Road trip to Belfast!! :) and Mauro Picotto

Last weekend, we finally got to Belfast. It was a long long long weekend!! And I really needed to get away from Cork to think about something else...

Friday was soooo long. Pia finished around 6 and I had my early day so I went home to pack and sort out everything with the cats before, since she would pop by and pick me up after work.
Carl had got my spare set of keys and had promised to come by Saturday and Sunday to feed the cats and check the litter boxes.

Packing wasn't too difficult. Pia came and picked me up and we went to her place since she had to pick up some things before we left. We were discussing if we would need our passports or not, but decided that we would bring them just in case. Wouldn't want to get stuck up there.
Just before 8, we were ready and we left. Ready for a 5 hour drive...

I must say that she is a good driver and we had a lot of fun, but we are very bad at reading signs...we missed a few exits and ended up in a town which said "Welcome to Pakistan" (??) We had to stop and borrow the toilet at a pub. That was just outside Dublin. But I can't remember what the town was actually called...
When we entered Northern Ireland, both our phones started messing about, and we thought we saw Belfast everywhere.
In the end, after about 13 (I mean it really) roundabouts, we entered Belfast and I had to guide her in the city centre. It was after 1 by then and we were both very tired. But we made it :)
I've stayed at the hostel two or three times before and it's ok.
We got our beds and went to sleep. I must say that my bed was the most uncomfortable bed I've ever slept in. I could feel every spring in the whole bed!

We woke up on Saturday morning and went out for breakfast and some shopping to prepare for our big night out! It was a beautiful day and we walked around most of the day. Pia found a gorgeous bag, and I ended up getting a new piercing in my ear. :) I found a really beautiful dress as well. It was only ten pounds.
I have decided that I want to get at least three more after this one, but I'll take one at a time...because it hurts a lot at the moment...

We went to Speranza which is a restaurant I often went to when I lived in Belfast, and the food was as good as I remembered it to be. And our dessert were shots..
I mean, they were named "Strawberry cheesecake", Applepie" and "Strawberry ..."

Back to the hostel to get ready and to prepare for the evening. We met these to Australian girls who were visiting Belfast and who are gonna work in UK until next April or something. Really nice girls. They helped me out with my outfit.
Left for the gig.

The gig was awesome!! There were a lot of people there and Pia was drinking a lot :) I didn't drink that much, but I still danced like crazy. Until I met this guy...
Mark. From Belfast. Of course.

We were talking a bit since me and Pia had met his friend while she was out smoking and he introduced us. After we started talking, we kind of lost interest in the music. I lost Pia, but she had a lot of fun anyway :)

Me and Mark found a nice corner and we were sitting talking for the rest of the gig (only talking). He seems to be a really nice guy. I would like to see him again. And he has this lovely Northern Irish accent. I forgot how much I loved it.

Isn't it strange how much another persons opinion can poison your own? Now, when I'm finally rid of the poisonous influence that Tore had on me (that everything with Ireland, Cork, Belfast etc. is shit, awfult etc.) I am enjoying it more and more.

Anywho, we swapped numbers and hopefully I'll see him again.

I found Pia after the gig, outside smoking with two guys. I thought we were going home but apparently ended up with the two guys at their place. I was very suspicious and probably very unfriendly. Stat


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