Yeaaaah, finally Friday

Long long week. I never thought it was gonna end. At least not the work it's finally weekend!

Carl has a friend over from Limerick. I will go out and have a few beers with them in a few min, have dressed up nicely and stuff already. Ready to get pissed... ;)

So many things have happened this week, so I really need to vent. But I can't get too drunk since I'm gonna play basketball tomorrow. And on Sunday it's Kamilas birthday :D need to find her a present.

Anywho, I had one of these thingies this morning. You know when you suddenly are aware of how alive you are. And I saw everything and I was just happy that I am living the life I am.
There have been and a lot of bumps on the road, and I have a few in front of me, but still, I really really enjoy my life here in Ireland. Except the rain. And no, I'm not drunk yet ;) haven't started drinking yet.

But I need to go, don't want to be too late...and need to find a pair of shoes to wear and a bag..



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