The longest month EVER!
I have a lot to tell you.. I KNOW I was suppose to update my blogg a long time ago, but I got a virus who disconnected me from Internet, and when I after a week got Internet back Virgin decided to shut Internet down for all of us since we had not paid the bill. What? Mistake from their side, they had missed our move to the new apartment and hadn't moved our direct debit from our old house. But now we finally have internet again.
I think this has been the longest month ever! Oh, and this has been the longest week ever! But finally it is weekend! So what have happened this month? Last weekend I spent watching Grey's Anatomy first and second season. I did not leave the house during the whole weekend. Monday was ok, tuesday was the longest day ever. Every hour felt like a year!
I was really worried last week since I suddenly thought that I against all odds was pregnant. It is almost impossible for me to get pregnant when I have this thingie. So I spoke to Tore, and I took a test. Negative. Thank God (don't believe in him, but thank whatever)
Tuesday afternoon I got an email from Recruitment who wanted me to come down the day after to take a test for McAfee. I got nervous. Asked Tore if he had the test he got when he applied and on Wednesday morning I prepared myself. I was so nervous, I thought I was actually gonna die. Tore and I sat down and went through the correct answers and I left for the test. I met Anne, she told me that I had to do three things:
First the test, then a phone test and after that I had to write an email in Swedish. I took about 1½ hour to complete it all. The test I got was the exact same as Tore got!! So I scored 100% on it!! =)
The phone I do not know, but the email should not have been to bad. I mean, I work with emails right now. So we will see what they say. It is £1000 more a year to work for McAfee. That's a lot. I hope I get it. But it would be sad to leave the King-team cause I really enjoy my time there. And my manager told me during our 1:1 that it would be poo if I went to McAfee. I got my result back from my 1:1 for December and it was great. I know I am good at what I am doing, but this good?? =)
Anyhow, we'll see what happens. Next weekend we are all going out (the King-team) since we get our salary on Thursday. And I will get piss drunk! And the weekend after I am going out with Michel. The weekend after, we are having a party in our apartment and the weekend after, hopefully we are leaving for Sweden over the weekend to celebrate Aleksandra. And the weekend after that my sister arrives!! So it will be a lot of partying in February. Actually, every weekend!! I will sooooo love my life next month! I really miss my partying.
I still haven't spoken to Elin, but I am trying to forget her now. It is sad, I thought we were gonna be best friends forever...
My mothers husband asked me if it wouldn't be better if I turned into a "emigrated swede" (utlandssvensk) or something like that. Because I do not have any plans of moving back home to Sweden for a while. I am happy here. I am thinking about it.
Tore and me were talking the other day about the future. Not in that way, but about where do live. Our next stop. And he wants to move to Oxford or another UK city. I don't know. I guess I can do that. My plan is more to go to Spain or something, but I know that is difficult when you are two. Everything is more difficult when you are two.
Anywho, I need to leave. But I will try to update my blogg soon again. And Kasia, I WILL come and visit you very soon now. If you still want me to?
Love you guys!
I think this has been the longest month ever! Oh, and this has been the longest week ever! But finally it is weekend! So what have happened this month? Last weekend I spent watching Grey's Anatomy first and second season. I did not leave the house during the whole weekend. Monday was ok, tuesday was the longest day ever. Every hour felt like a year!
I was really worried last week since I suddenly thought that I against all odds was pregnant. It is almost impossible for me to get pregnant when I have this thingie. So I spoke to Tore, and I took a test. Negative. Thank God (don't believe in him, but thank whatever)
Tuesday afternoon I got an email from Recruitment who wanted me to come down the day after to take a test for McAfee. I got nervous. Asked Tore if he had the test he got when he applied and on Wednesday morning I prepared myself. I was so nervous, I thought I was actually gonna die. Tore and I sat down and went through the correct answers and I left for the test. I met Anne, she told me that I had to do three things:
First the test, then a phone test and after that I had to write an email in Swedish. I took about 1½ hour to complete it all. The test I got was the exact same as Tore got!! So I scored 100% on it!! =)
The phone I do not know, but the email should not have been to bad. I mean, I work with emails right now. So we will see what they say. It is £1000 more a year to work for McAfee. That's a lot. I hope I get it. But it would be sad to leave the King-team cause I really enjoy my time there. And my manager told me during our 1:1 that it would be poo if I went to McAfee. I got my result back from my 1:1 for December and it was great. I know I am good at what I am doing, but this good?? =)
Anyhow, we'll see what happens. Next weekend we are all going out (the King-team) since we get our salary on Thursday. And I will get piss drunk! And the weekend after I am going out with Michel. The weekend after, we are having a party in our apartment and the weekend after, hopefully we are leaving for Sweden over the weekend to celebrate Aleksandra. And the weekend after that my sister arrives!! So it will be a lot of partying in February. Actually, every weekend!! I will sooooo love my life next month! I really miss my partying.
