In Northern Norway, there was this Swedish girl...

I have been in Norway since Thursday now. Ok, that is a week. It has been the laziest week ever! I have been doing nothing but watching movies, enjoying the views, eating deer and sleeping. I can now proudly say that I probably have eaten deer in all ways possible, even dried deer meat...Yummy...NOT!

Weird Norwegian people, eating dried deer meat as a kind of snack...that is what happens to people to live all alone up in zhe mountainz =) No, but really, they are great. I LOVE Norwegian people...I am thinking about converting to one, if possible. I speak Swedish to Tores mother and her husband, and they all speak Norwegian to me, and most of the time it is ok, but there are times when I don't understand a word they are saying. I mean, they ARE speaking this weird northern dialekt...but it is soooo fun to listen to Tore when he is talking to his friends. And the words they are using, the are soooo fun!

Anyhow, we are in a small small village kind of thingy called Sörstraumen, it is supposed to be a Norwegian ö, but my keyboard wont let me...and it is about 5 hours by car from Tromsö. IT IS FAR FAR UP NORTH!

We have had beautiful weather here the last few days, some snow and sunshine and just about -5 degrees. That is ok, as long as you are inside...I do not have any winter clothes with me...and it is FREEZING! But I like it, the air is SOOO fresh here. It is insane, you can FEEL that the air is unpolluted and clean. Also, the tap water is coming straight from the mountain, no boiling or adding stuff to it. Just plain water. And it taste so good! I have been drinking litres of water here, just because of the taste. I LOVE it!

I wish I could move here. I hope I will be able to in the future. Or at least have a house. On Saturday morning we are living for Tromsö. We are staying there for a night so that I can see a little bit of that town as well. It is a beautiful city and we will stay at "Ishavshotellet" I think it is called.

I've had a great time here, I wish I could stay forever. Do you know what I did today? I woke up, stayed in bed for another hour or two before eating breakfast around 13.00. Took a shower and since my dear boyfriend have been playing WoW the whole day, I have spent the day watching the serie "Las Vegas". think I saw about 8 episodes or something wasn't that much. And between that and now, we had dinner. A superb steak with bearnaise sauce and deep fried potatoes. Oh, and after that we took a bath or whatever you say, in the jacuzzi...that was great. And then back to the sofa to watch tv... =D

Oh, and I have been playing some WoW myself as well. Right now I am waiting for my boyfriend to get back home since he left 1½ ago to pick up a friend who was at a nightclub...The closest night club is 45 min away by car, and of course, there are NO buses. So Tores friend Raymond called and asked if he could pick him up...It did upset me a little bit since we were supposed to go to bed and since Raymonds car only has two seats, I couldn't come with Tore. Anyhow, he said he'd be back in an hour, and I knew he never would, so now, after 1½ hour, I will go to bed...and hopefully he survived the trip and will be home soon...

Love you guys, must say that I don't miss home that much anymore...I mean, they practically have everything that we have...but a lot of it is (I am sorry to tell you) better... ☺

Many kisses

Tomorrow we are flying!

I am waking up at 3.45 am tomorrow. It's in about 8 hours. And I haven't started packing yet...Right now I am downloading and installing iTunes so that I can put some new music on my iPod...
It's gonna be 9 loooon g days! I am sooo looking forward to it and am so excited! Except..the weather is blowing storm and it is supposed to be really windy is scared!

They said yesterday that it would be something like 128 km/h or  like we say in Sweden, 36,8 meter per second!! Det är orkanvarning...scaaaary!

Anyhow, I bought myself a new digital camera today, and it is sooo nice. So that I can take a lot of pictures of all the weird Norwegians I am gonna see. ☺ Funneeeeh!

But about something else. I quit my job the 8th of March is my last day. And after that I'll see what happens...We might move soon, Tore is talking to companys everywhere right now who wants him...

I realised something the other day when I was walking to work, think it was yesterday actually..I need to cross a bridge every morning to get to work, and from that bridge I can "Cliff" as I call him. It is the cliff formation that looks like a face. The one that made the author of Gulliver's travels come up with the story to begin with...And EVERY morning when I look over to Cliff and say a quiet "good morning", I smile. I think about how happy I am to be here. To have Tore in my life, to work, to travel, to be alive. And I just appreciate life. And I also realised that I had something like that when I lived in Portmarnock. Every morning I walked to work along the beach and saw the sun rise from the water, I just felt so alive. So lucky!

And I think this is something that everybody needs in there life. Something simple that makes them think about how lucky they should be over what they have. I mean, it could always be worse. And to see the beauty in the simplest of things, that is something I do for some weird reason. Even though I might not think that the sunrise is such a small and simple thing (maybe the cliff is ☺)

The cliff is cool tho, I mean, it is a very distinct thing that I will always associate with Belfast. I also call him "Stoneface" =D since he is not very talkative...

