Tore and me as well have at a certain degree always "tried".
But what is the meaning when I still have to spend my hours alone in the hospital? When he doesn't know anything about my life? When I don't know anything about his life? When I have absolutely no feelings whatsoever for him, and the only reason I can't let go completely is fear?

With this awesome life I have at the moment, just take a leap, what's the worst that can happen? I have Kamila who will be there. She would have come to the hospital hadn't she been sick at the same time.

Anyway, back to Jenny. We got up by train and got to the hostel which was good actually. 12 bed room and we left our stuff, made us beautiful and went out for dinner. Had a few drinks, ate good food and went to a bar. Most bars were packed and a guy pointed us upstairs saying their were seats available and live music. We went up, and the music was awesome, the pub was cozy and the people there were great. Not that many tourists and we sang along and we had a few pints and I realized how much I have missed Dublin. Texted Carl and told him that now that he is single, we can go up and party in Dublin together and be each others safety net, to make sure we don't drag something really nasty home ;)

We went home around 12 and went to bed and up at 5.45. Taxi picked Jenny up at 6.15 and the bus picked me up at 7.00 for Cork. Slept the whole way home. And I have been doing some cleaning today. Some sit-ups and a power walk. All as a part of my getting in shape in 2 weeks. I am in a hurry. I am gonna show them "The Swedish girl" who is a killer defense player and shoot awesome 3-pointers. :P

As I told you before and before, life is awesome. I'm just gonna roll with it for a while. If I get a few fits or if a few minor things happen, I'm just gonna think about all of this, how the FUCK can I be soooo lucky that all of this happen to me? I guess it is my time now.

And I really hope that you will experience this pure happiness soon as well, and that you know to not destroy it by making up tiny problems to big problems (like most people do). Just enjoy it while it last!!

My lovely 26 hours in Cork University Hospital

So what happened this week?

I started my new job on Monday morning. It was with a little bit sadness that I took my iMac and rolled it through Apple from CR to ER, but also with a lot of excitement. :) Chris had been nice enough and move most of my stuff on Friday when I was home sick.

Happy me!!! So I started with explaining the fact that I only would be there for two days since I would be on holiday wed-tue and we agreed that I would start some reading of procedures and stuff but not the real training.
I was all excited and happy and the team is great!! They are happy to have me there too I think.

After work I was exhausted and I didn't feel too well so I didn't have the energy to clean, I went to bed before 21. Woke up in the middle of the night and started vomiting. And I couldn't stop. In the end I fell asleep again and I felt better in the morning (I thought), so I went to work, but realized there, that I must have a fever or something since I was freezing something crazy. I was sitting fully dressed and with two fleece blankets and still ice cold, and I could barely keep my eyes open.
I decided to wait until my manager got in and when she saw me, she sent me home.

I went home to bed and slept and vomited for the next ten hours. I was fully dressed under two duvets and two fleece blankets, still freezing.

And I could barely breathe. I had had that problem for a few days, but I thought it was something from my last fit, but it was really bad, I couldn't take a deep breath or move my arms in certain directions.
So I called mom on Skype and she told me to go to the hospital, which I did, even though I believed that it was completely unnecessary. The taxi picked me up at 22.05

In the emergency/accident department, I explained everything and it took about 20 min before a nurse called me in to a room. I explained everything and they took me in to the emergency dept. She told me that they would need blood from me (!!) and I started to feel panic right away.
The nurse was really nice though and she managed to draw blood right away and decided to keep a line in since they might need to give me some injections or stuff later on and instead of poking me with needles and things the whole time I could have that. It was horrible!! I could see it sit in my arm and the only thing I could think of was the needle in there. Silly me! Then she left me and said that a doctor would come by later. And I was waiting and waiting.
Another nurse came and decided that they would need more blood, from the other arm. They thought it might be a blood clot in the lungue. :( I got a bit scared then. I thought it was a cold.

A doctor took the blood while the nurse calmed me down since this one hurt like hell.
And I waited.
They took me for X-ray of my lungues to check if they could find anything.

At 05.15 ish they told me that I could finally go to sleep. The blood tests had been good and they couldn't find anything unusual on the X-rays but they needed to wait for the morning consultant something who probably would discharge me, but who needed to have a look at the X-rays first.

They woke me up at 08.30 and told me that they needed the bed and that I would have to go and take a seat in one of the chairs over by X-ray (very comfortable ones) and that I was gonna do an X-ray shortly.

A nurse told me that they needed new blood samples and that someone would pop by. A nurse with everything on a wheely thing came by and said that she was gonna take some blood and I told her that I needed to lay down because otherwise I faint. She had to get another nurse, who was SOO unfriendly and questioned me. I told her "It's fine, I can sit up if you want to, but I will very shortly be on the floor anyway, since I will faint". She then left and found me a bed. And they stole blood from yet another vein in my arm.

Told me that the X-ray shouldn't be too long now. This was around 10.
13.30. Nothing.
14.30. Nothing. A male nurse asked if I still hadn't been called. He went and checked. Nothing
15.45. I was advised by the same male nurse that I would be down for scan latest at 17.00.
16.55. Nothing.
17.15. The male nurse was back and stressed and wheeled me down to the basement for a chest scan.

I was told that it wouldn't take too long before I would get in.
18.10. They opened the door! Yey!
And now the terror began. With my line, they attached the thingie for the contrast solution, which is needed for the scan. The nurse was the most unfriendly bitch ever. I was sooo stressed up, tried to breathe normally, but couldn't. And breathing normally during the scan and also holding your breath is the most important during the scan.

They did the scan and then told me that it didn't work since I had been breathing too fast. The bitch came and said "Just think that you lie on a beach" and I answered "I have had an extreme phobia for this for over ten years, you don't think I have tried EVERYTHING? And also, it is very easy for you to say, since you're not afraid" She left and brought a doctor who was very handsome and very friendly. He told me that I actually had done very well but that I just needed to hold my breath a few more seconds and that I could do it. THAT is how you're supposed to take care of a patient who is afraid.

And they wheeled me back. And I was told after about an hour, sitting in my lovely chair again, that I needed to get drop, since they had given me twice the amount of contrast solution which is toxic for the kidneys. And that hurt like hell!!
In the end, I almost fainted, another patient called a doctor, who took out the drop, and we agreed that if I only drank a litre of water, which they put in a jug in front of me, then I could go home.

Apparently I had TWO chest infections. Don't ask me how I managed to get both of them. So they prescribed two antibiotics and two pain killers. And I could leave the hospital around midnight that night.

I went home and cried. I was completely mentally exhausted, my body ached, my arms were (are) bruised from all the needles and no one was there to comfort me.

Tore was my emergency contact. Not anymore. I got hold of him when I got home from the hospital. He hadn't even bothered to call me to check on me, even though he knew that I went in to the hospital to chech what was wrong with me the evening before.
And I realized, that I'm alone. My cats were glad to see me, but still, I would soo much have needed someone to come by and hold my hand when I went through all these horrible things. But I guess that I grew with this experience, I am supposed to be an adult.

Well, at least I got out of this alive, my life is still awesome and I will tell you more about my awesome week :)

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