About me, have I told you already? Can't remember...
I was just thinking about it. I don't know if I ever told you about my plans about my life. Need to go through the first time I wrote here, should say something about my plan there.
Anyway, it has changed a bit since. It is crazy isn't it. How much life and plans can change in a relatively short amount of time, isn't it?
So what about me?
I love languages. Native Swede, so of course I speak Swedish, but I am also fluent in English.
I am learning Finnish at the moment. My goal is to be able to speak it very well by the end of the year. Going to a two week intensive course in July in Helsinki.
After that I'm gonna continue my studies in Hindi I believe, and also German and Spanish.
On the side I will study a bit of Danish and Norwegian since I want to actually speak it, not only understand it and mix it with Swedish.
I am an optimist. I love life. I have had a few rough years, especially -09, but hopefully -10 will be a great year.
If I set my mind to it, I usually get what I want. What I want this year is my Finnish and to make sure that I get a place in the Glanmire womens team in basketball, preferably in the WSL, which is elite.
I got to ER in less than 1,5 years which is awesome, so I can definitely do this. Just need to get in shape!
So what's the difference between me then and now?
I left Sweden 3,5 years ago, believing I would be in Dublin for 3 months and get back home to my boyfriend and eventually move in with him, probably get engaged with him (a few years later) and at some point after that get married and have kids. As far as it came to my career, I wanted to be either a chemistry/math teacher at high school or a chemist. That is what I think at least.
What happened? He broke up with me and I stayed. And the rest is history. I stayed in Ireland...
Me today?
I have decided to stay in Ireland for at least another 5 years. That since I just have been promoted to ER and I have a real good chance to get further within the company. I never thought I was gonna start work in customer service, but I did and I loved it. Now I have stepped up and will work with high-profile cases etc. I will have more influence and responsibility. And all of this I have achieved in less than 1,5 years with the company.
I will work hard and make sure that they notice that I am something that they can rely on and that I can do what they need me to, and a lot more.
I am stubborn. Have always been. That is why I got this far in such a short time. That, and my awesome personality ;)
My favorite quotations are:
"Pressure makes diamonds" - General George S. Patton
"In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity" - Albert Einstein
They are both true. I'm doing my best under pressure and it is when everything is really dark, that you can find that really bright star that can help you find your way.
I don't know on what path I will be in 5 years time, but that is not now, so why bother? I have a great job, an awesome life, two great cats, a few really close friends, a lot of people who always want to hang out, and I live a life I never thought would be possible.
I left Sweden, something most people only dream of, but they never take the chance. Take the leap. You can always go back home if it doesn't work out.
I have spent these 3,5 years crying a lot, probably hell of a lot more than if I would have stayed home in Sweden, but I have also laughed a lot, and felt things that isn't possible to feel when you are home in a safe place. Even if you go and spend 6 months abroad travelling, it's not the same thing as packing your things, and actually moving. I have soo many times wanted to go home, but I have always known that I would regret it as soon as I landed on Swedish ground.
This is not for everybody, I know that. But if you think about it, (this is for Ireland though, since laws and stuff are different for all countries) you can always drop me an email if you have any questions. I might be able to help you with some advise. And remember, you don't need to stay for as long as I have, some people only move for 6 months or a year or 2. To get the experience (and language skills) which will be a great thing to put on your CV.
[email protected]
And what has this given me?
I have come out from this experience as a stronger person, more independent, more secure in myself. You have to be able to rely on yourself when you are far away from your family and friends. I believe in myself and I know that I can do whatever I want to do and that is a great feeling!
Anyway, it has changed a bit since. It is crazy isn't it. How much life and plans can change in a relatively short amount of time, isn't it?
So what about me?
I love languages. Native Swede, so of course I speak Swedish, but I am also fluent in English.
I am learning Finnish at the moment. My goal is to be able to speak it very well by the end of the year. Going to a two week intensive course in July in Helsinki.
After that I'm gonna continue my studies in Hindi I believe, and also German and Spanish.
On the side I will study a bit of Danish and Norwegian since I want to actually speak it, not only understand it and mix it with Swedish.
I am an optimist. I love life. I have had a few rough years, especially -09, but hopefully -10 will be a great year.
If I set my mind to it, I usually get what I want. What I want this year is my Finnish and to make sure that I get a place in the Glanmire womens team in basketball, preferably in the WSL, which is elite.
I got to ER in less than 1,5 years which is awesome, so I can definitely do this. Just need to get in shape!
So what's the difference between me then and now?
I left Sweden 3,5 years ago, believing I would be in Dublin for 3 months and get back home to my boyfriend and eventually move in with him, probably get engaged with him (a few years later) and at some point after that get married and have kids. As far as it came to my career, I wanted to be either a chemistry/math teacher at high school or a chemist. That is what I think at least.
What happened? He broke up with me and I stayed. And the rest is history. I stayed in Ireland...
Me today?
I have decided to stay in Ireland for at least another 5 years. That since I just have been promoted to ER and I have a real good chance to get further within the company. I never thought I was gonna start work in customer service, but I did and I loved it. Now I have stepped up and will work with high-profile cases etc. I will have more influence and responsibility. And all of this I have achieved in less than 1,5 years with the company.
I will work hard and make sure that they notice that I am something that they can rely on and that I can do what they need me to, and a lot more.
I am stubborn. Have always been. That is why I got this far in such a short time. That, and my awesome personality ;)
My favorite quotations are:
"Pressure makes diamonds" - General George S. Patton
"In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity" - Albert Einstein
They are both true. I'm doing my best under pressure and it is when everything is really dark, that you can find that really bright star that can help you find your way.
I don't know on what path I will be in 5 years time, but that is not now, so why bother? I have a great job, an awesome life, two great cats, a few really close friends, a lot of people who always want to hang out, and I live a life I never thought would be possible.
I left Sweden, something most people only dream of, but they never take the chance. Take the leap. You can always go back home if it doesn't work out.
I have spent these 3,5 years crying a lot, probably hell of a lot more than if I would have stayed home in Sweden, but I have also laughed a lot, and felt things that isn't possible to feel when you are home in a safe place. Even if you go and spend 6 months abroad travelling, it's not the same thing as packing your things, and actually moving. I have soo many times wanted to go home, but I have always known that I would regret it as soon as I landed on Swedish ground.
This is not for everybody, I know that. But if you think about it, (this is for Ireland though, since laws and stuff are different for all countries) you can always drop me an email if you have any questions. I might be able to help you with some advise. And remember, you don't need to stay for as long as I have, some people only move for 6 months or a year or 2. To get the experience (and language skills) which will be a great thing to put on your CV.
[email protected]
And what has this given me?
I have come out from this experience as a stronger person, more independent, more secure in myself. You have to be able to rely on yourself when you are far away from your family and friends. I believe in myself and I know that I can do whatever I want to do and that is a great feeling!