Just a quick thank you to my sickly boyfriend as well for making me dinner tonight, (even tho he never ever ever will read my blogg!!)

Need to go now friends, but think about the things in life that make you happy. And if someone smiles at you, smile back..A smile brings a smile...

Cheers from silly me

Me is going to Norway!! =)

I am going to Norway next Thursday. To celebrate easter with my boyfriend and his family. They live up in the northern of Norway, in a city called Tromsö. I am really looking forward to it. I will see snow!! I haven't seen real snow for like two winters now, and I miss it. Ok, it was snowing Sunday morning when we went to Dublin, but that is not the same.  mean, they have METERS of snow up inte Tromsö.

I am soooo looking forward to it! I think I am gonna love it. Well, I know I will. I just hope Tore's mum will like me. I mean, she haven't like any of his previous girlfriends...bad odds...=)

And I will be blond again! I don't know if I told you that I colored my hair brown in the beginning of February. And as I told you in my last blogg thingie, I cut my hair and colored it even darker Friday or Saturday. It is beautiful, but I miss my long blonde hair. So one of Tore's female friends in Oslo, who is a hairdresser, will turn me into a blonde again and then give me extensions..Yeeeeeeeey!

Anyhow, I need to take a shower now, see you later.

My beautiful new friend...=)

I think I told you that I bought a new laptop a few weeks ago... If not, now you know.. =) it was almost £2500.. (oops)

I received it last wednesday, the same day as my sister came visiting me. So I haven't been able to look at it until now, and it is soooooo beautiful. I love it. It is soo fast and soo beautiful (AND heavy..) Its an XPS laptop with 1 TB harddrive (I have two hard drives in it) and nice blue light. The sound is incredible, the graphic card awesome and I have a remote control for it as well...

Haappy =P

Anyhow, that was my new friend. Right now I am downloading the last few updates for World of Warcraft and after that I am gonna be like "Boyfriend, who?" hihi.

My sister was here. She came Wednesday evening, and I went to Dublin by bus to meet her up. She arrived at 11pm and I was there about 10.15, waiting for her. Finally, around 11.30, she came out, and I just ran up and we bumped in together, screaming. You should have seen the people around us. They stopped and had huge smiles in their faces, laughing. I wonder what they were thinking...I was soooo happy to see her again. It was almost nine months since we saw each other. We took the bus at 12.20 and for 2½ hours we were sitting at the bus, chatting, listening to music and laughing. It was soo much fun. I love her!

We were at home around 3.30am and then we went straight to bed. To make this long story short...we went to my job on Thursday so she could meet my colleagues and friends. And then I went to the hairdresser. My hair is now almost to my shoulders! It is short! And then we went shopping!

Friday...we went to the hairdresser and my sister had a haircut. Just to get rid of all the split ends. It looks really nice. And then we went shopping.  We bought dresses to wear for the evening and then we went home to color my hair. I am now, dark dark brown haired. And I don't look like me at all. But it looks nice. =)

We ate dinner and went to a "The Potthouse", if you have read my blogg before, you know what happened there the last time =P It wasn't as bad as that time. We drank and had a lot of fun. Tore, Fred and Bjørn came after the Gem party and they were sooo drunk. It was fun..

Saturday..hangover day. We went for a walk in town and then shopping...again. In the evening we went for a dinner at Speranza since Moddes birthday was on Sunday. And we ate and drank and then we went to a nightclub in The Odyssey called "The box". It was soooo big and sooo fun. Two levels with different music. On the first floor we met a stag party gang, dressed as Magnus Uggla!!! Me and Didi was almost dying of laughter! And Tore and Bjørn were sooo drunk. The box closes at 1am, that is boring, but it was soo difficult to get a taxi home, so Bjørn grabbed a taxi and promised him £20 if he drove us home.
The taxi ride was £4,70 and the tip was £20, so the guy was happy enough.

Sunday...slow! We went for a walk in the area and then we met up with Tore and Bjørn in city centre. Me and Tore went away to buy Didi a gift and then we met them at the Moviehouse. We saw "Be kind, rewind". It was funny. And we went out for dinner after that. We went to "Fat Buddha", which is a very nice restaurant. It was great. And then we went home so that she could pack her stuff and sleep a few hours before the bus.

We woke up at 2am and a taxi picked us up at 2,40am. At 3 we were on our way to Dublin. It was sad, but we had so much fun. I miss her. Hopefully she will come over again soon. And then she can stay a little longer. Me and Tore are moving in a few months, but we thought that maybe she will come over a few weeks in the summer wherever we then live...

Ok, over and out...

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