Living la vida loca' in Cork, Ireland

'When I grow up.."how how how how" I wanna be famous I wanna be a movie star...'

Sitting in our new flat drinking Whiskey and beer. I love this place. Awesome. The taxi drivers of course now where I live when I give them my address "The Elysian, please" but at least three have now said that it is there first drive to that address =) and they ask me how it is, how the flats are and if there are many people living there...

'We'll escape this planet until infinity. To infinity'

Truth to be told. It's like heaven. It's honestly like lving in a hotel. I love it. I'm happy. It takes about five min to walk to the bus and 4 min to walk to the main shopping street. We have pubs around the corners and a garda station (police) and fire station as well. We have 24 hour concierge who during evening/night shift works as security as well.
This is the best decision I've made since I left Sweden.

'Are we human? Or are we dancer?'

I am leaving Ireland for Sweden on Thurday. My sister is graduating. And do you know what is worrying me the most? It's that I wont be able to speak proper Swedish. I am soo stressed out. Customers don't even believe me when I say that I'm from Sweden. And apparently I am starting to get this 'cute Irish accent'...
But I'm proud to be who I am. I am cool, I'm good at my job (even though I must say that my new colleague Kamila is superb, she is sooo patient with the customers!)
Kamila had a customer on the line Friday about noon, and she sat with him for over 1,5 hours trying to explain that we wouldn't make an exception for him. He was screaming at her several times but she just kept her calm and said "please sir, could you not shout at me". I am very impressed with her. She is cool.

Anywho, soon I'm going home and it's gonna be strange. Btw, did I say that I am planning to take driving lessons? I'm gonna take a driving license here, it's my plan at least. We'll see when I have done some driving...and then just the thought about moving from here, that would mean that I would learn how to drive on the "wrong side" as the correct side so when I get home to Sweden it will be wrong to drive there. Strange huh?

Ok, gonna grab another beer now...

But I need to say, I live a great life, I am sad that I left Sweden (and therefore got dumped by my ex whom I think I probably would be engaged or something serious like that to today) but I think that it never was planned for me to stay there. Can't imagine that I would be happy in Sweden. Still, it takes me about 24 hours from arriving to Stockholm, before I realize why I left. The people from Stockholm..awful. No wonder people don't like us! Get a grip, the world doesn't evolve around us!
So my plan at the moment? Me and Tore are fine since we moved here, just gonna by a TV for our bedroom now and all will be great. Also, three colleagues have now moved in at Elysian so I'll be popping over to them in the evenings.

That's where I live...understand why I love it?

Postat av: Ulrika

Inget fel på stockholmare :) Irländare är inget att hurra för heller alla gånger måste jag säga ;)

2009-05-31 @ 11:34:11
Postat av: Mia

jag vill ha uppdatering tack =) vill veta vad som händer där borta =)

2009-07-03 @ 23:29:13

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