Finnish people, who are they? And do they actually talk?

I think I need to reconsider my prejudices about Finnish people. Well some of them at least.
As I said before, my experience with Finnish guys aren't that good. Now I think I know why I fell for him at least. He has the same beard as James Hetfield in Metallica...It's something about that kind of beard...
They can get a long way with that... And of some reason, I have seen A LOT of Finnish guys here during my "few" hours at the airport with similar beards..
If I can manage to get my course mates to go out on Friday, I'm definitely gonna try to get one of them to talk to me (a Finn I mean). The Finn I know in Ireland talks a bit, but he is a bit special as you know by now.
Veera, I love. She's like me. Talks a lot. She smiles a lot. She flirts a lot. (unintentionally most of the time) It's just the way both of our personalities are. And I think that's why I like her so much.
But as you can see on the pictures, we are the complete opposites.
Still, several people have asked us if we are sisters??
Awesome anyway. The best thing is that she know is gonna stay here for at least a year since she got a job. I am so happy about that, because I would miss her a lot otherwise.
Kamila is pregnant and is expecting her girl on July 30. So when I get home, hopefully she'll have her little girl :)
Me and Ewa has become quite good friends. I'll make sure to maintain that :)
Mikael (Micke, flatmate) and I are good friends and we get along great.
I am hanging out with Lasse, Rasmus and trying to start to hang out with Jonas as well. It's important to keep socialising. You never know when you will need friends.
Friends is what makes life worth living, together with family.
And at the moment, I have decided that I would prefer staying single. I will not look for a relationship, which is a little bit what I did when I went out with the Finn. That might have been the mistake. I might have scared him away. Even though I made it clear that I didn't expect a serious relationship.
Just take it as it comes, go out, meet people. Enjoy my life and see what happens.
I hope that everybody can be as happy as me :) Now I'm gonna watch another movie, and hopefully I can leave soon :)
Oh yeah, I went to the restroom and changed clothes, cleaned my face, brushed my teeth, put on some new make-up, and suddenly I look like a normal person again. It's not healthy to sit at an airport for nine hours. I have been here since 10.45 GMT+2 yesterday. And I have at least two more hours left :/


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