Interview done, next on the list - Chris moving in

So I applied for the ER position (Executive relation) two weeks ago. And last week, after being quite a bit nervous about it, I received an email saying I had been chosen to come for an interview.
Of around 100 applicants, we were between 5 and 10 people who actually got an interview. I was PROUD! :)
And happy! But I got this email on Thursday afternoon and the interview was on Tuesday. Went directly to my manager who cursed since we had so little (?!) time to prepare me for the interview. He gave me advise, I then went home even more stressed out.
Friday was spent with Zarah who works for ER since a few months back and she gave me some info about the job they do. And I met another manager who worked for ER and he cursed as well when I told him when the interview was...
I went home that Friday and didn't have anything but ER in my mind. Prepared the whole weekend for all the normal questions you get, but also to present myself and sell myself since I have done so many different things in all my projects.
Sunday I relaxed and went and saw Avatar with Carl. Awesome movie! Want to see it again.

Spent Monday obsessing about the interview and preparing again, everybody has all the time been saying "you'll get it, no problem", but the problem here is that even if I was good enough to get through to the final few, the ones that were called for interview, probably are VERY good as well.
Spent Monday after work trying to find clothes to wear. Didn't want to be to dressed up, but still, needed to show that I am going for an interview. Found some clothes and went to bed.

Obsessed the whole morning today about the interview. Got to the interview and we had a great time. I spoke non-stop for about 50 min, and they said in the end that the interview went fine. Exhausted, I thanked them and left the room, with the information that I now will have to wait for up to two weeks before I get a yes or a no.  Yey.

At least the interview is now over and I can't do anything more about it, but I hope that I showed that I would be great. All people up there who know me, have sold me to them as well, so I might have a tiny advantage there :)

We'll see..

Now, I'm off to bed. My head is empty.

Oh, and by the way, I got accepted to the Finnish course in July this year in Helsinki :D so I will spend two weeks in Helsinki studying! Awesome!

The last thing was that Chris, the Danish guy in our team, is moving in with me on Saturday. He is leaving Ireland in about a month and will be living with me until he finish Apple and goes home. THAT is gonna be interesting :)

Postat av: Mia

Jag tror nog det går bra Erika =)

Hoppas att du har det bra där borta och jag skulle gärna vilja se lite bilder =)

Men varför ska Chris bo hos dig?

Ha de bäst Kram Mia

2010-02-01 @ 00:31:16

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