Reconsidering my goals in life...moving to Finland?

I have survived day 2 of my Finnish course. It really is an intensive course! It's crazy how fast we are proceeding! But at least I'm not panicking as much as I did yesterday..probably only about 75-80% compared to yesterday... ;)
We spent the afternoon with listening to a historian telling us about Finnish history, very interesting. And after that I went swimming..and sat studying in the sun, while tanning...
And I started to reconsider my goals in life...
This is the first holiday I take since beginning of June last year. That's almost 14 months. No wonder I do. But I am in harmony. Sure, I stress about my Finnish, but I love it. I don't mind spending 3-4 hours of my evening with studying, but I'm in harmony.
I just love this country. To put it simple. I want to stay here. Spend the fall, the winter, the spring, find a man, get married, have kids, and die. In this beautiful country, in this country, with this difficult language. Theoretically speaking I would most likely get away with not speaking Finnish, if I live in a Swedish-speaking part of Finland.
But I want to learn it.
The guys at the course are awesome! Great people from around the world! Sarah is super! She's from Baltimore, if I haven't told you that before.
Have I told you about Kalle, the 19-year old from Texas? He's actually American, but he has a VERY Finnish name. Kalle Tinhunen or something. He's gorgeous. Could drown in his eyes. BUT, I feel old. ;)
He's younger than my sister..
Anyway, I really really like this place. And I really look forward to be here for the next two weeks! I will see if I can arrange to come back here again later this year!


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