A true friend...
I was actually a bit nervous. I met three of the people who was gonna be in my course earlier, as I told you. Didn't feel any interest in them at all. They seemed very boring. Even though they were from far away Canada, Australia and interesting Belgium...Woho..
Started to think about my room mate. Hadn't met her. Only knew her name was Sarah something...
I was sitting by the MBP when she came in. Liked her from the start. She has the latest MBP... :D
She studied Graphic Design at University in US, and is from Baltimore, or that's where she was studying at least. She is originally from New Jersey. She's one year younger than me.
Took about two min and we realized that this is gonna be two awesome weeks! We googled the closest bar :P
And we have spent the whole evening eating pizza, talking about our lives, and drinking a little bit of beer. And I mean A LITTLE. She's originally South Korean, adopted to US, when she was about 1,5 years old, and she has moved here now, because she loves Finland.
BUT! I didn't think of the fact that she can't drink as we can. Even though she said that she has to be careful. She said that she was ok, but after about three beers, and one shot of Tequila (I'm not joking), she started to feel bad.
I've spent the last 1,5 hours trying to get her home. I have taken care of her, held her hair, nurtured her ;) and finally managed to get her home because of a very nice bar owner who said that he would drive us home. I would never have been able to otherwise.
I have showered her, I have put her in bed, and she is sleeping at the moment.
Isn't it strange. Some people you just meet, and like her, we just clicked. Awesome :) Thank Goodness I'm sharing room with her and not with one of the boring girls I met earlier!
Prefer taking care of someone like this, than going to bed at 22.00...
Anyway, tomorrow it's time for Finnish!!! :)