Crappy crappy week! Finally over!

Sometimes I really do wonder about charma, and also then, WHAT I did to deserve the crap I get.

These last few weeks have been really horrible, but at the same time they have been awesome. I mean, I got promoted, one of the most wanted jobs in Apple, I got it, because I'm awesome ;) there is no other explanation really. I have done a great job during my 1,5 years there and I did a great interview showing them that I will be a great asset in their team. Someone they can rely on. (and the fact that I will deal with the whole Nordic market, I think was a plus). And also, Jenny came over to visit me, the first friend in my more than 3,5 years in Ireland to come and visit me. Isn't that insane? I thought I actually had friends who cared about me at home, but apparently not enough to pay me a visit. I mean, Jenny got a return ticket for about 1500 SEK, approx. 150 euros, and she stayed at my place. We didn't spend that much money. It doesn't have to be expensive. But anywho, I barely have any contact with them anymore. I have more contact with friends from elementary school and from tech support in Stockholm, than my "close friends" from High School. And my best friend for ten years who live in Ireland, in Dublin, we haven't spoken for 2,5 years, since I had a fight with her boyfriend...

Anywho, so not all have been bad.

BUT, then it has been the two epileptic fits on the bus to and from works withinin two weeks of each other, and then two days before Jenny arrives I had fever and couldn't breathe so I went to hospital, they poked me with needles and they found the two chest infections and put me on two antibiotics and paracetamol because of the pain in the back (which was the reason to why I couldn't breathe).

I got all side effects you could think of and couldn't eat anything, and was on these antibiotics for a week, the whole time while Jenny was here. And couldn't really eat anything. Awesome. But we had a superb time!
She left. And my lovely week started.
It was great finally sitting in ER, doing ER stuff, but it was mostly training, reading procedures and learning some new tools etc. The day I stopped taking the paracetamol, Wednesday, I realized that I had a fever. Spoke to mom, who think that I might have been allergic to the mix of antibiotics or something, probably have had fever the whole week, but have taken paracetamols together with the antibiotics three times a day. And that mixed with my medication, it's a cocktail...

So I lived on water, a little bit of soup, and 2-3 fruits every day. That was all I could manage. Thursday came. Got an email from Liam. Was told that Bjorn haven't paid for the dept from Elysian and that we are now being taken to court, again. Started stressing about that. Again. Sent an angry email to Bjorn. Bjorn replied and said that he had informed Liam that he was gonna pay back but that he would need time since he had to fly back to Norway and sort out with his bank etc. and Liam had accepted that but suddenly changed his mind. And now he didn't want to deal with Bjorn anymore and is threatening me and Tore instead. Tore started to talk about getting a lawyer. I told him that I'm not gonna spend money on that. Bjorn has to sort this out. That he should contact the CEO since Liam seems strange. That's what they are doing now, so I'm trying to relax.
Awful week. Anyway. Antibiotics over.

But still didn't feel well. Had some other side effects still and went to the doctor on Friday, who gave me another antibiotic. For another 5 days. With this one, I can't eat OR drink anything at all. So for the last 48 hours, I haven't eaten anything, actually, I've eaten a few chocolate covered raisins, but I've had about 1 or maximum 2 glasses of water. Hopefully I will feel better soon so that I can at least start drinking, otherwise I'll get dehydrated.
And I have to take these pills every four hours. Don't ask me what they're for, but he said that they would help. And I have to go and take blood samples in 6 weeks. So at the same time as I'm going back to the hospital for scans for my chest again, I can give them the blood. Lovely.

What have I done to deserve this?

But yesterday was nice though. Ehab and Florence moved in together in December, into a really nice flat at Pope's Quay and they had a nice "house warming party" yesterday. It was just a few people, and they had a chocolate fountain! :) Awesome! But since I have all these lovely side effects, I could only watch the lovely side effects and the others eat... which was less fun. It was nice though, doing something.

Me and the guy I'm sort of seeing. Don't know. He doesn't want a relationship. I don't want a relationship. But he came over late Friday night and just slept over. Nothing else, just to hold me (romantic huh?) and I like him.

Tore, he's definitely a finished chapter. I'm soo sick of him. And he seems to be getting a job in US for Blizzard and once he's gone, then finally I might get some rest. He is just negative energy, messing with my head. But I hope we have sorted Elysian before that. I don't want to be stuck in this shit alone.

So, do you believe in charma?
What did I do to deserve all of this? Or is all of this just to make sure that I stay on the ground, to make sure that I appreciate what I got?


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