Last weekend...

So, I promised to update this more often I know...

Anyway, I was out last Friday, as I told you, at this great place, Cypress Avenue. Guess what, I was there on Saturday as well. It was a guy at Apple, Jason, his birthday, and he had this BIG, and I mean BIG party!

I started the afternoon with looking out through the window. I couldn't see anything because of the heavy rain. Looked out a few hours later. Still couldn't see anything..

I went over to Magnus and me and Veera watched Black Sheep with him. Hilarious movie. If it happens in Ireland, we're doomed. It's kind of Shaun of the dead, but with sheep.

Watch the movie, and then say that it isn't worth watching! :D
We were terrified of leaving the house after. Were quite drunk... ;)

The party was great. Me and Veera danced all night, and I went to the after party at some place somewhere...have no idea where. But it was awesome!

I met so many new people, which was great! And I left the part at quarter to 7. I got a ride with a guy who hadn't been drinking all night since he was living quite far outside the city. We spent the last four hour talking. German guy, team Manager for Tier2 CPU (computers).

We had a blast!

This week has been busy, of course since I have tried to close off cases before my holiday. I received a strange text from a guy I dated in February, who ditched me just like that. He asked for "company".
I dragged him down to earth, and I wasn't nice. Let me just say that he wont be asking me for anything again...and hopefully he will think twice before he ditch a girl the next time.

I gave the Finn a last chance. He didn't take it. And I decided to move on. I don't have energy to waste my precious time and energy on someone who has 1. intelligence as a goldfish (if he hasn't understood that I like him), 2. doesn't know what he want (since he is hot&cold), or 3. a split personality (still since he is hot&cold).

So this week I have been getting rid of things in my life that drain energy. And that has given me a lot of energy, and I have been in an extremely good mood :)

And tomorrow I'm leaving for Finland!! Taking the train to Dublin at 09.30. Flight leaves at 16.40. Will arrive in Helsinki at 21.50.



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