Panicking! They're all speaking Finnish!!

Ok, end of Day 1!
Thank Goodness!
This day has been...chaotic..stressful..painful...and great in a thousand ways!
So I've met so many new people. I like most of them, but considering the fact that I only met them yesterday evening (the first few), I can't really say anything about them yet.
But what I can tell you is about my Finnish class. I'm in the intermediate group. Painful! First class was just a big blur. i didn't understand 50% of what the teacher was saying. The worst thing was that she said words I knew that I had been studying, I just couldn't recall what they meant. Annoying. But it got worse.
She doesn't explain anything in English, and we are 7 or 8 in the group. Seems like four of them have no difficulties at all following her.
An American guy, 19 year old Kalle from Texas (Kalle??), is struggling even more. And then there is a guy whose name is Ola I think. Not entirely sure. We seem to be on the same level. Ish.
The things she has asked as to do today and the homework for tomorrow is insane. I'm gonna go crazy if this is how the whole two weeks are gonna be. But I'm gonna suffer, and do this. I think it will be better. I just need to pick all of it up. And I have just collected all my notes, and will go through my old notes before I go out and take a swim :D
Anyway, I love this though. It is awesome! And I love being under pressure, even though it feels like I'm gonna crack under it at the moment. But you know I'll make it ;)


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