In Helsinki - but nowhere to stay until tomorrow night...
So, landed safe and sound about 45 min ago. Slept all way through. Was soo tired. No wonder. I went to bed at 3.45 or something this morning since we were out.
I had so much fun. Didn't drink that much, (right) but as always when you are out and it is getting late, you know what I mean...
Anywho, I arrived fine, the sun was shining, it was still 26 degrees, even though it was 21.45 (19.45) for me. Strange with the time difference. Guess I wont be tired for another few hours then since I've had my power nap now.
But I have nowhere to stay. My lovely friend Veera promised to have a look around among friends, but unfortunately most of them are on holiday at the moment, so she couldn't get hold of anyone, but it was very nice of her to try at least :)
The "cheapest" hostel here costs 42 euro/night. As IF I'm gonna pay that to sleep there for a few hours and then get up and get to the college. Right...
The cheapest hotel is 68 euro.
And guess what, I now know that I'm back in one of the Nordic countries, because there is FREE WiFi at the Airport, and it is faster than the internet I use at home...(In Ireland)..
Happy happy happy!
So what I'm looking forward to at the moment is spending the coming 10-11 hours in this airport, and then I'll get into the city centre somehow. Don't know how yet. Guess there are buses, but I'll think I'll manage to figure out with internet available.
And isn't this what makes it an adventure? Things never goes as planned..but hey, at least I'm in Finland, and not a country somewhere in Africa (no offence).