Safe and sound at a Christian College...woho...

Of course this is updated a little bit later...


It took me a little  bit of time and research to actually get into the city. I found the bus, number 615. I asked the driver to let me know when it was my stop since there was a Metro there. He remembered, very nice of him. He actually that I was from Ireland when I was complaining about the public transport over there. Should I take that as an insult?

By the way, I was about to fall asleep on the bus, I was soo tired. I still am. Of course, I have been awake for about 26 hours now. When I left the Airport and met the warmth, it felt like I was in Spain. I felt true happiness and joy!

I haven't felt that kind of heat since I was in Spain in 2007.


Managed to get down to the Metro, and I saw all the Swedish candy and drinks in the shops :) Yey!


I bought something to drink before I went down in the Metro. And the smell. It made me so happy. It was like being home. I managed to get on the right train and now I'm waiting for the bus. Decided to write a short update, in case I fall asleep once I'm there. Three buses that I can take have already left, but I felt that I needed some fresh air and also, I can't check in before 11, and the time now is 11.20.




Even later. Have slept for three hours. Am in perfect shape again and will now take on the task of sitting by the water to enjoy the silence and the sun...I am ready!


BUT, this is a Christian College and I'm not allowed to drink on the premises...

I have met four people so far. A Canadian, a Belgian, a Australian and my room mate whom I don't know where she's from yet. But we'll see :)


At least I have wifi!


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