Can life get any better?

Now let me tell you about this week.

I haven't been able to concentrate really. soon I'll be moving to Executive Relations!! :D And I'll be an important person ;)

No, but the week was ok, didn't do much since I was a bit sick. And I was sooooo busy with trying to close of my cases...
And I have been texting the whole week with Max, he is sweet. I like him. On Thursday and Kamila had to spend the whole day together with a Senior Advisor who monitored everything we did, the whole day!! Yey..
It's for a project. Well, I couldn't really concentrate, and since I got the ER job, suddenly everybody is asking me for advise. I will even be above the Senior Advisors :P I will be able to overrule their decisions...woho.
POWER!!! ;)

Anywho, it was our early day, so me and Kamila took the bus home. And I got a fit on the bus. Again. So the ambulance had to come and pick me up. They didn't drive me to the hospital this time though since Kamila was with me, but I hurt myself worse this time. Bruises and my tongue is blue.
So I had to stay home on Friday. Missed Chris last day at work. Apparently he gave me a lot of things and he also moved a lot of my stuff over to ER, so I can just take the last things on Monday morning and then go there right away..

Friday was spent very quiet. Tore promised that we were gonna do something on Saturday (have I heard that before?), on Saturday I couldn't get hold of him, so I went over to Carl and watched a movie with him and Christophe. And then Max texted me and asked if I wanted to stay over at his place. :)

So I went home, grabbed some stuff and he came and picked me up. He lives in a beautiful house in Glanmire. We drank some tea and then we went up to bed and lay there talking for hours. And slept. :)
I like him. A lot. I want to see him again. I hope he wants to see me again. We have a lot in common. Then he drove me home this morning since he was going for lunch with his friend. I hope I will see him in the beginning of next week. But we'll see. Maybe he loses interest...

But in any case, my life at the moment is as good as it can be. I have been promoted, I love my flat and my lovely kitties (Odin lies beside me, snoring at the moment) I am at least for now dating a gorgeous guy who is nice, interesting, and everything a guy should be :) what more can I ask for?

My plan now, as I discussed with Carl and Christophe yesterday, is that my goal is to be Area Manager by the time I'm 30. I have 5 years :) Time to get to work and show how awesome I am!

Life is awesome!

This was last week...couldn't update..

So, a week has gone...and things I never could imagine happen, happened...

Ok, so Monday was a normal Monday, and I was a bit stressed of course since I still hadn't heard anything from my interview. No one had.

I was up the whole evening baking semlor, since it was Fettisdagen on Tuesday and I had decided to be awesome and bring semlor to work! It went fine, I have never ever baked anything sooo complicated before. It took me almost five hours to do everything.

Went to bed late that night and had to get up early to whip the cream so that I could bring it to work. More stress. Stressed to the bus and almost missed it. Met Maijke and Fernand on the bus, sat down, and got a fit.
Woke up and the ambulance people were there and took me to the hospital.
I was in the hospital most of the day. Didn't speak with Tore since his phone still didn't work, but managed to text Shane and tell him I would be in a few hours late (still a bit confused I think).

Got home in the afternoon and just went to bed.

Wednesday...Orla sent me an ichat saying she wanted to give me feedback on the interview. I got soooo nervous, didn't know if it was a good or a bad thing!! Kamila and Carl wished me good luck and I went over to ER. And Orla explained to me that they knew already under the interview that they wanted me and that the job was mine!!!!
After that, I was walking around on fluffy white clouds for the rest of the day, everybody congratulated me and seriously, I don't think I have been this happy for many many years!
I managed to get a position in Executive Relations!!!! Isn't that awesome?!

I'm starting on Monday..

Me and Pia decided to go out on Friday and she slept at my place. We had a great time!
Had a tiny hangover on Saturday, and that was our team night out night..met the team and went out drinking. Started out in Franciscan Well and went to Slate's after to celebrate Chris leaving thingie.
Got 1.30 me and Carl decided to go home and we went to McDonalds and he walked me home (he wants to make sure I'm not attacked or anything on the way)

And what do you think was gonna happen on Sunday?

I was going on a date! I haven't been on a date for years, and on Friday, this Italian guy from iPhone tier2 asked me if I wanted to have a few drinks with him. I was sooooo nervous!
We had a great time. Spent many hours in Soho, drinking a few beers, just chatting. Nice guy, I must say. :) We're gonnna go out again :)

And now I'm on my last week as a CR Advisor, soon I'll be climbing up the ladder and be an ER Advisor, having the power to do everything really. My word is the law. I am the highest escalation point, no Manager transfers or "Supervisor requests". That's me already! :P

And I realized that I at the moment am walking around most of my day, with a huge smile on my face. Because with all the crap that happened last year, it feels like it all comes together now. It is MY TIME now. And I know it wont last forever and I want to make sure that I enjoy and appreciate it as much as I can, while it last.
I wont even try to find problems and stuff, why would I? Just enjoy the simple life.

