Again at Helsinki Airport - Leaving the beautiful city...

Waiting for the check-in to open. I have spent my two weeks here. I have a lovely burn on my arms and shoulders. It has now started to hurt... :P
These two weeks have been great! I wish I could have stayed here for another month or so. I realized how much I miss studying. And really intensive studying. I love pushing myself to the limit. Even though it is exhausting.
I did well on the final test :D I speak a little bit of Finnish. Puhun vähän suomea. :)
I stayed at Helka Hotell last night. It was quite expensive, but definitely worth it. I needed some quiet. I spent most of the evening at the hotel, watching movies, and talking to mum over Skype.
I have some nice Bollywood movies and Mumin in Finnish :D
Will definitely come back here soon. Now I just need to find a Finnish partner, or someone I can manipulate into moving to Finland with me :P but I now know for sure that I want to move here. And even though Finnish is crazy difficult, and the course just have proven that, I am now more determined that I'm gonna learn it!
I have bought four Finnish books, a grammar book and two dictionaries. I pocket dictionary and a big proper one with a CD. I'm gonna make sure that I continue my studies.
Lucky for me, I have Veera, who will help me, since I don't believe that Rainer will be much of help. I don't think I want his help at the moment anyway. :)
Can you feel my happiness? :D
I haven't felt this good in such a long time. I'm really looking forward to coming home, to get back to work and to see my babies :) I will be crazy busy though, will probably have about 700 emails to read, and all my cases to take care of. But it will be a great start of the week. And if I get down tomorrow and I'm not too exhausted, I will go and grab a beer at Suaz. I have really missed the Guinness. They don't have it here.
Have only been drinking cider (bleeeh) and Lapin Kulta :P
Check-in is open!


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