I still haven't spoken to Elin, but I am trying to forget her now. It is sad, I thought we were gonna be best friends forever...
My mothers husband asked me if it wouldn't be better if I turned into a "emigrated swede" (utlandssvensk) or something like that. Because I do not have any plans of moving back home to Sweden for a while. I am happy here. I am thinking about it.
Tore and me were talking the other day about the future. Not in that way, but about where do live. Our next stop. And he wants to move to Oxford or another UK city. I don't know. I guess I can do that. My plan is more to go to Spain or something, but I know that is difficult when you are two. Everything is more difficult when you are two.
Anywho, I need to leave. But I will try to update my blogg soon again. And Kasia, I WILL come and visit you very soon now. If you still want me to?
Love you guys!
Less stress, more sex (not really?)
I have been in real stress the last week. I received a letter from the Credit Control thingie, whatever (motsvarande Inkasso) with a dept on £372!! Huh?? It is because I haven't payed for my gym card the last four months...WHAT?
When I became member, I gave them my bank details so that they could make monthly withdrawals from my account, it is the easiest way. But apparently they haven't made any withdrawals for the last 4 months and since I moved I never received their letter which told me about it. So suddenly I got this letter. But I went to Fitness First today with Karoline (since Tore promised to call them for a week and haven't I thought it was better to take her with me)
Surprisingly they were really really nice. The girl who came and sat down with us said that they would call and email Credit Control and make sure that I got deleted from the system and everything since it probably was a misstake from their side with the bank details or someting. They will clear EVERYTHING from the last few months and we start over next month. So no £372 to pa. Not even, £90 to pay since it is £30 per month.
So I will keep my membership there.
And I can feel that the stress starts to disappear. It is Friday and that means a whole weekend just to relax and sleep! Oh, and read a book and watch Grey's Anatomy. Haaaaappy!
It could be soooo much worse. I had an appointment with my doctor this morning again, and since I have no money whatsoever, I took a walk there, it took me 45 min. And it was coooooold this morning. A few degrees below zero..happy! It felt like I was at home again. That made me relaxed. It was such a beautiful day and now it is really really foggy outside. That is nice =)
Must go now, have to say hello to my boyfriend. He look a little bit sad (the powercord to his laptop isn't working so he can't use the laptop right now)
I love you guys!
Puss o kram,
Erika (Error) von Gegerfelt
When I became member, I gave them my bank details so that they could make monthly withdrawals from my account, it is the easiest way. But apparently they haven't made any withdrawals for the last 4 months and since I moved I never received their letter which told me about it. So suddenly I got this letter. But I went to Fitness First today with Karoline (since Tore promised to call them for a week and haven't I thought it was better to take her with me)
Surprisingly they were really really nice. The girl who came and sat down with us said that they would call and email Credit Control and make sure that I got deleted from the system and everything since it probably was a misstake from their side with the bank details or someting. They will clear EVERYTHING from the last few months and we start over next month. So no £372 to pa. Not even, £90 to pay since it is £30 per month.
So I will keep my membership there.
And I can feel that the stress starts to disappear. It is Friday and that means a whole weekend just to relax and sleep! Oh, and read a book and watch Grey's Anatomy. Haaaaappy!
It could be soooo much worse. I had an appointment with my doctor this morning again, and since I have no money whatsoever, I took a walk there, it took me 45 min. And it was coooooold this morning. A few degrees below zero..happy! It felt like I was at home again. That made me relaxed. It was such a beautiful day and now it is really really foggy outside. That is nice =)
Must go now, have to say hello to my boyfriend. He look a little bit sad (the powercord to his laptop isn't working so he can't use the laptop right now)
I love you guys!
Puss o kram,
Erika (Error) von Gegerfelt
Life sucks sometimes
Life is not fair. Sometimes I feel so lucky to be here, to have what I have and that I can't ask for more. But now and then, recently more often, I feel that something is wrong. I shouldn't be here anymore. I should move on, because I am not happy. I know when that I get that feeling though. When my boyfriend has made me disappointed in some way and then he makes me the "bad guy" in the scenario, when I try to tell him how I feel.
Are we too different? Is it too much to ask that he clears the kitchen when I have been cooking? I always clean up when he's been cooking for me. Is it to much to ask for a "thank you" because I washed his clothes with mine? Apparently. When I write this down I can just see why he thinks I'm a bitch nagging him about stuff like that, but I need things to be organised and clean around me to feel relaxed. He don't seem to care. Our flatmate don't care either.
Now I understand what my mother meant when she said that living with a man is raising another kid. I haven't had any kids yet (thank god for that!) but this is experience enough. She said she didn't want to live with a man again, (now she found a clean, organised one), and I understand her. I feel that if this ends, I'm NOT gonna move in with someone again unless it's perfectly clear how I wants and needs it to be around me. It's a stressful environment for me (imagine waking up and se dishes and pans and cutting boards and waste everywhere in the kitchen when you enter to eat breakfast).