I have been promoted (because I'm awesome), I have friends that I love and I have someone that enjoy being in my company and who likes me enough to ask me out for a second date. Something I haven't felt in years is making me nervous...we'll see what happens...

But life is beautiful! Enjoy it while you can!

Long week, weekend is almost over, time for another one...

Long week. Short weekend.

This week has been one of the longest this year. And in a long long time. But I have done a lot of things. Chris moved in with me last Sunday. It has been kind of fun living with him actually :) I'm happily surprised. Not that I didn't think that I would like it, but I love living alone and didn't know how I would feel having someone else living in my flat. But it's great :)

On Tuesday, Kamila and I went to the dance show at the Cork Opera House. It was the first time I ever went to something like that, and I was kind of happily surprised as well. Even though the shows were strange. It started with a man behind glass, doing strange moves. Completely naked! For about ten min! The first 5 min, I couldn't really concentrate on anything else but the fact that he was completely naked and that it was just flapping around ;)

But the shows were good and we had a good time.

Wednesday I was at the gym and then played basketball with the guys. It was rough, but awesome! I love it! Then we had a fight with the badminton guy who booked the hall after us, he kind of threw us out even though they only used half of it and we could have continued to play. I was quite upset but anyway.

Thursday. The worst day in a long long long time.
Around 10.30 I get a call from a tier1 tech agent. He has a customer who wants to speak with us. I advised him that I could take over the customer but asked if he first could inform the customer that it would make no difference, I wouldn't be able to give him what he requested.
The agent refused. He told me that it wasn't his job to do my job. We discussed for 12 min, while the customer was on hold, and in the end we were both almost screaming at each other. He was a complete idiot. What shocked me the most was when he told me that his job wasn't to make it easy for me, it was to make it difficult for me! I thought I hallucinated!
In the end he transferred the customer and I dealt with the case but then I sent a feedback to his manager, something that I'm sure that he did to me as well. I had spoken to Shane though and explained everything.

Later that afternoon, the agents manager came over and asked if he could talk to me. He apologized several times and apparently he had been listening in to the call and heard the end of it. And also, he had taken over the call from the agent and was the one who thanked me before transferring the customer (something that I had reacted on since the agent had been so unfriendly) but I had been so upset so I didn't actually hear a difference.
He promised that he was gonna speak with the agent and have a serious talk with him.
It took me almost 24 hours to calm down completely from that call. I haven't been this angry, upset or frustrated for many many years. If the guy had been sitting close to me, I would have gone over and smacked him in the face!

This case is apparently something that everybody in CR know of now. It's legendary! ;) And he is probably hated forever by all CR advisors...

Friday came anyway. Busy!
First I went home to Melinda after work and played wii with her, it was awesome to get rid of some anger while doing swordplay and I realized that I miss golf a lot and am thinking about starting again.

Stress home to get ready since Ewa had a birthday thing at Suaz. Went there, looked awesome! ;)
We continued to Bodega's. I had promised myself not to get drunk since I was gonna play basketball on Sunday, but I felt when I got out that I needed to after this week.
Had a great time! When Kamila went home, I went to the bar to order a drink and ended up talking to a few Irish guys, who apparently play for Neptune which is supposed to be one of the best basketball teams in Ireland. And they told me that the best womens team is in Glanmire, which is just around the corner!! I'm gonna check that out.
One of the guys were incredibly good-looking. He was married (of course) but we had a great time. I left Bodega's when they closed and wasn't that drunk :) started talking to one of the security guys at the door. Nice Irish guy. Think his name was Connor or something like that. We talked a lot even though he was supposed to make sure that everybody got out. And he then gave me a lot of free entrance cards to Bodega's. I think I will use them and go and see him again. He seemed nice, maybe next time I wont get drunk when I'm there so I can have a normal conversation with him... :)

Anywho, I was just about to go home, then the French guys came and suddenly I was on my way to an after party. But people dropped off and when we got to where the guy lived, we were 6 guys and me. I stayed for just half an hour or so, thought it was best to leave before they all got too drunk. I took a taxi home and then I woke up Saturday with a hangover...
Yey, no basketball for me. I've played WOW and watched movies. And eaten pizza.

On Monday, hopefully I'll get a reply if I get the ER position or not. We'll see.

Anywho, I rock!


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