Weekend of surfing and !bathing! in Dingle, Ireland

I'm sorry I haven't updated my blogg for a while. I would love to say that I have been crazy busy (which I partially have been), but also, I have been so tired in the evenings and have been up to so many things.

Two weeks ago, I went to Dingle with two French colleagues, which was really really nice. We slept at a B&B and in the evening we went to a restaurant and then to a pub. It was the first time I ever saw a pub that was a shop during day and pub during night... You learn new things every day :)

In the morning, we went by the coast and took pictures, it was beautiful. I loved it. And then we went back towards Cork and stopped at Inch Beach where they were gonna surf. I had purchased a bikini in Dingle since I had decided that I wanted to take a swim while they were surfing. And I did!! :D
It was about 10 degress Celsius in the water, and about 16 degrees in the air. And beautiful big waves! I was happy! I have a photograph confirming this!

Was very very tired on Sunday evening when I came back home. And by the way, I was kind of flirting with Christophe, one of the French guys, he works in CR. He's really really nice. But I don't know. I'm a black hole when it comes to feelings...

The week passed and the weekend after I went out with Jessica. It was great! I met many of her Irish friends and we had a great time. I went with them to an after party after the pub closed. And I stayed there until 10.00 on Sunday morning. I stopped drinking by 01.00 and didn't smoke or anything, so when I got home I just got really really sick. It was awful. And I was supposed to go for a date with an Irish guy on Sunday afternoon.. I had to cancel that and sleep...

He understood ish.. :) and I went to work on Monday, knowing my new flatmate would arrive within a few days...coming from Sweden to start at Apple CR on Thursday. That was earlier this week.


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