On my way to Helsinki...holiday?

I'm on my way to Helsinki...
Let me tell you about yesterday...I went home, and went out. As you might know. I met up with Lars, the Norwegian guy in Tier2 CPU and Rasmus, the Danish guy I've been going out with a few time (drinking).
We met at Franciscan. It was nice. I met one of the bouncers that I know from Bodegas. Not the guy who gave me his number though. I really should send him a text...
And who showed up in the middle of it? Oh guess, the Finn. And how did I feel? Hmm...fine. I didn't feel anything actually.
He sat down at our table just when I left to speak with a few German friends. He had left when I came back. Later I saw him greet a girl, and he kissed her... No wonder he didn't reply to my texts/ichats if he wanted to see me. But it made me a bit confused, why he kissed me three weeks ago.
Well, I didn't feel anything, and thank goodness for that! I am a bit disappointed though, because I expected more from him. I expected him to be more of a man, and to actually tell me no.
Whatever, I had put it behind me anyway.
But I must say that I have to thank him for a lot. He made me think. Not now, but when we went out 3 months ago. He started something. And I am glad he did. Now I am in the middle of finding out what I want, what I am, and I will get out of this in a while, as a better person, hopefully happier ;)
And guess what? I'm on my way to Finland!!!!
I am soooo happy, look so much forward to this!
I will try to update this when I can, since I have wifi at the college.
Woho! Sitting in a bar at the moment, having a glass of wine. Will be start walking towards the gate in about 30 min since I have no idea where it is... :)


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