Cypress Avenue, Salsa, African dance, and forgetting...

Went to Cypress Avenue in Cork for the first time yesterday. A friend of ours at Apple is leaving to start working for a store in Paris, and he had a leaving party. A LOT of French people, as usual... ;)

Me and Ewa arrived around 11.30. It was great. They were dancing salsa when we arrived, and I was terrified! I've not danced salsa since I was 14, and that was for one hour...
Anyway, we took a few shots, and went to stand beside the dance floor. The DJ changed the music, to some kind of African music, and suddenly 20 people were standing together on the dance floor doing this dance. It was almost like watching a Bollywood movie ;)

And you know what? I joined them. I watched them for a minute or so before I joined them, and I don't think I've had that much fun at a club for a very very long time!
It was insane!
Apparently they have evenings like this a few times a month. I will definitely be going from now on...

Today, in about an hour, I'm going over to a friend to watch a movie called "Black Sheep". Watch this trailer:


I told my friends who are going to the party tonight, that if I don't show up, it's because I'm to afraid to leave the house because of the amount of sheep that we have here in Ireland. If this would happen in Ireland, we're basically f*****!!  ;)


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