I'm seriously thinking about moving out, the only problem is that my boyfriend has told me that he then will break up with me. "why should I want to be with a girl who don't want to live with me?". I get his point, but he needs to understand mine as well.
Right now he's annoyed with me (which puts me in distress) because I told him that I was disappointed with him, or actually I thanked him for leaving the kitchen in such a clean state when he went to bed last night. He promised to clean up since I cooked, but instead he just went to bed and I ended up cleaning the kitchen since I can't go to bed knowing I have to wake up to that! And HE is annoyed with me. Is that fair?
Ok, I know this is no fun to read, but since my best friend (now former best friend) don't talk to me anymore and my boyfriend is all I have here. Almost no contact with home, and no close friends here, then I just write it down here. And you can stop read whenever you want to and don't have to say a word =)
I'm just sad. Distressed and depressed. Should I stay or should I go? (interesting song btw) I can not trust him to do stuff I ask him for and since we are living together, it is kind of a big thing. Now I have to get rid of my msn trojan virus by myself (I have some kinds of instructions) since he promised me for a week to fix it now...every day. He has also promised to help me with a VERY importnant call, but now I will ask a friend of mine at work instead since he is in a hurry and will do it later all the time.
Do you want to know a new thing btw? If you ask our flatmate to take out the trash and he says ok, that means that he take the bag and tie it together and put it beside the waste bin in the kitchen.
IF you have a comment or advice, pleace post it for me. Don't know what to do. I love my boyfriend, but I'm not a house maid.
The only thing that made me really happy this week (since we had a fight on new years eve around 3 am, great start of the year) was that it actually started to snow!! In Belfast! And it is interesting to see that a whole country just went down because of 7 cm of snow. They were driving 20km/h and in the morning ALL the buses was cancelled so half of our team couldn't make it to work. =) This is a kind of primitive city, but I know for a fact that there isn't ONE ploughing car on the WHOLE island!
Are we too different? Is it too much to ask that he clears the kitchen when I have been cooking? I always clean up when he's been cooking for me. Is it to much to ask for a "thank you" because I washed his clothes with mine? Apparently. When I write this down I can just see why he thinks I'm a bitch nagging him about stuff like that, but I need things to be organised and clean around me to feel relaxed. He don't seem to care. Our flatmate don't care either.
Now I understand what my mother meant when she said that living with a man is raising another kid. I haven't had any kids yet (thank god for that!) but this is experience enough. She said she didn't want to live with a man again, (now she found a clean, organised one), and I understand her. I feel that if this ends, I'm NOT gonna move in with someone again unless it's perfectly clear how I wants and needs it to be around me. It's a stressful environment for me (imagine waking up and se dishes and pans and cutting boards and waste everywhere in the kitchen when you enter to eat breakfast).
I'm seriously thinking about moving out, the only problem is that my boyfriend has told me that he then will break up with me. "why should I want to be with a girl who don't want to live with me?". I get his point, but he needs to understand mine as well.
Right now he's annoyed with me (which puts me in distress) because I told him that I was disappointed with him, or actually I thanked him for leaving the kitchen in such a clean state when he went to bed last night. He promised to clean up since I cooked, but instead he just went to bed and I ended up cleaning the kitchen since I can't go to bed knowing I have to wake up to that! And HE is annoyed with me. Is that fair?
Ok, I know this is no fun to read, but since my best friend (now former best friend) don't talk to me anymore and my boyfriend is all I have here. Almost no contact with home, and no close friends here, then I just write it down here. And you can stop read whenever you want to and don't have to say a word =)
I'm just sad. Distressed and depressed. Should I stay or should I go? (interesting song btw) I can not trust him to do stuff I ask him for and since we are living together, it is kind of a big thing. Now I have to get rid of my msn trojan virus by myself (I have some kinds of instructions) since he promised me for a week to fix it now...every day. He has also promised to help me with a VERY importnant call, but now I will ask a friend of mine at work instead since he is in a hurry and will do it later all the time.
Do you want to know a new thing btw? If you ask our flatmate to take out the trash and he says ok, that means that he take the bag and tie it together and put it beside the waste bin in the kitchen.
IF you have a comment or advice, pleace post it for me. Don't know what to do. I love my boyfriend, but I'm not a house maid.
The only thing that made me really happy this week (since we had a fight on new years eve around 3 am, great start of the year) was that it actually started to snow!! In Belfast! And it is interesting to see that a whole country just went down because of 7 cm of snow. They were driving 20km/h and in the morning ALL the buses was cancelled so half of our team couldn't make it to work. =) This is a kind of primitive city, but I know for a fact that there isn't ONE ploughing car on the WHOLE island!